
How do I deploy a WCF service library to WAS?

I have created a WCF service library (not a WCF service application). The project output is a dll. How can I host this on IIS 7.5/WAS? I believed that creating a service library was the way to go so that it could be used on a variety of hosts, whereas the service application is limited to IIS. I'm getting lost in MS mumbo jumbo here, ...

IIS 7.5 Web application inheriting from parent web.config

Well the title says it all im using a asp.net 4.0 project. My file structure looks like this RootSite  -Web.Config  -WebService (WebApplication)   -Web.Config Now the WebService seems to get some parts of the web.config from the RootSite, the problem here is <configuration><system.webServer> So i tryed to place this around that sect...

get ftp session info from iis

I am trying to retrieve session information for IIS FTP using C# , Windows 2008 and IIS 7.5. I need information like logged in users etc. ...

AjaxToolkit IIS7 Asp.Net 4.0: Sys is not defined; handler mapping issue?

Hello everybody, I have moved my asp.net 3.5 app to asp.net 4.0 and moved from windows 2003 (iis6) to windows 2008 r2 (iis7.5) and now i have this sys is undefined error. i have the app running in an integrated application pool. everything works except my ajaxtoolkit 3.0.20820.0 dll now I have read several blog posts, most of them cov...

When I add FormsAuthentication to ASP.NET MVC2 site in IIS7.5 I get HTTP 403.14 error

I have written a custom forms authentication module and when I add it to the web.config of my MVC2 application and run under IIS7.5 I get the HTTP 403.14 error. If I try to navigate to any of the routed Urls then I simply get a 404 error. The annoying thing is that I did all the testing using Cassini with no problems at all. I have appli...

How can I change the username and password of an application pool using the .NET ApplicationPool class?

I've read this article but it doesn't appear to use the ApplicationPool class described here. Feels like this is something simple I'm missing. Also, in case anyone feels like being extra helpful, I'm trying to accomplish this in a PowerShell script that can basically take a list of application pool names and set their credentials using...

Create virtual directory in IIS 6 and IIS 7/7.5 using C#

I have installer that will create virtual directory. It works fine on IIS 6. But if I try on IIS 7.5 it crashes. Then i tried using Microsoft.Web.Administration class But now it will work only on IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 Can anyone help me out so that my code works for both IIS 6 and IIS 7.5? ...

Why is IIS7 missing the HTTP_REFERER server variable?

I'm using Windows 2008 x64 R2 with IIS 7.5 and ASP.NET 2.0. I want to use HTTP_REFERER but for some reason but it's not available so I decided to iterate all the server vars using this code : foreach (string vars in Request.ServerVariables) { Response.Write (vars.ToString() + "\r\n <br/>"); } Here is the result : ALL_HTTP ALL...

CMD Prompt > FTP Size Command

I'm developing a PHP App on IIS 7.5, which uses PHP FTP commands. These all work, apart from ftp_size(). I've tested: cmd.exe > ftp host > username > password > SIZE filename = Invalid Command However, if I access the FTP site through an Internet Browser, the filesize is displayed. Do I need to install FTP Extensions, and if so, whi...

Slow serving Ajax / Images, IIS 7.5 / .net / Windows 7

Hi, I have a site that runs on IIS7.5 hosted on a windows 7 workstation (Too keep costs down) - its a touchscreen information stand Now the site runs lightning fast loading pictures (resized using graphics class), ajax queries to load up images from onmouseovers, and it runs like lightneing until I do anything with sessions (1 page uses...

Hosting non web based application in IIS 7

I have heard that you can host non-web based applications in IIS7 similar to windows services. Basically I want a C# app that is just a process running all the time to perform a specific function. I want to create a process that connects to the database at an interval and does some work. I would like this whole app to be housed inside ...

windows server 2008 IIS 7.5 maximum file accept limit

I have deployed my application on IIS 7.5 on windows server 2008 operating system and i want to know what is the maximum file upload limit and how to increase that limit? Im working on asp.net mvc2 ...

IIS response not reaching back to client

Hello, I got a strange issue after hosting the my site in IIS 7.5, Windows server 2008 64 bit The applicaion is created in ASP.Net 2.0 The page with issue has following workflow: Upload a file from browser (may be very large size ~50 MB) Perform some process (May take very long time: up to 30 minuits) Notifies the client that proce...

User permissions to create iis7 site

Hello people! I have a special web site that can create new sites using IIS7 ServerManager: using (ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager()) { // create new site logic here } This special site has to be running under system account to be able to manage IIS7. Is there any way to create a special windows user to be se...

Why isn't #include working on .asp page in IIS7.5?

I saw a similar question to this, but mine is slightly different: I'm get intermittent results with #include files working on an IIS 7.5 server (R2008 V2). My includes are only working if they are in the same folder as the current .asp page, or in a subfolder of the current page. This is inconvenient, as I'd like to keep them all in a /...

Web application redirects when accessing CSS file

Hi, I've created web site in c:\website folder using visual studio 2010. Then, I've created web site in IIS 7.5 that maps to that folder. However when I access Default.aspx page and request to css is issued like http://localhost/webapp/Styles/Site.css it's redirected to something like this: http://localhost/website/Account/Login.aspx...

Enabling html PUT method on IIS 7.5

I'm doing a iCal Service to allow sync between Calendar instances and runs fantastic on localhost (under VS2010 Web Server) But now That I hosted on a Windows 2008 R2 (IIS 7.5.7600) I couldn't create not even update an event :-o Thunderbird always said So I rush into Fiddler and found out the problem a 405 error That says PUT ...

Http Handler Configuration Problem

I try to config IIS 7.5 to use a managed http handler using web.config file with content below: It works perfectly on some verbs such as OPTION and PROPFIND, but can't catch GET command on existing files. What should I do to catch all verbs regardless of file existence? ...

check user login

I want to check a user when they login. I placed following code in an include in the CMS application but it doesn't work on IIS 7.5: Function check_login(str_siteadmin,str_adminnaam) url = "http://www.mydomain.be/test.asp?IP=" & _ Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & _ "&site=" & Request.ServerVariables("...

Session not sticking for ASP.NET MVC2 in IIS7.5 in IE8

We have an ASP.NET MVC2 web application. For reasons outside the scope of this issue we decided to use the classic session state in the application. Following features are implemented in it related to session. Session_Start event handler in global.asax stores a variable in session. This is in relation to a workaround to detect session ...