
IIf() vs. If

In Visual Basic, is there a performance difference when using the IIf function instead of the If statement? ...

If, IIf() and If()

I recently asked a question about IIf vs. If and found out that there is another function in VB called If which basically does the same thing as IIf but is a short-circuit. Does this If function perform better than the IIf function? Does the If statement trump the If and IIf functions? ...

Crystal Reports formula: IsNull + Iif

There are hints of the answer to this question here and there on this site, but I'm asking a slightly different answer. Where does Crystal Reports document that this syntax does not work? Trim({PatientProfile.First}) + " " + Trim(Iif( IsNull({PatientProfile.Middle}) , Trim({PatientProfile.Middle}) + " " , "...

iif equivalent in c#

What's the iif equivalent in c#? or similar short circuit? ...

Report Server - unable to display correct input parameter via Iif() or Switch()

I have a nullable boolean input parameter with the following expression in my textbox: =iif(Parameters!Sorted.Value="","All",iif(Parameters!Sorted.Value="True","Sorted","Unsorted")) and I am trying to display this based on the value of Sorted input parameter Null = "All" True = "Sorted" False = "Unsorted" I have also tried the fol...

Does the iif function compute both paths in SSRS or is it short-circuited?

I am trying to evaluate a Price per Kilo ($/Kg) based on sales of a product. This works fine if the product was acutally sold during the period specified. However if the product is not sold the Kg (the denominator) ends up being 0 (zero) and an error results. - Divide by Zero error. I tried this =iif(KgSold=0,0,Revenue/KgSold) It a...

Conditional Action in SSRS

I want my textbox to have an action ONLY if the condition is true, otherwise no action. This is what I have as my current action expression for going to another report: =IIf(Fields!MyTextbox.Value = "0", "Report2","") This does not produce my desired result. It gives the textbox an action regardless of the condition result. Is there a ...

Problem evaluating NULL in an IIF statement (Access)

Item in the recordset rstImportData("Flat Size") is = Null With that, given the following statement: IIF(IsNull(rstImportData("Flat Size")), Null, cstr(rstImportData("Flat Size"))) Result: Throws error 94: Invalid use of Null If I change the statement by removing the type conversion upon a false comparison: IIF(IsNull(rstImportData(...

python: iif or (x ? a : b)

Possible Duplicate: Python Ternary Operator If Python would support the (x ? a : b) syntax from C/C++, I would write: print paid ? ("paid: " + str(paid) + " €") : "not paid" I really don't want to have an if-check and two independent prints here (because that is only an example above, in my code, it looks much more complica...

SSRS 2008: iif IsNan statement Error wrong number of arguments

Hello All, when I run the SSRS report with the following expression below, I get an error that says: wrong number of arguments. I get this error at the ).IsNaN, part of my statement. I don't see what i'm missing. Can anyone please help? =iif( ( ( (Sum(Fields!UNITS.Value, "SFY2011_SW_T19"...

Multiple Havings not working

I have a database with the following schema: ID PositionId LeagueId 1 4 5 3 4 5 3 8 5 4 1 6 I have this sql query in Access: SELECT lp.PositionId FROM Leagues l INNER JOIN Lineups lp ON (l.LeagueID = lp.LeagueId) GROUP BY PositionId HAVING sum(iif(lp...

Why won't this work as an IIF function, but will as an IF Statement?

The following works: If 1=1 rdoYes.checked = True Else rdoNo.checked = True End If However, the following doesn't work: IIF(1=1, rdoYes.checked = True, rdoNo.checked = True) Why is this? Thanks! ...

IIf function inside Access query

I have a query and I would like to use an IIf function as part of the criteria. Here is the full SQL: SELECT Hits.HitID, Hits.ListingID, Hits.HitCount, Hits.HitDate, Hits.HitTypeID, Hits.IsDeleted FROM Hits WHERE (((Hits.HitDate)>=[Forms]![frmReports]![txtStartDate]) AND ((Hits.IsDeleted)="N")); Here is the piece of code that causing...