
C++ MSVS dll headers #include issues

Hi, I don't code with lib linking and dll for most of the time, recently when I do, i realized there could be something very wrong with the way i do my #include. Is the following the correct/desirable way to do #include? suppose i have 3 projects (1) dll_A (2) dll_B (3) exe_1. dll_A depends on dll_B, exe_1 depends one dll_A. the way ...

c++ how to do to deal with circular dependencies?

Hi! usually, if my #include chain gets circular, I solve it by replacing one of the #includes by a forward declaration and then move all the function implementations that depend on this type into the cpp file, where I #include the header instead. But - in some situations it's bad to put function implementation into the cpp file - espec...

Inserting code from seperate source file (ASP.NET/C#)

How can I insert code into a page in ASP.Net from a seperate source file? Say I have: <% Response.Write("hello world"); %> How can I make it something like: <% include(helloworld.cs) %> I know how it work sin the header with the <%@ and CodeFile= but I can't make it work for different spots of code. Is there a w...

Content elements for wordpress

I'm looking for a plugin (or better yet, not a plugin) for wordpress that lets me generate standard content elements, or includes for posts and pages. For example, my_content_1 could be: buy it now for $23!! Which could then be included in posts and pages using some kind of syntax (or whatever) like: Welcome to my site, blah blah bla...

BIRT: How do I include a JAR in the report?

In the BIRT book "Integrating and Extending BIRT" (2nd edition, p. 296), I've found this little piece of text: BIRT searches locations for external classes in the order shown in the following list: [...] JAR files that are included in the report design. How do I include a JAR file in the report design? ...

Include,EF, ASP.NET and dropdownlist

I have a problem with include in EF, ASP.NET and dropdownlist. with the page : <asp:EntityDataSource ID="ds" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=CoreEntities" DefaultContainerName="CoreEntities" EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="Articles" Include="TraductionTitre"> </asp:EntityDataSource> <asp:DropDownList ID="Dr...

Why php includes doesn´t processes accents right?

As explained here ( php has a strange behavior processing the accents. My question is Why? I mean: I have a simple utf-8 charset page. With this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

How to include() functions into a class in PHP

Possible Duplicate: Can I include code into a PHP class? Hello, I have some third-part php files that I would like to include as classes in my application. The problem is those files keep changing and they are not OOP, just a bunch of functions. To keep them updated and to work in my framework I have to use them in a class, s...

Android: How to dynamically include a XML Layout?

Hello, I want to decompose my UI into several XML Layouts. The first one would be the main layout, and the other ones would be the content layouts. I would like to be able to set which content_layout should be included dynamically during runtime, so I don't want to set a "layout="@+layout/content_layout" in my XML file. Here are my lay...

Rails 3 - select with Include?

I've been looking for how to do a select with include in Rails 3 - I have a nested example: @items = Item.where("fulfilled = ?", true).includes({:order=>[:supplier, :agent]}, :manufacturer) This is a very taxing query to run without selects as it creates 1000s of rows of data by pulling information from all the above big tables. How ca...

Variables not carrying over to included file in different directory

So, I have a Wordpress theme. In the functions.php file, I'm writing a function that looks something like this: function my_function(){ $var1 = 'apple'; $var2 = 'orange'; include get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/lib/fruits.php'; } And the fruits.php file looks like this: <?php echo "My brother's favorite fruit i...

Velocity: Is it better to use a Velocity Macro or #include(...) statement for a DIV block repeated many times on different pages?

I have about 10 standard blocks of dynamically generated HTML that get included on a large percentage of pages on my site (informational sidebars). I can use #include statements or define them as a macros, both would work. What's better? I'm new to Velocity and migrating a site from JSP. Why use one vs the other? Why have #include wh...

Why do my php includes return, "failed to open stream: No such file or directory in..."

I'm using simple include files for common elements on a mostly static website. I do so like this <?php include('/inc/header.php'); ?> But this doesn't work unless i remove the leading slash, and then it only works on pages in the root directory. What am I doing wrong? ...

Undefined reference to member functions

I had just thought I resolved a problem, but it seemed another one cropped up--or at least the same problem in another form. Now when I try to rebuild everything as suggested in the answer to that question, all Qt Creator shows in build issues is a one line collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Here's some of the compile output that I thi...