
animations on infinite loop

I have 5 different animations that animate then disappear one after another. Is there a way to put them on an infinite loop so animation #1 begins and ends, then anim #2 begins and ends etc..? the whole process then would repeat on an infinite loop. I have the animations in separate blocks on delays. I'm guessing that there is a better ...

Why is this while loop stuck in infinite loop?

I'm working on a hybrid data structure that is an ordered double-linked list where each node contains an array[] of SIZE. My difficulty is the add method. Using unit testing provided by the professor, a test string is broken up into individual characters and added to the list using a provided comparator. The default test is abcdefghij...

Endless for loop

Hi, I have the following loop. for(byte i = 0 ; i < 128; i++){ System.out.println(i + 1 + " " + name); } When I execute my programm it prints all numbers from -128 to 127 in a loop. But the loop seems to be endless. Any ideas? ...

run an infinite loop for a while in c

Hello everybody. I want to run an infinite loop for a while. Basically, i want to have something like this //do something while(1){ //do some work } //do some other thing but i want the running time of the loop to be fixed, example, the loop could be running for 5 seconds. Do somebody have an idea? ...

Why does my Perl script loop infinitely?

I developed a script (mainly by visiting multiple solutions and mashing together my favorite) to find and replace words in files. The files are all contained in a directory. For some reason, my script goes into an infinite loop, however it appears that it works. I would appreciate any explanation as to why it won't exit the loop. #!/us...

Durand-kerner implementation doesn't work

What's wrong with this implementation of the Durand-Kerner algorithm (here) ? def durand_kerner(poly, start=complex(.4, .9), epsilon=10**-16):#float('-inf')): roots = [] for e in xrange( roots.append(start ** e) while True: new = [] for i, r in enumerate(roots): new_r = r - (p...