
Problem when implementing a wrap class for an array when trying to implement IEnumerable

I am implementing a class that basicaly wraps an array: public abstract class IndividualBase : IEnumerable<Gene> { private readonly Gene[] genoma; ... public IEnumerator<Gene> GetEnumerator() { return genoma.GetEnumerator(); } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(...

Implement IEnumerable on property

Assuming the class public class Foo { public List<Bar> Bar = new List<Bar>(); public string Something; public TStatus Status; } Bar is a class defined as public class Bar { public string Code; public string Message; public TStatus Status; } I need to iterate the list Bar but I cant use a foreach because I ...

LINQ Query with OrderBy in object that inherits from KeyedCollection not using IEnumerableOf

I have this class declaration: Public Class clsColection(Of T) Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection(Of String, T) Implements System.Collections.IEnumerable Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) ... Public Shadows Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator(Of T...

How can I dump the normal properties on an IEnumerable in Linqpad

If I have an object that among other things is an IEnumerable and I dump this object I get the enumerated values. Is there a way to get Linqpad to list the other properties: Se example below: Can I get Dump to include Hello and digits properties? void Main() { var t = new test(); var d = new Dictionary<string,string> {{"Hello"...

Find if an item in one IEnumerable is also in another IEnumerable

I have 2 IEnumerable of Type1 and Type2, ie. IEnumerable<Type1> & IEnumerable<Type2>. Type1 and Type2 have 1 common field, called TypeID. Multiple of same TypeID may exists in IEnumerable<Type2>, I would like to check against the 2 IEnumerables and if TypeID inside Type2 equals to TypeID inside Type1, I would combine the 2 into a new obj...

How to enumerate over nested enumerators.

I have a variable IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>>. I'm trying to somehow aggregate it into an IEnumerable<int> which enumerates over all the integers in order. (All the integers from the first set, then all the integers from the second, etc.) I looked into LINQ's aggregate method, but the only examples I found was string concatenation, and...

Check if return type is IEnumerable<T>

How can I check if the return type of a function is IEnumerable<T>? In other words, I don't want to match List<T>, even though it implements IEnumerable<T>. Or put even another way, how can I detect if a function has deferred execution? ...

The order of elements in Dictionary

Hi, My question is about enumerating Dictionary elements // Dictionary definition private Dictionary<string, string> _Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // add values using add _Dictionary.Add("orange", "1"); _Dictionary.Add("apple", "4"); _Dictionary.Add("cucumber", "6"); // add values using [] _Dictionary["banana"] = ...

silverlight: Help with IEnumerable

Please i need help: i have a listbox binded to IEnumerable source Person is a class that contains the following properties: Name (string), isChecked(bool) i need to change the property "isChecked" for a specific person with the name "Bob" i'm not able to change the value of the property! please help ...

Map two lists into a dictionary in C#

Given two IEnumerables of the same size, how can I convert it to a Dictionary using Linq? IEnumerable<string> keys = new List<string>() { "A", "B", "C" }; IEnumerable<string> values = new List<string>() { "Val A", "Val B", "Val C" }; var dictionary = /* Linq ? */; And the expected output is: A: Val A B: Val B C: Val C I wonder if ...

Why SomethingCollection is used instead of Collection<Something>?

Hi, In .NET Framework, there are some classes which use SomethingCollection syntax. For example, when dealing with SqlCommand, it has a parameter Parameters of type SqlParameterCollection. Since it does not have a form of IEnumerable<SqlParameter> (or IList<SqlParameter> or something similar), it is impossible to write: foreach (var c...

Error: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type IENumerable

Hi guys, I'm following the sportsStore tutorial from the Apress Pro Mvc 2 Framework book. It's been a while since I touched .net, and I'm completely new to Mvc and I've fallen at the first stumbling block! I have the following error: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'IENumerable' because 'IENumerable...