
Android: Edit Text Go Button

I have an Edit Text that is defined as follows. <EditText android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:maxLines="1" android:inputType="text" android:hint="@string/field_text" android:id="@+id/field" /> I want to set a custom command so that when somebody clicks on the Done/Go button on the onscre...

Putting IME in a custom text box, derived from Control

I have created my own single-line textbox control in C# .net 3.5 I've written this completely from scratch, including my own selection code, scrolling, copy/paste etc. It can even select left-to-right text, not that I'd ever use that... The problem I'm having is with IME (input method editor) integration. The IME does work to an extent...

Android IME: how to show a pop-up dialog?

I'm playing around with some keyboard development and try to show a pop-up dialog when a certain key is pressed if (primaryCode == -301) { AlertDialog mDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(CONTEXT) .setTitle("My dialog") .setMessage("Lets do it.") .setPositiveButton("ok", null).create(); ...

Android IME: showing a custom pop-up dialog (like Swype keyboard) which can enter text into the TextView

I'm wondering how I can create a custom pop-up like the one in the screenshot below (borrowed from the Swype keyboard), where I can have a couple of buttons, which each commit a string to the currently "connected" TextView (via a InputConnection). Please note: this is an InputMethodService and not an ordinary Activity. I already tried ...

how to add own custom IME at Select Input method dialog

I'd like to show my ownIME at Select input method chooser dialog like Japanese IME and Chinese IME. how can I do for that. I am new to Android. I have tested GreekIME and otherIME. Although .apk is successfully upload. But can't show in it and how to choose own IME from this place. What I need to do in my code. ...

How to know the current IME in Android?

I want to know what IME is using currently in android. I tried InputMethodManager.getEnabledInputMethodList(), but I can only get the list of IMEs. I can't figure out how to determine which one is currently selected of the list. How can I get which input method had selected currently? ...

How to disable Chinese Input Method when sign in or sign up?

There is "android:inputMethod" atrr in EditText, but I can't find any way to catch it. ...

Android: button in IME's suggestion bar not clickable

I'm subclassing InputMethodService to create my own personal keyboard. A lot of stuff already works quite nice. But now I'm playing around with the suggestion bar (also called "candiate view"). For now I'm just trying to load a static layout with one button in it: @Override public View onCreateCandidatesView() { LayoutInflater mLayoutI...

Android: serving two simultaneous InputConnections

I'm working on a personalized keyboard and I'm wondering if there is a way to add another EditText to a InputConnection. So that I can serve the EditText from the user's application, but also a second EditText, which I have on a special input screen of my keyboard. This screen gets opened when I hit a special button on the keyboard. The ...

I'm making an Android IME. How do I add a "Settings" list item in the "Language & Keyboard" settings screen?

... like "Swype settings" in this picture. Been searching for hours on how to do this. Going to go insane. Help appreciated. ...

What needs to be passed to an editor from a keyboard app to move the cursor one char left?

What key code does an Android editor app expect the keyboard app to send when it is going to be interpreted as a left arrow? In other words, what is the keyboard program supposed to send to its calling program (some kind of editor) if the user intends to move the cursor one char to the left? A related issue: what do the minus values for ...

Android:I need a slide in calculator type soft keypad a la iphone

I'm attempting to replicate on android an iphone app my company had developed externally. My need is simple but it seems hard to achieve under android. I have three numeric edittext inputs. Each should take only decimal numeric values. So numbers 0-9 and "." or ",". On the iphone this was achieved by a slide in calculator style keypad ...

access os x IME capabilities from code

Hi, How can I access the IME configuration of an OS X system? I would like to get the key to enable/disable IME input for instance, get the composition window position, selected candidate etc. Any language is fine, I just want to know how such a thing is possible, thanks! ...

Getting actual keycode for ibus settings

Hi, I am able to read the ibus keys configuration to know the keys that trigger an engine ON/OFF (accessible via the property "general/hotkey" and "trigger"). that is all good but that returns lists of strings (gchar*) which combination switches ON/OFF the IME (ex: ["SHIFT+CTRL+F9", "SHIFT+UNDERSCORE",...]). How can I get the correspon...