
Am I using handlers in the wrong way?

Hey, I've never used HTTP Handlers before, and I've got one working, but I'm not sure if I'm actually using it properly. I have generated a string which will be saved as a CSV file. When the user clicks a button, I want the download dialog box to open so that the user can save the file. What I have works, but I keep reading about modi...

Webclient using download file to grab file from server - handling exceptions

Hello everyone, I have a web service in which I am manipulating POST and GET methods to facilitate upload / download functionality for some files in a client/server style architecture. Basically the user is able to click a button to download a specific file, make some changes in the app, then click upload button to send it back. Proble...

ASP.NET - Dynamically register an HttpHandler in code (not in web.config)

Is there a way I can dynamically register an IHttpHandler in C# code, instead of having to manually add it to the system.web/httpHandlers section in the web.config. This may sound crazy, but I have good reason for doing this. I'm building a WidgetLibrary that a website owner can use just by dropping a .dll file into their bin directory,...

ASP.Net MVC: Change Routes dynamically

Hi, usually, when I look at a ASP.Net MVC application, the Route table gets configured at startup and is not touched ever after. I have a couple of questions on that but they are closely related to each other: Is it possible to change the route table at runtime? How would/should I avoid threading issues? Is there maybe a better way...

Web.Routing for the site root or homepage

I am doing some work with Web.Routing, using it to have friendly urls and nice Rest like interfaces to a site that is essentially rendered by a single IHttpHandler. There are no webforms, the handler generates all the html/json and writes it as part of process request. This works well for things like /Sites/Accounting for example, but I...

Why is IHttpAsyncHandler being called over IHttpHandler?

I made a custom handler that derives from MvcHandler. I have my routes using a custom RouteHandler that returns my new handler for GetHttpHandler(), and I override ProcessRequest() in my custom handler. The call to GetHttpHandler is triggering a breakpoint and my handler's constructor is definitely being called, but BeginProcessReques...

XML Parseing Error when serving a PDF

I'm trying to serve a pdf file from a database in ASP.NET using an Http Handler, but every time I go to the page I get an error XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: https://ucc489/rc/NoteFileHandler.ashx?noteId=1,msdsId=3 Line Number 1, Column 1: Here is my HttpHandler code: public class NoteFileHandler : IHttpHandler { ...

Does ASP.net 1.1 support Generic HttpHandlers ?

I need to get an image from a SQL Server as a byte[], and load it to a WebControl.Image. The only seemingly good way to do it that I found is to implement IHttpHandler and handle the request accordingly. But I'm stuck to using asp.net 1.1. Does it support ashx files? ...

C# Image HttpHandler: Disable cookies in handler (YSlow / Google PageSpeed)

Hi. I have a HttpHandler for resizing images, round corners, reflection etc etc. This i working OK. The problem i have is, that some data is stored in cookies, and the cookies are send to images, when they are shown. Is there any way to disable this globally (cookie-free requests) in web.config, or even in the HttpHandler itself? Examp...

custom httphandler in asp.net cannot get request querystring?

i've been trying to get this to work. its basicly a way to have certain MVC pages work within a webforms cms (umbraco) someone tried it before me and had issues with MVC2.0 (see here), i read the post, did what was announced there, but with or without that code, i seem to get stuck on a different matter. it seems like, if i call an url...

Default action for http handler?

I'm working on setting up a site that controls access to a directory for downloads using an ihttpmodule. Since the files are all zip, exe, rar, and so on, the default handler isn't being applied and session state isn't available. So I've added a custom http handler for that directory that uses IRequiredSessionState so my session is now ...

Session variable getting lost using Firefox, works in IE

I am setting a Session variable in an HttpHandler, and then getting its value in the Page_load event of an ASPX page. I'm setting it using public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { HttpPostedFile file = context.Request.Files["Filedata"]; context.Session["WorkingImage"] = file.FileName; } (And befor...

Why does IHttpAsyncHandler leak memory under load?

I have noticed that the .NET IHttpAsyncHandler (and the IHttpHandler, to a lesser degree) leak memory when subjected to concurrent web requests. In my tests, the Visual Studio web server (Cassini) jumps from 6MB memory to over 100MB, and once the test is finished, none of it is reclaimed. The problem can be reproduced easily. Create a ...

Cannot resolve IHttpHandler

For some reason when I am trying to create a class which implements IHttpHandler I cannot resolve IHttpHandler. Statements like: using System.Web; are not helping either. This is a class library project, I am following example here: http://www.15seconds.com/issue/020417.htm What am I doing wrong? ...

Issue with IHttpHandler and relative URLs

Hi, I've developed a IHttpHandler class and I've configured it as verb="*" path="*", so I'm handling all the request with it in an attempt of create my own REST implementation for a test web site that generates the html dynamically. So, when a request for a .css file arrives, I've to do something like context.Response.WriteFile(Server....

Can't get jQuery AutoComplete to work with External JSON

I'm working on an ASP.NET app where I'm in need of jQuery AutoComplete. Currently there is nothing happening when I type data into the txt63 input box (and before you flame me for using a name like txt63, I know, I know... but it's not my call :D ). Here's my javascript code <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jq...

.net IHTTPHandler Streaming SQL Binary Data

Hello everybody I am trying to implement an ihttphandeler for streaming files. files may be tiny thumbnails or gigantic movies the binaries r stored in sql server i looked at a lot of code online but something does not make sense isn't streaming supposed to read the data piece by piece and move it over the line? most of the code seems to...

Why is this class library dll not getting information from app.config

I am developing a custom HttpHandler, to do so I write a C# Class Library and compile to DLL. As part of this I have some directory locations which I want not hard coded in the app, so i'm trying to put it in the app.config which I've used before. Before this has worked by just going building the app.config: <?xml version="1.0" encodi...

ASP.Net HttpHandler ProcessRequest() firing twice

Hi there, I have a strange issue where i have a a HttpHandler having its ProcessRequest() event firing twice. i have nothing else in the class except a pointer to a static method so i'm lost. I have done some googling to no avail even thought it appears a few people are having similar issues: Code: public bool IsReusable { ...

IHttpHandler null session (on some servers)

Hello, I have an IHttpHandler that implements IRequiresSessionState. Everything works fine on most servers but there are 2 servers (one IIS 7.0 and one IIS 7.5) that give me null sessions. Aspx pages are fine on every server. I've searched for hours and failed to find anything that is not related to IRequiresSessionState. ...