
What's the right way to import Java source into Eclipse to avoid messing up references?

I created a java project and then tried to import Java source code from two different projects. I've been working on it for a few hours, deleting and re-creating the project dozens of times to try to reconcile all of the messed up references between these two projects - which other people say are supposed to work together reliably. What...

Current working directory no longer inherited from calling process from python 2.5 onwards?

I updated my python version on windows 2003 server from 2.4 to 2.5. In 2.4 I could import a file "" from a subdirectory c:\application\subdir\ like this: import sub1 as long as the calling script that lives in c:\application was started like this: c:\application\subdir>python ..\ But in 2.5 it no longer works...

Time taken by an import in Python

I want to know how much time an import takes for both built-in as well as user defined modules. ...

Test for Python module dependencies being installed

How could one test whether a set of modules is installed, given the names of the modules. E.g. modules = set(["sys", "os", "jinja"]) for module in modules: # if test(module exists): # do something While it's possible to write out the tests as: try: import sys except ImportError: print "No sys!" This is a bit cumbersome f...

importing gaeutilities or any other module by dev_appserver

I'm developing a gae application on a windows machine. to have session handling I downloaded gaeutilities and added its path (C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\gaeutilities-1.2.1) to the registry ("PythonPath" item under python25). in my code this is how I import the gaeutilities Session class: from appengine_utilities.sessions import Sess...

Cost of Including Header Files in Objective-C

This may seem like a really stupid question, but what is the cost of including (actually, calling #import) a header file in Objective-C? I get tired of constantly including the same headers in various locations, so I decided to simply create a GlobalReferences.h file that includes several commonly-referenced headers. Is there any apprec...

importing into mysql mangled

I am trying to import a CSV file into MySQL 5.0 with the following line: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'file' INTO TABLE MYTABLE FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '\\' My table schema is as follows CREATE TABLE AUCTIONS ( ARTICLE_NO VARCHAR(20), ARTICLE_NAME VARCHAR(100), SUBTITLE VARCHAR(20), CURREN...

Import textfile with weird format in C#

I have this exported file of some weird (standard for this industry!) format, which I need to import into our Database. The file basically looks like this: DATRKAKT-START KAKT_LKZ "D" KAKT_DAT_STAMM "1042665" DATRKAIB-START KAIB_AZ "18831025" KAIB_STATUS_FM 2 KAIB_KZ_WAE "E" DATRKAIB-END DATRKARP-START K...

Including Sharepoint /pages/ in Import/Export

My team and I are using multiple virtual machines on our local computers to develop a Sharepoint Site and, as this is really not supported, we are running into problems: I am attempting to use the in-house import/export features with the following commands: -- Export -- stsadm.exe -o export -url http://localhost/ -nologfile -haltonwarn...

trouble resolving location in <xs:import > element in C#

I'm using an XML schema document to validate incoming data documents, however the schema appears be failing during compilation at run time because it refers to a complex type which part of an external schema. The external schema is specified in a element at the top of the document. I had thought it might be an access problem, so I moved...

How do you configure GroovyConsole so I don't have to import libraries at startup?

I have a groovy script that uses a third party library. Each time I open the application and attempt to run my script I have to import the proper library. I would like to be able to open GroovyConsole and run my application without having to import the library. ...

Using Python multiprocessing while importing a module via file path

I'm writing a program which imports a module using a file path, with the function imp.load_source(module_name,module_path). It seems to cause a problem when I try to pass objects from this module into a Process. An example: import multiprocessing import imp class MyProcess(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self,thing): ...

Import Date Format mmddyyyy

Hello, I have to import dates into oracle with this type of format 03JUN2008 The only example I've seen this done before has dashes and this does not. Should I just bring it in as varchar and manipulate or is there another way? Thanks ...

Python: Finding all packages inside a package

Given a package, how can I automatically find all its sub-packages? ...

Import data according to table relationship order

I am trying to create a generic importation VBA function in access database. (I will link the external tables of a similar database and then import their data into the local tables.) For starters, the function should get a list of the tables in the local database, ordered by their primary/foreign key, so as to allow importation based on...

implemention of imports

Firstly I'm not a Java guy, but I came across what appears on the surface to be an inconsistency with the way imports work. Say you have a file and in this file you have your main function and you have also defined a class Foo, now a different implementation of Foo also exists in a package. Suppose you want to use both versions in your ...

Lay out import pathing in Python, straight and simple?

If a group of Python developers wants to put their shared code somewhere, in a hierarchical structure, what's the structure, and what's the related "import" syntax? Does java-style reference work in Python also? I.e., do directories correspond to dots? What is standard setup for an internal-use-only library of Python code, and what'...

Is it possible to use @import in Adobe AIR CSS?

Trying to use @import url('myfile.css'); in my css file in Adobe AIR but it's not working. I have tried variations such as url('file:///myfile.css') and url('file:///abs/path/myfile.css') and none of it seems to be working. ...

wxPython launches my app twice when importing a sub-package

I'm sorry for the verbal description. I have a wxPython app in a file called that resides in a package called garlicsimwx. When I launch the app by launching the aforementioned file, it all works well. However, I have created a file in a folder which contains the garlicsimwx package, which runs the app as...

Include one java file in another java file

I'm pretty new in Java, so perhaps this question is not make me sound very stupid. How can I include one java file into another java file? For example: If I have 2 java file one is called and one is called How can I include into so that I can exstend the class from in Stude...