
javascript / IE 6/7: check if within an iframe

I have a page which needs to check whether it is contained within an iframe or not in effect whether the page is the top page. I tried doing this: if(window == window.parent) and it works for Opera, FF, and Chrome but not for IE. is there some trick in IE I should use? ...

How to build a web crawler to find a specific advert, which is in an iframe loaded by Javascript

I'm trying to find all instances of an advert on a website. The advert is in an iframe which is loaded by javascript (it doesn't appear at all if javascript is turned off). Detecting the advert itself is extremely simple, both the name of the flash file and the target of the href always contain a certain string. What would be the best "...

How to make iframe pop-up in dialog?

<%= button_to_function("Complete an Offer", "ABA.dialogs.offer(#{???}, {title: 'Complete an Offer'});", :title => "Complete an Offer") %> When a user clicks the button, I want an iframe* to pop-up in a separate dialog box. Any pointers? * ...

How to get an IFrame src attribute value from ASP.Net code behind?

Using string iframeSrcPage = iframeMain.Attributes["src"]; to get iframe source, always returns the value which set in aspx page itself, even that value is changed using javascript code, iframeObject.src = pageURL; So, how to get an IFrame src attribute value from ASP.Net code behind? ...

Want to show svg in an iframe and show a scrollbar to let users to pan the image in chrome/ie8

html: <iframe scrolling="yes" src="svgfile.svg"></iframe> svgfile.svg: <svg width="2636pt" height="2478pt" viewBox="-1 -1 2635 2477" xmlns="..."> <g id="node1" class="node">....</g> ... </svg> This won't show the scrollbar in chrome/ie8... This was OK in FF... Other solution not using iframe can be acceptable. Or ju...

How to get iframe scroll position in IE using Java Script?

scrollPosition = window.frames[id].document.body.scrollTop; The above code doesn't work correctly. Please tell me how to correct it. ...

iframe flashes "white" on load

Hi Guys, I am using an iframe in my project and it seems that whenever it loads content on a opacity background - it flashes "white" for around 1 second before correctly appearing. It seems that it fires loaded event before the jQuery script is ready. I have tried style="visibility:hidden;" onload="this.style.visibility = 'visible';"...

Problem in IE6 with fixed position and multi-select boxes when scrolling

Hi, I am using the common css-workaround to achieve a fixed position of an element in IE6 <style type="text/css" > .fixedPos { position:fixed; } </style> <!-- IE specific code: --> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <style type="text/css"> .fixedPos { position:absolute; top:expression(eval(document.compatMode && document.compatMode=='CSS1...

Navigation only in iframe

I have iframe in the site which acts as an internal browser. I know that frames are generally bad idea but I was not able to find alternative. The question is how to prevent navigation of browser when user clicks a link inside iframe - only iframe has to be redirected, not ALL browser. Sites inside iframe are limited, very simple - mostl...

Add iframe to xml for a flash website

I need to add an iframe so it loads up an outside website in my flash site. The site uses xml files for all the text. The site I am referring to is tripodoregon.com click on The Scoop. Any help is much appreciated guys! ...

getElementById in Firefox iframe returns null but works in Safari/Chrome

I've two html files. One includes the other in an iframe. The iframe executes a getElementById on a previously created element. This works fine in Chrome/Safari but doesn't in Firefox/IE8, and I don't understand why. Firefox returns: null Safari returns: [object HTMLDivElement] index.html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01/...

how to include content from an external site?

This is a great big mess... I know I could use an iframe, but the problem there is that there are some cross-site limitations that wind up botching what I'm trying to do. Namely, the source content is a fixed height div that allows scrolling, but without the scrollbar. If I load that up in an iframe, it won't have the same effect. I...

Loading javascript in an iFrame on different subdomains

I have a javascript function that loads CKEditor in one of my iFrames. Problem is that my iFrame is located on a different subdomain. I fixed this by using document.domain, however my CKeditor only loads sometimes. Does anyone know how to solve this? ...

ASP.NET - are sessions shared between 2 iframes ?

Hi folks, can 2 or more iframes share same session data ? TIA ...

Fake the src of an iframe for printing to avoid "about:blank"

I'm creating a hidden iframe specifically to be used for printing in IE6. Here's a basic outline of the code with some HTML population cut out: $('body').append('<iframe id="printIFrame"></iframe>'); $("iframe#printIFrame").attr('style','position:absolute;width:0px;height:0px;left:-500px;top:-500px;'); $("iframe#printIFrame").load(fu...

Detect when iframe is cross-domain, then bust out of it

I have a page with a large iframe that contains a majority of the content. The user interacts with the website by clicking around within the iframe. The functionality I'm trying to build is: When a user navigates away from my site, I do them a favor and bust out of the iframe. The iframe has an onload event which is fired every time a n...

Using an IFRAME for a simple advertisment. Is it bad for SEO?

If you look here you will see an ad that is intended to be embedded in another site as an advertisement. Here is an example of where it is embedded. The code responsible for displaying the ad in the web site is this: <iframe src="http://ads.lockedonmedia.com/zones/204" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 160px; height: 600px;"...

Does window.onload means the whole contents have been loaded?

I have a page which has an Iframe. In that Iframe, there are six iframes. When I use window.onload or document.observe(window, 'load', func) // of PrototypeJs, does it mean that all the contents of Iframe and the other 6 iframes' content have been loaded? If the answer is not, then how can I be sure that all my iframes content hav...

From Which Frame alert occurs?

I have a page with six ifrmaes inside it. Each frame has individual id, so it is easy to detect the frame. All these frames have commono src. And each source I set window.onload=function(){ alert(' this has been alerted from Iframe with id#"); } How can I know the ID of the frame from which the alert is alerting? Thanks. ...

align an iframe

I have a html page and I want to align an iframe at the bottom of the page such that the iframe occupies all the width , I am unable to align the iframe at the bottom.Please find the iframe tag at the bottom of the page. <html> <body> <p>The rest of the code has not been mentioned to reduce code overflow.</p> <p>I want to align the ifr...