
C++ include header path change windows to linux

Hi, I am porting a application written in c++ from windows to Linux. I have a problem with the header files path. Windows uses "\" and while Linux uses "/" . I am finding it cumbersome to change this in each and every source and header file. Is there some work around? ...

Visual Studio 2008 oddity with C++ and header files

Hi all, I have a large C++ project within a Visual Studio 2008 solution file, and everything is compiling and building correctly. So far so good. However, it is unable to find any header files when I attempt to open them directly from the IDE's code viewer window, even though the folder locations of those header files are enumerated in...

Pass Vim buffer variable as an argument for external command

The problem is that I need to pass include paths to the C++ compiler. I can define them for each buffer, like: :let b:COMPILER_OPTIONS='-ggdb -I"E:\boost_1_42_0\boost\"' But how do I expand b:COMPILER_OPTIONS on the command line ? :!g++ program.cpp eval('b:COMPILER_OPTIONS') doesn't work. Or, if this isn't possible, what other way...