
Will side-effects be executed in this if clause

Does the function add_new_user run the SQL INSERT query if it is inside the if clause? I have the functions function add_new_user ( $username, $email, $passhash_md5 ) { -- cut: database INSERT queries return 1; } I use the code abo...

java: is else necessary after if else if statements?

I thought else at the end of if{} else if{} else if{} is not necessary in java but unless I put it in the code does not work. why is this? ...

Why use if-else if in C++?

Why would you use if-else statements if you can make another if statement? Example with multiple ifs: input = getInputFromUser() if input is "Hello" greet() if input is "Bye" sayGoodbye() if input is "Hey" sayHi() Example with else-if: input = getInputFromUser() if input is "Hello" greet() else if input is "Bye" ...

Javascript if(function_foo()) doesn't wait for function_foo() to complete

I have an if statement: if(authenticate_session("secret_password12345")){ alert("You are authenticated"); }else{ alert("Intruder alert!"); } and the javascript authenticate function, which makes an jQuery POST AJAX call to the server to do the actual authentication, and returns true or false: function authenticate_session(sess...

Matching up Curly Brackets

I am having a difficult time matching up curly brackets in this code. It keeps indicating a "else" without an "if" error but not sure how the syntax should read. If anyone can help it would be most appreciated. Here is the code: private void compileFactor() { boolean its_a_variable = theInfo.isVar(); if (isIdent(theToken...

2 variable switch loop

Hi everyone, Is it possible to use switch statement over if else when condition is made of 2 variables. Thanks. added: foreach( DataRow row in workingTable.Rows ) { if( isKey && isValue ) workingDictionary.Add( row[ keyIdentifier ].ToString(), row[ valueIdentifier ] ); ...

What is the difference between nested and cascaded if-else

What is the difference between nested and cascaded if-else? ...

Is it possible to refactor this C# if(..) statement?

Hi folks, simple question :- i have the following simple if (..) statements :- if (foo == Animal.Cat || foo == Animal.Dog) { .. } if (baa == 1|| baa == 69) { .. } is it possible to refactor these into something like ... DISCLAIMER: I know this doesn't compile .. but this is sorta what i'm trying to get... if (foo == (Animal.Cat |...

Control statements in Haskell?

I am just beginning Haskell, but from all the online tutorials I've found I can't seem to find if there is one accepted way to do a conditional control statement. I have seen if-else, guards, and pattern matching, but they all seem to accomplish the same thing. Is there one generally accepted/faster/more efficient way than the rest? ...

Should 'else' be kept or dropped in cases where it's not needed?

This is a sort of trivial question but something I've been wondering about. In terms of style (I assume the performance is identical), is it better to keep an 'else' in an if statement where it's not necessary? For example, which of the following is better: if (x < 10) doSomething(); else if (x > 20) doSomethingElse(); or if (...

If-else problem

I'm learning queues and I came across this piece of code. It's from a book, so I can't post the whole code here but what I'm posting will be sufficient. More than a problem, I just want to confirm that whether my understanding of this code is correct or not. In the function, delete_ap(), the 'if' statement calls qretrieve() function and...

If-else block and unexpected results with float datatype. [Edited with one more question]

Hello, I compiled the following program with gcc 4.4.1 and I get unexpected output (Well, unexpected for me) #include<stdio.h> int main() { float x=0.3, y=0.7; if(x==0.3) { if(y==0.7) printf("Y\n\n"); else printf("X\n\n"); }...

Method with boolean return - if else vs. if

Take for example the following two statements: if (booleanVariable) { doSomething(); return true; } else { return false; } and if (booleanVariable) { doSomething(); return true; } return false; Which one would be preferred? They both return the same result in the end. Any reason one would be better to use than the ot...

is_dir and if else outputting syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF

Hello everyone, I am having some trouble with an if, else and is_dir; I am trying to create a small script that tells me if the input is a folder or a file, I have looked at: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.is-dir.php for a few examples, and none of them seemed to resemble mine, I read a bit on if and else as well, and it looks li...