Is it possible to have individual indentation of items in a QTreeWidget?
In specific, I have have a column containing both text, icon and for some of them a CheckBox. The items without a CheckBox gets shifted to the left so the indentation of the icon and the text is not inline with the others. Could maybe be fixed with a hidden CheckBo...
I'm using xalan with the following xsl header:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:output method="text" indent="yes" xalan:indent-amount...
Hello friends,
I am new to django and was trying this code in a tutorial. But now i am not able to run my program because of the following error:
IndentationError at /
('unexpected indent', ('D:\django_workspace\django_bookmarks\..\django_bookmarks\bookmarks\', 14, 4, ' return HttpResponse(output)\n'))
Request M...
This question is similar in spirit to :
But it is based specifically on indentation (spaces vs tabs and the number of spaces).
The reason I am asking here instead of searching is because I remember seeing a specific document w...
The first thing that comes to my mind is to do a bunch of \t's, but that would cause words to be misaligned if any word is longer than any other word by a few characters.
For example, I would like to have something like:
Name Last Name Middle initial
Bob Jones M
Joe ReallyLongLastName T
I'm really trying to switch to emacs, but learning to setup the environment is a real pain.
Everybody says it's worth it, so I just continue.
I want my c code to be implemented that way:
asdr = 1;
Depending on the current standard (I know, don't get me started), could be:
if(asdf) {
asdr = 1;
I can't seem to...
When i work in VS2008, i use the Ctrl+K+D very often as it saves a lot of time.
But in CSS files, this command formats the document in a way i don't quite like.
For example when i auto format the document,
However, i like to format tags this way, as it is much more easy to read (in my opinion):...
The LaTeX code provided below shows the usage of the command "\indent" as it appears in the document, but it does not produce the desired indentation within the document. Is there a specific package associated with the command "\indent" or "\="? I am asking for a step by step method of producing an indentation within a document for only ...
The more I browse the code to open source projects in languages that aren't Python, the more I realize that it seems a lot of programmers don't believe in proper indentation. (I won't mention any projects specifically to avoid having anyone take this question too personally.) Usually code is indented, but in a way just different enough...
what is the correct way to do indentation of a LaTeX document in Emacs (AucTex)?
For example when I have a list:
\item orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam enim urna, mattis eu aliquet eget, condimentum id nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
\item orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu...
In Python, is there a mean to enforce the use of spaces or tabs indentation with a per file basis ?
Well, perhaps "enforce" is too strong, more like a "recommendation".
I keep receiving patch files with mixed indentation and this is annoying... (to say the least) Python itself can tell when there is a problem, but I am searching somet...
Unfortunately, I am not an experienced vim user. But, I am making the effort to learn it.
When I paste code into my document from the clipboard, I get extra spaces at the start of each new line:
I know you can turn off auto indent but mine doesn't seem to work because I have some other settings conflicting or so...
I've moved from TextMate to Vim lately, and am really liking the switch. However, I have an itch regarding the way Vim handles indentation within curly braces using the CSS syntax. I use simple_pairs.vim, which may or may not have something to do with my problem, but I don't think so, as things work fine in PHP, JavaScript, etc. Let me e...
I'm learning C++. For me, my programming style is just what looks the best; it doesn't seem to follow the rules of any one particular style. Here's an example
void f(int x){ //no space between close-paren and bracket
if (!x){
cout << "x is non-zero\n";
} //closing bracket indented to the same level as the original statem...
I can't for the life of me find any answer to this through conventional Internet means, so I'm hoping for some help.
Emacs for me right now tends to do indentation on braces as follows:
if( ... )
Which I find incredibly irritating; I've never even seen this behaviour anywhere else. At any rate, the behaviour I'm expecting i...
0x80002bc <__execve>: pushl %ebp
0x80002bd <__execve+1>: movl %esp,%ebp
0x80002bf <__execve+3>: pushl %ebx
0x80002c0 <__execve+4>: movl $0xb,%eax
0x80002c5 <__execve+9>: movl 0x8(%ebp),%ebx
0x80002c8 <__execve+12>: movl 0xc(%ebp),%ecx
0x80002cb <__execve+15>: movl 0x10(%ebp),%edx
The last 2 lines are indente...
How to set vim to not indent namespace content in C++?
namespace < identifier >
< statement_list > // Unwanted indentation
Surprisingly, 'cinoptions' doesn't provide a way to edit namespace content indentation.
I'm creating an XML document. I got it to indent using
TransformerFactory.setAttribute("indent-number", new Integer(2));
Transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
Is it possible to get Java to use tabs instead of spaces for indenting? And how?
The Problem
I want to press a key when I have a line highlighted and convert from a single line:
JGLogEntry *logEntry = [JGLogEntry applicationNoWindowsFrom:date1 to:date2 intoMOC:mockRawMOC];
to a multiline statement:
JGLogEntry *logEntry = [JGLogEntry applicationNoWindowsFrom:date1
I'd like to serialize some simple data model into xml, I've been using the standard -related code (see below), the indentation is better than no "OutputKeys.INDENT", yet there is one little thing that remains - proper indentation for child elements.
I know that this has been asked before on stackoverflow , yet that ...