
Why does IE8 fail to when viewing local HTML files (and how to fix it)?

Due to orders, I must test some pages from a local file system running Windows XP and IE8. Firefox and other browsers can view the documents and javascript for opening new windows works. However, with IE8, I get new window filled with some default error message, "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Anyhow the first "launche...

Monitor HTTP requests made by IE8

I thought developer tools could do this but I'm struggling to find it. Any other recommendations? ...

gwt developer tools IE8 plugin install problem on Windows 7

Today I started testing a gwt application on a new notebook with Windows 7. Testing with Firefox went OK, then I started it in IE8. The "Development Mode requires the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin" comes up, fine, click on Download. A moment (and a download) later, an IE security warning window comes up ("Do you want to run this so...

console.time() in IE8 Developer Tools

Is there an equivalent to console.time(''); console.timeEnd(''); in IE8 Developer Tools? ...

IE8 forces compatibility mode when using jquery.animate()

I've been fighting against IE8's compatibility mode all day and I'm about to chuck a brick at it. I have some code, which uses jquery 1.2 (yes it's old - can't change that), to search for some records in our web app. The results of the search can be clicked on to view the contents of the record (by using .animate() it opens a space und...

IE8 Developer Tools not displaying Style info

Hi Everyone, I'm running into an issue with IE8 developer tools where they Style information is not displaying in the pane when I select an element. It is definitely page specific as I can switch to another page and the styles will appear for that page when I select an element. Strangely, if I add an inline style to an element, the inl...

AJAX inconsistency in IE 8??

This is my code: (rather, the dodgy part thereof) if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari var requisicao=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { var requisicao=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Ok. Sometimes this works fine, but sometimes the Javascript Debugger in IE tells me this: Obje...

IE8 Developer Tools Pin will not work

IE8 Developer Tools opens in a new window when I press F12. It used to open in a panel at the bottom of the current IE8 window. The Pin button at the top right does nothing, neither does the Ctrl+P shortcut. How can I fix this? ...

Developing applications for IE 8

Anyone know of any good references for building applications for IE 8? I found this (but not yet released) for example: I would like to build a simple toolbar app that records visited websites. That possible? Or are they other suggestions on how to build this type of application? ...

Enter-key Prevention Javascript Not Working for JSF 1.1 in IE

Notes on environment: JSF 1.1 using Infragistics component library. I'm using the following Javascript to attempt to prevent an 'Enter' keypress from submitting a form. function disableEnterKey(e){ var key; if(window.event) key = window.event.keyCode; else key = e.which; return (key !...