
Image Classification - Detecting Floor Plans

I am working on a real estate website and i would like to write a program that can figure out(classify) if an image is a floor plan or a company logo. Since i am writing in php i will prefer a php solution but any c++ or opencv solution will be fine as well. Floor Plan Sample: Logo Sample: ...

Getting component values out of pixel data & iphone

Hi all, I'm developing an image editing application for iphone. I've seen many questions similar to mine, but couldn't find a relevent answer. I have generated the pixel data as, NSData* pixelData = (NSData*)CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(originalImage.CGImage)); Now, i need to get the component values (alpha,R,G,B) fro...

unable to load image using Javascript in IE 6

Hi, I am trying to set source for Img tag using Javascript at button click. The problem which i m facing is that the I cannot see the Image in IE 6 but it works in FireFox. I browsed and tried few solutions like load the image in page load(Document load) itself or set a timer, but nothing works consistently. This problem also not consis...

Match a pattern/needle (preferrably bitmap) in a haystack bitmap?

Hi, i have two bitmaps in code (.NET). I'd like to search for the small pattern (needle) in the big image (haystack). How can this be done? ...

Processing byte pixels with SSE/SSE2 intrinsics in C

I am programming, for cross-platform C, a library to do various things to webcam images. All operations are per-pixel and highly parallelizable - for example applying bit masks, multiplying color values by constants, etc. Therefore I think I can gain performance by using SSE/SSE2 intrinsics. However, I am having a data format problem....

iPhone. I need to touch every fullscreen pixel at 30fps. Doable?

I am interested in doing some image-hacking apps. To get a better sense of expected performance can someone give me some idea of the overhead of touching each pixel at fullscreen resolution? Typical use case: The use pulls a photo out of the Photo Album, selects a visual effect and - unlike a Photoshop filter - gestural manipulation of ...

Convert yuv sequence to bmp images

Hello; I have yuv sequences and I want to convert it to bmp images.And I want to save it to folder on my computer. I used yuv2bmp m file in . Altough Yuv file is 44MB, unfortunately Matlab gave memory error. How can I overcome of this problem? Could you ...

Applying effects on image using VC++ ?

I am working on applying artistic effects to image . Can you please tell me how to achieve this effect ? Any inputs are appreciated ..... Input Image : Output Image:, ...

Image getting cropped using imagepng. How should i avoid that?

Hello I am trying to functions: 1. imagecreatefrompng 2. imagepng my php code looks like this: <?php ini_set('memory_limit', -1); try{ //if(!$image=imagecreatefromjpeg('zee3.jpg')){ if(!$image=imagecreatefrompng('leo.png')){ throw new Exception('Error loading image'); } imagepng($image, 'leoAfter_9compression1.png...

"painting" one array onto another using python / numpy

I'm writing a library to process gaze tracking in Python, and I'm rather new to the whole numpy / scipy world. Essentially, I'm looking to take an array of (x,y) values in time and "paint" some shape onto a canvas at those coordinates. For example, the shape might be a blurred circle. The operation I have in mind is more or less identi...

Newbie help: mouseover on image sometimes returning wrong image from image map

Have (index.htm) set up so that a mouseover on various places shows an image. For some reason image 2.jpg and 3.jpg (move mouse back and forth on blue balloon) are both showing up (not at same time) when you mouse over the blue balloon. Only 3.jpg (child in chair) should show up on the blue balloon. 2.jpg (found on ...

How to create a TIFF file?

How to create a TIFF file in PHP? I want create a TIFF file and fax it. I know how to fax it but I don`t know how to create a TIFF file. ...

Get time from the clock image in Matlab - Image Processing

I do not know how to determine the top of the needle of the clock. If you determine the coordinates of them, I can think of the time of the clock. Please help me solve this problem. Thank you very much! ...

Turning Image object into BufferedImage object

Given an Image object, how do I turn that into a BufferedImage object without using any of the graphics stuff? Thanks. (P.S. I'm using Java ImageIO library) ...

DCT Compression - Block Size, Choosing Coefficients

I'm trying to understand the effect of the Block Size and best strategy of choosing the Coefficients in DCT compression. Basically I want to ask what I wrote here: Lets assume the most primitive compression. Making block of an im...

how to label a binarized image?

please help me to segment a image in binary image... more clearly, i got a image from background subtraction, which is binary...means, the object area is of white color and non object object is problem is how to label that white area? i m using ...

Polygon to contour in OpenCV? e.g. an opposite of cvApproxPoly()?

Is there an easy and fast OpenCV solution that will convert a set of CvPoint vertices defining a polygon, to a contour with many more vertices? I have simple polygons in one space, and I want to transform the polygons into another space, where straight lines will become curvy. Thus its important that I add more vertices to my straight l...

Speeding up cvSmooth?

I am building a real-time closed-loop image processing application. I waste at least 3ms using cvSmooth(): cvSmooth(Obj->ImgOrig,Obj->ImgSmooth,CV_GAUSSIAN,Params->GaussSize*2+1); This ends up being the single slowest operation in my entire code. I want to be able to blur my image to varying amounts depending on user input before thre...

Smooth local celing function

I have a gray-scale image and I want to make a function that closely follows the image is always grater than it the image smooth at some given scale. In other words I want a smooth function that approximates the maximum of another function in the local region while over estimating the that function at all points. Any ideas? My...

How to generate polygonal thumbs?

Is there's a way to generate polygonal thumbnails in PHP? (ImageMagick, GD, etc) Here is an example of what I want to achieve: ...