
Quadtree Decomposition - MATLAB

How can I use the qtdecomp(Image,threshold) function in MATLAB to find a quadtree decomposition of an RGB image? I tried this: Ig = rgb2gray(I); % I is the rgb image S = qtdecomp(I,.27); but I get this error: ??? Error using ==> qtdecomp>ParseInputs A must be two-dimensional Error in ==> qtdecomp at 88 [A, func, params, min...

When trying to load an external image which does not exist, stop loading the image using a timeout.

Hi, I have got a JSP page which loads images dynamically. Now, I also have some "input" elements on this page such as a checkbox and select menus which are being created using a javascript module (creating a different styling for the input elements). My issue is, one of the images the page is trying to load does not exist on the extern...

How do I write an image to a file in MATLAB

I am particularly stuck in this case I = imread('liftingbody.png'); S = qtdecomp(I,.27); blocks = repmat(uint8(0),size(S)); for dim = [512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1]; numblocks = length(find(S==dim)); if (numblocks > 0) values = repmat(uint8(1),[dim dim numblocks]); values(2:dim,2:dim,:) = 0; blocks = qtsetblk(blo...

How to scale pixels in an image to adjust brightness?

I have a grayscale image from a photograph. I've determined that certain parts of the image are underilluminated, and that a pixel with luminance Y = 0.8 should actually be adjusted to 90% grey, i.e., that pixel should be given luminance 0.9. My question is how do I scale the other pixels nearby? I'm pretty sure multiplying all the lu...

import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*

i have a java program when i compile it i get the following error [javac] ...\ package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg does not exist [javac] import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*; [javac] ^ what can i do ? What is the correct way of writing an image file now that the com.sun package is deprecated. ...

Gluing a number of PNGs together

I am building a new icon set for a CKEditor skin. The skin requires the icons to be one huge PNG file, where they are stacked underneath each other. The buttons then use the PNG as background image and define different y offsets to get the right image. I have many separate icons in PNG format that I need to glue together into one such P...

Ken Burns Effect on actionscript3

Hi, I want to develop a zooming effect like this gallery: Can anyone give me a hint? I'm not sure about the math that i have to do for getting something similar Thanks in advance ...

Calculating corresponding pixels

I have a computer vision set up with two cameras. One of this cameras is a time of flight camera. It gives me the depth of the scene at every pixel. The other camera is standard camera giving me a colour image of the scene. We would like to use the depth information to remove some areas from the colour image. We plan on object, person ...

Can I convert a .swf file to an image format?

Hi all - I need to take a .swf Flash file, ideally from a URL (but I can read the file from disk also) and create an image preview of it (png, gif or jpeg is fine). I am using Adobe Coldfusion 8 so I'm looking for a Java solution. I need to get the first frame of the Flash movie only. Many thanks in advance. EDIT: I need to do th...

Reading Pixels of Image in C++

How to open and read the pixels of an image in c++? Read them in the form of X, Y and to know the color. ...

Combining (and converting) TIFF separations into 1 bitmap in C#

Hi, is there a simple way to take a number of 1-bit TIFF files (say, 4 for CMYK) and convert it into one contone RGB bitmap? This problem has me stumped.. Thanks.. ...

Inserting lines of pixels into an image quickly

My current dilemma is as follows: I have a 2550x3300 tiff. At certain (variable) points in my tiff I need to insert a line of pixels from elsewhere in the tiff. e.g. I need to insert 12 copies in a row of line 100 between lines 500 and 501. I've been looking up different image processing techniques for a few days now and can't find any...

Batch Processing Image Files in MATLAB

Hello, I'm a beginner in MATLAB and image processing. I encountered a problem while trying to use the batch processing and hope someone would be able to enlighten me. Thanks. Following the example from MATLAB, I did these: p = which('Picture1.tif'); filelist = dir([fileparts(p) filesep 'Picture*.tif']); fileNames = {}' ...

C# why resize image will increase the file size

I have image file which is 6k jpg file with width: 172px and hight: 172px. I use the following code try to resize it to 128*128px jpg file: public static Image ResizeImage(Image img, int width, int height) { var b = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) ...

How can I process a -dynamic- videostream and find the (relative) location of a "match" in that videostream?

As the question states: how is it possible to process some dynamic videostream? By saying dynamic, i actually mean I would like to just process stuff on my screen. So the imagearray should be some sort of "continuous screenshot". I'd like to process the video / images based on certain patterns. How would I go about this? It would be p...

how to process image efficiently after upload

Hi, this is for user avatar and users photo albums. I have gotten upload working but i need some guidelines on: when to do the following steps: image resize and update database with image info. The upload is handled by a simple cgi script on the front-end server instead of the main app server behind it in order to avoid to tie up the m...

How to setup motion detection using AForge?

Hi, i'm trying to setup motiondetection using the AForge.NET framework. I'm using the information provided on this page. I've setup a DirectShow videostream which feeds a part of my desktop through a stream. I can choose this stream in the sample videoplayer project which is provided with AForge. (And I see my desktop through the playe...

computer vision research related blog

Does anyone know any authoritative online sources on computer vision. I am mainly interested in blogs or places where an open discussion is feasible, with a tendency towards academic computer vision research rather than technical resources (like the opencv page etc...). ...

Good library to load images of different formats

Hi Iam developing an image viewer application just like irfan-view or acdsee which should be capable to view lots of different image file formats (not just the standard ones which can be done with System.Drawing.Image). Iam currently using ImageMagick but it isn't very fast and seems to be unstable with some image files. Can anyone sug...

Image editing using iphone.

I'm creating an image editing application for iphone. i would like to enable the user to pick an image from the photolibrary, edit it (grayscale, sepia,etc) and if possible, save back to the filesystem. I've done it for picking image (the simplest thing, as you know using imagepicker) and also for creating the grayscale image. But, i got...