
C++: getline() ignoring first several characters

In my program, fin is an ifstream object and song is a string. When the program runs, it opens music.txt and reads from the file. I try to read each line with: getline(fin,song); I've tried all variations of getline but it keep ignoring the first 10 or so characters of each line before it starts picking up characters. For instance, if ...

file doesn't open, running outside of debugger results in seg fault (c++)

Hello (and thanks in advance) I'm in a bit of a quandry, I cant seem to figure out why I'm seg faulting. A couple of notes: It's for a course -- and sadly I am required to use use C-strings instead of std::string. Please dont fix my code (I wont learn that way and I will keep bugging you). please just point out the flaws in my ...

Why can't I input the integers from a file?

I'm trying to get this C++ code to input a series of numbers from a text file: int x = 0; cin >> x; ifstream iffer; int numbers[12]; iffer.open("input.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ iffer >> numbers[i]; } This doesn't seem to work on the Mac. Every cell will equal to 0 regardless of the value...

Reading in Russian characters (Unicode) using a basic_ifstream<wchar_t>

Is this even possible? I've been trying to read a simple file that contains Russian, and it's clearly not working. I've called file.imbue(loc) (and at this point, loc is correct, Russian_Russia.1251). And buf is of type basic_string<wchar_t> The reason I'm using basic_ifstream<wchar_t> is because this is a template (so technically, ba...

C++ help with getline function with ifstream

So I am writing a program that deals with reading in and writing out to a file. I use the getline() function because some of the lines in the text file may contain multiple elements. I've never had a problem with getline until now. Here's what I got. The text file looks like this: John Smith // Client name 123...

C++ How do I properly use getline for ifstream members.

Ok so I have a problem with getline. I have a file that contains a couple strings. I created it by myself and I have each string on a seperate line. Ex. textfile.txt Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 //Little snip of code ifstream inFile("textfile.txt"); getline(inFile, string1); When I debug the program and ask it...

c++ file bad bit

Hi, when I run this code, the open and seekg and tellg operation all success. but when I read it, it fails, the eof,bad,fail bit are 0 1 1. What can cause a file bad? thanks int readriblock(int blockid, char* buffer) { ifstream rifile("./ri/reverseindex.bin", ios::in|ios::binary); rifile.seekg(blockid * RI_BLOCK_SIZE, ios::beg...

c++ ifstream: how can i skip forward several lines ?

Hiya. I'm using std::getline to read lines from a file, how can I move forward a few lines? do I have to use getline the number of lines I want to skip? thanks! ...

C++ ofstream cannot write to file....

Hey I am trying to write some numbers to a file, but when I open the file it is empty. Can you help me out here? Thanks. /** main function **/ int main(){ /** variables **/ RandGen* random_generator = new RandGen; int random_numbers; string file_name; /** ask user for quantity of random number to produce **/ ...

How do you search a document for a string in c++?

Here's my code so far: #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int main() { int count = 0; string fileName; string keyWord; string word; cout << "Please make sure the document is in the same file as the program, thank you!" << endl << "Please input document name: " ; ...

C++ iostream not setting eof bit even if gcount returns 0

Hi I'm developping an application under windows, and i'm using fstreams to read and write to the file. I'm writing with fstream opened like this : fs.open(this->filename.c_str(), std::ios::in|std::ios::out|std::ios::binary); and writing with this command fs.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&e.element), sizeof(T)); closing the file a...

Read multiple strings from a file C++

Hi I need to read different values stored in a file one by one. So I was thinking I can use ifstream to open the file, but since the file is set up in such a way that a line might contain three numbers, and the other line one number or two numbers I'm not sure how to read each number one by one. I was thinking of using stringstream but...

Several ifstream vs. ifstream + constant seeking

I'm writing an external merge sort. It works like that: read k chunks from big file, sort them in memory, perform k-way merge, done. So I need to sequentially read from different portions of the file during the k-way merge phase. What's the best way to do that: several ifstreams or one ifstream and seeking? Also, is there a library for e...

C++ File I/O problem

I am trying to open a file which normally has content, for the purpose of testing i will like to initialize the program without the files being available/existing so then the program should create empty ones, but am having issues implementing it. This is my code originally void loadFiles() { fstream city; city.open("city.txt", ios::...

Which of FILE* or ifstream has better memory usage?

I need to read fixed number of bytes from files, whose sizes are around 50MB. To be more precise, read a frame from YUV 4:2:0 CIF/QCIF files (~25KB to ~100KB per frame). Not very huge number but I don't want whole file to be in the memory. I'm using C++, in such a case, which of FILE* or ifstream has better (less/minimal) memory usage? P...

Is std::ifstream thread-safe & lock-free?

I intend to perform opening for reading a single file from many threads using std::ifstream. My concern is if std::ifstream is thread-safe & lock-free? More details: I use g++ 4.4 on Ubuntu & Windows XP, 4.0 on Leopard. Each thread creates its own instance of std::ifstream Thanks in advance! ...

Using std::ifstream to load in an array of struct data type into a std::vector

I am working on a bitmap loader in C++ and when moving from the C style array to the std::vector I have run into an usual problem of which Google does not seem to have the answer. 8 Bit and 4 bit, bitmaps contain a colour palette. The colour palette has blue, green, red and reserved components each 1 byte in size. // Colour palette ...

C++ program infile won't open in xcode?

Why does the c++ program produce the error shown? I'm especially confused since outfile opens without error yet infile displays the error? Both are defined in xcode exactly the same!! I've altering the "path type" setting without success. The open on infile always fails! Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!! For those...

How to count lines of a file in C++?

Hi, In C++, how can I count lines using the standard classes fstream, ifstream? Thank you, Mohammad ...

C++ ifstream::read() - corrupts ifstream get pointer?

Hi all, Does anyone here know of a way a C++ ifstream's get pointer might get corrupted after a read() call? I'm seeing some truly bizarre behaviour that I'm at a loss to explain. For example (illustrative code, rather than what I'm actually running): int main() { // datafile.bin is a 2MB binary file... std::ifstream ifs( "datafi...