
Reconstruct scene like Photosynth

Is there any open source code which does similar to MS Photosynth Photosynth is a potent mixture of two independent breakthroughs: the ability to reconstruct the scene or object from a bunch of flat photographs, and the technology to bring that experience to virtually anyone over the Internet. Using techniques from t...

PHP/GD - Finding Image Resource Type

Having only a valid GD image resource is it possible to find out the type of the original image? For instance: $image = ImageCreateFromPNG(''); Can I get the original image type (PNG) having only the $image variable available? ...

Open Source ImageProcessing Library, SDK or API

Hi, I am looking for an open source image processing libraries or APIs those provide me to create a program which captures the license plate of a car in a parking system and gives me the number plate as a text . It would be great if I can have it in managed code (c# or java). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance ...

Background Gradient with Magick++

Hi, How do I create gradients with ImageMagick in C++? I am trying to create a visual representation of a WAV file. I can create an Image with Magick++, draw in the waveform data and save the image as a .png file but it still looks a bit basic. I'd like to give the image background and waveform gradients but I don't know how. Are the...

Separate image of text into component character images

I'd like to separate an image of text into it's component characters, also as images. For example, using the sample below I'd end up with 14 images. I'm only going to be using text on a single line, so the y-height is unimportant - what I need to find is the beginning and end of each letter and crop to those coordinates. That way I wou...

Finding the 4th point of quadrangle. (After perspective transform)

There is an image of square, and to that image the perspective transform is applied. So the perspective image of a square will be not a square but a quadrangle. The question: If I know three corner points of the perspective image (quadrangle) then what will be the fourth corner point of the quadrangle? The problem also arises bec...

Flash based cropper like this, but with source or customizable?

I am looking for a Flash based image uploader with resize and possibly rotate function. I have checked many possibilities, and the very best in simplicity and unser experience I found is Kroppr at a very affordable €29/license. The downside is, it comes with encrypted PHP code to bind the product to a subdomain. That is understandable...

How Bicubic-interpolation work?

After reading text about this said topic, i found out that it considers 16 of the original neighboring pixels. What i want to know is how does it compute the color value of the new pixel. If the color of pixels can be determined by 200,100,255, how could you compute the value of the new one? ...

Which is the best algorithm to "Estimate and Visulize 2d skeleton using Opencv" from the drawn contour

Which is the best algorithm to "Estimate and Visulize 2d skeleton using Opencv" from the drawn contour Is the Recursive Centroid algorithm the Best? any reference links or docs please provide ...

scaling an image, but keep its proportions

I want to scale images, but I don't want the image to look skewed. The image has to be 115x115 (length x width). The image can't be over 115 pixels high (length), but if needed, the width can be less than 115 but not more. Is this tricky? ...

Background script on shared host with multiple PHP versions installed

I was needing a way to generate thumbnails (using PHP5) for an image management script and had a problem where my host has multiple versions of PHP installed (4 and 5), with PHP4 set as default. This meant that any calls to php from the CLI would run PHP4. I've come up with the following as what I hope to be a cross platform solution. I'...

Matlab book on geometry and image processing

Hi everyone, Does anyone know an easy to understand geometry and image processing book that has source code in matlab? Thanks alot! ...

How can I go about extracting the background from an image?

Basically, suppose that I have a fingerprint. I know the dimension of my image, and I know that the fingerprint is black on a white background or that it is green on a black background or something like that. Is there a way to process only the parts that delimit the image, in this case, the fingerprint? What I'm trying to do is basicall...

Barcode reader program: barcode Identification methods

I am new in the Image processing, and I want to identify the QRCode in the image. Actually there are three finder patterns, and at first I need to find them. So I tried some methods, first is related with binarization, but when image has shadows and strong difference in illumination, then it is difficult to make a good binary image. Ac...

applying image decoration (border) in Python (programatically)

hi, I am looking for a way to create a border in python.Is there any library in Python which we can import to create a border. Note that I do not want to use any image masks to create this effect (e.g. I don't want to use any image editing package like GIMP to create a border image mask) . Here is what I am looking for: import fooIm...

Image processing with lossy compression

If we compare image procesing of the losslessly compressed images with the image processing of the lossy compressed images, does the latter provide the results comparable to the former one. I am asking this question because the images prodiced by lossless compression are ok for human eye but they vary at minute details which may effect...

How to find the most dense regions in an image

Consider a black and white image like this What I am trying to do is to find the region where the white points are most dense. In this case there are 20-21 such dense regions. (i.e the clusters of points makes a dense region) Can anyone give me any hint on how this can be achieved ? ...

Image Processing & Creation in PHP - How To Create 300DPI Images

When creating images using the GD library in PHP ie) imagecreatetruecolor() what is the DPI of the resulting image? I haven't been able to find anyone specifying where the dpi can be set or what it defaults to. I require a 300DPI tiff or jpeg to be created and then saved to the file system from the program. If this isn't possible usi...

PHP Transparent Image Layering Problems

I just can't tell why this: <?php $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['u']); imagealphablending($image, true); imagesavealpha($image,true); $overlay = imagecreatefrompng("overlay.png"); imagealphablending($overlay, true); imagesavealpha($overlay,true); $finalImage = imagecreate(85,85); imagealphab...

How is 1-bit bitmap data converted to 8bit (24bpp)?

Supposing I have 4 bitmaps, say, CMYK, all of which are 1bit/pixel and are of different colors, and I wanted to convert them to an 8bit/color (24bpp) bitmap, how would I do this? if the data looks like this: // the Cyan separation CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC ... // the magenta separation, and so on.. MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM M...