
dynamically populate identy in web.config

Is there a way i can dynamically populate the username and password of identity in web.config from my code behind... as i cannot hard code it. <identity impersonate="true" userName = "Admin" password= "xyz"> any help..???? Thanks This the first part the 2nd part i think i can solve if i get this.... 2nd part link text I got a link...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and Identity Lifecycle Management

Customers are stored in Dynamics CRM 4.0 an some need access to external facing application and therefore should be provisioned in the DMZ Active Directory. Does it make sense to use MS Identity Management Lifecycle to push the accounts in the DMZ Active Directory? ...

Why does HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name return the wrong username when used in a webpart?

In a Sharepoint web page I am having a problem identifying the logged in user! The Masterpage contains a normal ootb control that displays the username <%@ Register TagPrefix="wssuc" TagName="Welcome" Src="~/_controltemplates/Welcome.ascx" %> ..... ..... <wssuc:Welcome id="explitLogout" runat="server" /> This always displayed the cor...

DB2 override auto generated key when inserting

Hi, I want to insert an item to a table in the database. The table has a key that is auto generated. Is it possible to override the auto generated key, (force a value). If so how? ...

Enterprise Library Policy Injection Logging Managed Security Context Information in ASP.NET

I am using The Policy Injection Application Block to log methods that are called in my ASP.NET application. I would like these log entries to include information like the current user identity, whether the user is authenticated and so forth. All of this information is provided by the ManagedSecurityContextInformationProvider, but I can'...

Why say x = x in Python?

In this file, in the function cross_from_below(x, threshold), there is a line that says threshold = threshold. What's the point of this line? Does this do something differently than if this command weren't there? ...

Hibernate and Flyweight

Is there a way to use Flyweight objects with the hibernating persistence mapping? My data model contains many objects that will be the same. Instead of having a separate instance for each of those same objects I'd like to use the Flyweight Design Pattern and reference always the same physical object. How to achieve this in hibernate? Bt...

Question about Object Identity and Object Equality and String class exception

This is a Java and C# question. We all know that, Object Identity(==) tests whether two objects refer to the same location and Obejct Equality(Equals method) tests whether two different (non identical)objects have the same value .But In case of string object Object Identity and Object Equality are same. For e.g Below two boolean expres...

How do I insert the identity ID column in XML data in a SQL Server table?

I have an audit table in my SQL Server 2008 database which contains the XML for data that I am auditing. Inside this XML, though, I require the ID of the audit record in the audit table. The catch is that the ID is an identity column. So it is kind of a catch 22, I can't insert the XML until I know the ID, and I cant find the ID until...

How bad is it to simulate IDENTITY/AUTOINCREMENT columns using triggers in Oracle?

I maintain an application that was originally written to be SQL Server-specific (using IDENTITY fields). Thus, we've had to define a lot of triggers to auto increment tables' primary keys. I'm told that this is considered to be a hacky workaround in the Oracle world, but that was told to me in a "friend of a friend" kind of way. How b...

Using (void*) as a type of an identifier

In my program, I have objects (of the same class) that must all have a unique identifier. For simplicity and performance, I chose to use the address of the object as identifier. And to keep the types simple, I use (void*) as a type for this identifier. In the end I have code like this: class MyClass { public: typedef void* identity_t;...

Auto-increment on Azure Table Storage

I am currently developing an application for Azure Table Storage. In that application I have table which will have relatively few inserts (a couple of thousand/day) and the primary key of these entities will be used in another table, which will have billions of rows. Therefore I am looking for a way to use an auto-incremented integer, ...

Silverlight client identity not always passed to server?

I have a Silverlight client that has some problems talking to the server it originates from via a WCF basicHttpBinding. The service configuration is as follows: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="silverlightBinding"> <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly"> <transport client...

Referencing object's identity before submitting changes in LINQ

Hi, is there a way of knowing ID of identity column of record inserted via InsertOnSubmit beforehand, e.g. before calling datasource's SubmitChanges? Imagine I'm populating some kind of hierarchy in the database, but I wouldn't want to submit changes on each recursive call of each child node (e.g. if I had Directories table and Files ta...

SPs exchanging attributes in a Federation

On a SAML v2 Federation, is it possible for the SPs to exchange attributes when the federation is based on the use of Pseudonym Identifiers? Should the SP that holds the attribute function as an IdP? In that case, should there be a transient linking of accounts between SP1 & SP2? ...

.NET - How to Get the current VPN Windows Identity

Hello, I have a console application that calls a WCF service on a remote domain. The WCF service is uses Windows credential type for the transport and message credential types. The WCF service is configured to negotiate for the user's credentials. My question is how can I obtain the identity object that the WCF service uses on the cl...

What is the difference between Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current?

I know Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current all get the value of the identity column, but i would love to know the difference. Part of the controversy i'm having is what do they mean by scope as applied to these functions above? I would also love a simple example of different scenarios of using them? ...

JBoss Seam using LDAP Indetity Store and JPA Identity Store together

Hello all, I've been recently working on a JBoss Seam project (v2.1.1) where I want to autheticate against LDAP/AD and store premissions in a custom DB schema. The documentation states that this is possible and I saw a text-book example that doesn't work for me since the DB schema is managed by Hibernate. Has anyone out there done some...

Update SQL Server

pretty simple query for u guys, im just new to this. here's the scenario - one table with 10 fields. On first aspx page, i do insert first 5 fields (programid is one of them). On the second aspx page, i update the same record entered in previous screen (same programid) for the next 5 fields. but the programid is not unique. one programid...

I set IDENTITY_INSERT to ON but I get a SqlException saying it's OFF

I'm trying to grab thousands of invoices (and other stuff) from a text file and insert them into SQL Server 2008. I wrote a little console app to do this and it uses LINQ to SQL. After I insert all the existing invoices I want the Invoice_ID to be an identity column and auto-increment, so I have it designed as such: CREATE TABLE [dbo]...