
Looking for a permissive and active cross-platform image processing library in C/C++

I'm looking a cross-platform image processing library in C/C++ which is under active development. One more requirement: No GPL license. Some references: ...

Image embossing in Python with PIL -- adding depth, azimuth etc

I am trying to emboss an image using PIL. PIL provides a basic way to emboss an image ( using ImageFilter.EMBOSS). In image editing packages like GIMP, you can vary parameters like Azimuth, depth and elevation in this embossed image. Does anyone know how to do this with PIL? At the very least I want to adjust the "depth" of the em...

Good research papers and tutorials for creation of image processing tool/application (free)

I'm looking for good research papers and tutorials for creation of image processing tool/application which are free. They may not have full-blown description. Papers and tutorials dedicated to a single feature are good enough. Thanks in advance. ...

Image comparison with php + gd

What's the best approach to comparing two images with php and the Graphic Draw Library? This is the scenario: I have an image, and I want to find which image of a given set is the most similar to it. The most similar image is in fact the same image, not pixel perfect match but the same image. I've dramatised the difference between th...

parallel openmp c#

please help me to make this code parallel using openmp this code is run on button click and the text box is 128 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace IMG { public partial class For...

Image Processing on Android.

Hello. I'm writing an application for Android. I need to make some image processing on the picture taken from camera. I use Camera.PictureCallback to get the photo, and I get picture in byte array. The problem is I want to make operations on every pixel of photo (some filtering and other stuff) so I guess, have photo in byte array is n...

Questions on converting a matlab code into a professional software

I am working in MATLAB to write a medical image processing/visualization software that uses MATLAB’s image processing toolbox heavily. My choice of using MATLAB was largely based on availability and my comfort in it and my initial goal was to complete my algorithm and test it. I have largely ignored the GUI part – so I have a software ...

.NET Graphics.drawstring

I have uploaded an image with an jpg extension and added text on photo using Graphics.DrawString in .NET web application. Then if I apply other editing tools like rotating the image, the text added gets blurry. What is the reason and a solution for this problem? ...

404 error on image handling mvc controller action

hello friends, i have pretty annoying error that can;t figure out. i have controller action that generates images. everything works ok on my development laptop win 7 pro iis 7.5. but when i deploy it to win 2008 iis 7 images are not generated and i get 404 error. can't imaging what wrong thanks ...

Which is the best algorithm to "Estimate and Visulize 2d skeleton using Opencv" from the drawn contour

Which is the best algorithm to "Estimate and Visulize 2d skeleton using Opencv" from the drawn contour please suggest? any code or document or links are highly appriciated ...

Android - converting byte rgb_565 array into argb or rgb array.

Hello I have Picture data in byte rgb_565 array, and I want convert it in a productive way into argb array. Right now I have found only one (little slow) way to do this: Bitmap mPhotoPicture = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageData, 0 , imageData.length); where imageData is my byte[] array in rgb_565, and then: int pixels[] = new in...

How to scale JPEG images with a non-standard sampling factor in Java?

I am using Java AWT for scaling a JPEG image, to create thumbnails. The code works fine when the image has a normal sampling factor ( 2x2,1x1,1x1 ) However, an image which has this sampling factor ( 1x1, 1x1, 1x1 ) creates problem when scaled. The colors get corrupted though the features are recognizable. The original and the thumbnail...

Display image in second thread, OpenCV?

I have a loop to take in images from a high speed framegrabbger at 250fps. /** Loop processes 250 video frames per second **/ while(1){ AcquireFrame(); DoProcessing(); TakeAction(); } At the same time, I would like the user to be able to monitor what is going on. The user only needs to see images at around 30 fps (or less). Ho...

Adaptive Thresholding

I'm trying to implement the following method in Matlab: Minimum Error Thresholding - By J. Kittler and J. Illingworth You may have a look at the PDF:

Cement Effect - Artistic Effect

I wish to give an effect to images, where the resultant image would appear as if it is painted on a rough cemented background, and the cemented background customizes itself near the edges to highlight them... Please help me in writing an algorithm to generate such an effect. The first image is the original image and the second image i...

Is there an easy way to convert an image to grayscale with .NET

I need to convert all the images in a folder to greyscale (I believe their gif files if that matters). Any suggestions? I have .NET 3.5 (sp1) ...

Calculating the center of rotation after translation

I need to be able to rotate an image around a given point so that what ever part of the image appears in the center of my container is the center of rotation. To calculate the center points, I am currently just taking the inverse of the translation applied to the image: Rotate.CenterX = Translate.X * -1; Rotate.CenterY = Translate.Y * ...

Image resize Reporting Services

Im struggeling to make Reporting Services to do as I want. I have a list of categories, which again have a list of products. Category 1 - Item 1.1 - Item 1.2 ... Category 2 - Item 2.1 - Item 2.2 ... Each category have their own image, and the image is shown correctly. I have set the Size->Display property on the image to Fit propotiona...

Trivial image face processing

Hi, How can I produce an image like this , given the picture of my face as input? Thanks ...

Matlab implementation of Haar feature extraction

Does anyone know of a (purely) matlab implementation of Haar feature extraction (the kind used in Viola&Jones object detection algorithm)? (I ran across a matlab binding to Opencv's implementation but this is not what I am looking for) ...