
Can IMAPI2 burn files with the size > 4Gb?

IMAPI2 interface IFileSystem uses COM IStream interfaces to represent file data. There is AddTree method that adds specified directory contents to IFileSystem. So AddTree must create IStream's in the process. I wonder what implementation of IStream it uses? If it uses the standard OLE implementation than we have a nasty problem because O...

How to burn video DVD from c#?

I need to burn video dvd from my web cam in C# application? What is the right way to do it? What are required steps? I guess I must create image with right folder structure and MPEG2 video and then burn it to DVD? IMAPI2? ...

How to instantiate MsftRawCDImageCreator?

I'm trying to write a program in C++ that is able to burn an Audio CD without gaps between the tracks. From what I found, this has only recently been made possible using IMAPI, but should be possible since Windows XP SP2 and Vista SP1. The problem is that I can't find any example code on how to do this. What I did find is that I need to...

Accessing IMAPI under IIS

I am trying to ivnoke IMAPI (windows 32 CD burning service) under an ASP.NET application (IIS 5.1, Windows XP sp3). On the call to CoCreateInstance I receive a COMException 0x80070005 Access Denied. The same code works when run as a console application. To be sure it is indeed a permission problem I added ASPNET to the Administrators gr...

DVD writer sample needed in VC++

Hi, I am developing a new application which have to write data to DVD. Is it possible to do with IMAPI2. I read some help from MSDN but didnt get any startup material. Can u provide some nice sample or link. ...

put_Recorder not working for DVD

Hi i want to write a file into my DVD how can i do it by coding. I am into the development of this application but initially only i got stuck; please help m_hResult = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MsftDiscFormat2Data), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,__uuidof(IDiscFormat2Data), (void**)&m_discFormatData); if (!SUCCEEDED(m_hResult)) { qDebug()<...

DVD burn IMAPI2 + getting error, multiple of the sector size

hi, I am writing a program which burns data to DVD. When i run my program its showing error code 0xC0AA0403(The size of the provided IStream object is invalid. The size must be a multiple of the sector size, 2048.) Please help me on this. How to specify data as multiple of 2048. I am just passing a single DOC file to burn ...

Simple .NET CD/DVD burning component

There's a number of postings about IMAPI in .NET, including these: But I can't say they're straightforward. First link looks good, though its C# WinForms realization doesn't allow simple re-using in VB.NE...

vb6 COM IMAPIv2 "Automation error. Class already exists"

I am moving some old vb6 code from nero burning sdk to IMAPIv2. To prolong its life a little longer I randomly (not very often) get this error "Automation error. Class already exists" -1062599675 Any suggestions as to what is causing it and how to fix it? My guess is that my code isn't properly releasing the COM objects its creating. H...

Winform application setup project ouptput installer and project files to write to multiple DVDs

I developed a Winform application that provides security, encryption and plays huge bunch of SWF files. I created a setup project for my application and it packages the files as uncompressed files. I would like to burn the ouptut files to a DVD but the problem being the size (6GB or more), it requires 2 DVDs at least. I would need to pro...

CD Burning within an XBAP

Hi I have an XBAP that needs to be able to burn cd's. When running from inside Visual Studio, everything works okay. However when running from a browser, the IMAPI dll reports that the environment is not supported as soon as it tries to access the drive. I am assuming this is coming down to permissioning. I have a signed certificate whi...

IMAPI2 in VB 2008 progress bar

Hello, I start making program that will burn CD/DVDs, and everything is okay. I found way to burn with IMAPI2 API, but now I have problem: I can't get progress bar of that burning. Here is code: Dim CDD1 As New IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2 Dim CDD2 As New IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2 Dim FSI As New IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage Dim CDD3 As New I...

CD burning....Debug works,Published doesnt.

I am working on a program to burn a CD. Its located on a server but to my knowledge when it is ran it is pulled to that users computer, then ran. My problem is it runs in debug and after I publish it to the server, it can no longer find my CD burner. I can provide more information, i just don't know what to add. ...