
TortoiseSVN - Ignoring files within a folder already in the repository

How do I ignore all files within a folder under source control? /project/published/ (folder I want to keep) /project/published/some_file(s) (files/folders i don't want) More Details: Currently when I go to commit changes for my project I see allot of files that I don't want to. They are files that get published to a folder and i don't...

Git ignore file for VB.NET projects

I wan to place a VB.NET project under Git control in Windows (was previously under Visual Source Safe - long sad story of repository corruption, etc.). How should I set up the ignore file? The exclusions I'm thinking of using are: *.exe *.pdb *.manifest *.xml *.log (is Git case sensitive on Windows? Should I exclude *.l og as well?) *....

What Visual Studio files should be ignored by subversion to eliminate or conflicts?

I am supporting a number of .Net developers who are using Subversion to version control their work, but we have been running into a number of issues that seem to revolve around the additional files that Visual Studio uses to manage projects, do debuging, etc. Specifically, it seems that these files are causing conflicts due to the fact t...

AnkhSVN ignore pattern

How does AnkhSVN keep non-versioned files out of SVN? I checked the global ignore pattern and the svn:ignore property but found nothing there. ...

How to flag commited files in svn to be excluded from the export?

We have the problem that we have the open project files in our svn like *.fla and *.psd. They are under subversion in svn but we don't want them to be exported. We want a clean export without our open project files. Is there a way to flag them somehow to prevent them from being exported. Thanx for your help! ...

Bazaar: Ignoring files locally but not in centralized repository?

We have a centralized development server, with everyone working from local checkouts. How can we ignore a specific directory only in our local repositories and not in the centralized repository? Some background information: The project is a Drupal site, and the files directory of this site is always in flux. As we don't want any changes...