
Is HttpModule shared among working threads?

Do I have to lock access to instance members? Example: public class HttpModule : IHttpModule { //... Dictionary<int, int> foo; void UseFoo(int a, int b) { foo[a] = b; } } ...

How to add custom Authentication Type in IIS7(.5)

I am busy developing a IHttpModule, which will do our custom authentication using our own credential store. I would like to know how to add a new custom Authentication Type to the list (Anonymous, Basic, Forms etc.) in InetMgr under Authentication and how I would know which Authenticaiton Type has been enabled in the IHttpModule class...

Access session in IHttpModule and being able to do a response.redirect

Following the solution found at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276355/can-i-access-session-state-from-an-httpmodule, I am able to access the session state from an IHttpModule. I'm using it to control access to some files, so in the event someone doesn't have access, I would like to redirect them to a login page. When I try to do a ...

IHttpModule not being applied to virtual directory

I have a network folder that is mapped to my iis app as a virtual directory and I'm trying to do some authentication for files that are located there with an ihttpmodule. I've verified that the ihttpmodule is firing properly for anything else in my app, just not the files located in virtual directory. Most of what I've found is that th...

HttpWorkerRequest.GetBytesRead() always returns 0.

Anyone know why HttpWorkerRequest.GetBytesRead() always returns 0, even during and after a file upload? Would like to use this method to build a progress bar. ...

export data from WCF Service to excel

I need to provide an export to excel feature for a large amount of data returned from a WCF web service. The code to load the datalist is as below: List<resultSet> r = myObject.ReturnResultSet(myWebRequestUrl); //call to WCF service myDataList.DataSource = r; myDataList.DataBind(); I am using the Reponse object to do the job: Resp...

Trouble determining proper decoding of a REST response from an existing REST service using IHttpModule and response filters.

First a little background on what I am trying to achieve. I have an application that is utilizing REST services served by ArcGIS Server and IIS7. The REST services return data in one of several different formats. I am requesting a JSON response. I want to be able to modify the response (remove or add parameters) before the response i...

Can you programatically define ASP.NET configuration?

Is it possible to define a large portion, if not the entire, web.config of an ASP.NET application in code? If so, how? Would you use an IHttpModule? In the same vein, can you resolve an IHttpHandler within said module to handle all incoming requests? Edit 1: The last bit was instigated by this answer to another question. Edit 2: What I...

"Request is not available in this context" in a IHttpModule

Hi, I'm getting that exception when I try to access the HttpContext.Current.Request object. I've seen the responses in l1, l2 and l3 ... so... my question then is : For what in the world are IHttpModules now for? I wanted to develop a module that gets hit every time a call enter to may website, so I can log the url accessed, the use...

HTTP Module :Item.Update() gives exception 'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' in MOSS 2007

Hi, I have created a http module to update the list item but when i use the Update function of SPListItem object it gives the error: "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object". Below is the HTTP Module i have written to update the List Item. Please suggest namespace SiteUsageModule public class SiteUsage : IHttpM...

using an asp.net IHttpModule to read data sent after headers without content-length...

Hi, I'm writing an application within asp.net MVC 3 Beta. The application will receive an HTTP GET request with various headers. After this request the client sends 8 bytes of data. The client does NOT set a Content-Length header so as far as I can tell asp.net ignores the data that follows the headers. I need this data! My Request...