
How to reduce the need for IISRESET for developing ASP.NET web app in IIS 5.1

I have a web application project on my dev PC running WinXP and hence IIS 5.1. The changes I'm making to this site seem to "take effect" only after I do IISRESET. That is, I make a source change, Rebuild the project and then Start without Debugging (or with debugging). The newly changed code is not "visible" or in effect unless I interve...

Stop and Start IIS programatically. Quickly and safe way.

My situation: when I deploy assemblies .NET in GAC, I get errors (Cannot access to xxx.dll because is in use for another process). The IIS use those dll (assemblies). Which is the best way (more performance,quick and safe way) or all ways to stop, start IIS 6.0 Windows 2003 ? (for C#, .NET 3.5) options, I think: 0). First step, detect...

WebDeploy with MSdeploy.exe fails to sync GAC Assembly because dll(s) locked by another process

Hi all, I'm having this problem using msdeploy to sync GAC assembly to many Application Servers. When I run this command msdeploy -verb:sync -source:gacAssembly="'MyAssembly'" -dest:gacAssembly,computername=DESTINATIONSERVER I obtain this error: *Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentException: (28/09/2010 16.46.37) An error occurred...