
while loop ignore the event listener

so when i run this code to try to change the background the GUI crashes and gets stuck in a infinite while loop ignoring the event listeners. here is the code: private Panel getPanel1() { if (panel1 == null) { panel1 = new Panel(); panel1.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); while(frame.isVisible()...

jQuery .remove() call in callback triggers infinite loop

Hi folks, While I have the problem itself seemingly resolved, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the why of this... Below are two snapshots of the same function whose job is to remove a div that contains a user feedback message. It's setup to use an optional timeout, if a timeout is specified it makes a call to itself using set...

How to stop this AJAX?

I wanted to implement Comet in PHP and came across this page: The second method explained in the article works fine for me. In the backend php file, the loop seems to be infinite: // infinite loop until the data file is not modified $lastmodif = isset($_GET['timestamp']) ? $_GET...

How can I configure Apache2/mod_python/Django to abort request processing after N seconds?

I recently spent a long while debugging something that turned out to be an infinite loop bug in my own code. Since I can't guarantee I'll never make that sort of mistake again, how can I configure my web server to terminate any apache2 subprocess that remains waiting for my python app to return a response for over N seconds? In this cas...

why is this an infinite loop in python?

I can't seem to figure out why this is an infinite loop in python?? for i in range(n): j=1 while((i*j)<n): j+=1 shouldn't the outer loop go n times. incrementing j until its equal to n div i each time? ...

How to avoid a redirect loop in ASP.NET MVC

In certain error conditions I would like to redirect to the Home controller but I want to make sure that I don't get into a "redirect" loop (with an exception being generated each time resulting in yet another redirect). What is the best way to do this? ...

Copy constructor invokes an infinite loop

Hi, I am passing a value to copy constructor as a reference, but an infinite loop is being invoked. Here's my class: class Vector2f{ private: GLfloat x; GLfloat y; public: Vector2f(); Vector2f(const GLfloat _x, const GLfloat _y); Vector2f(const Vector2f &_vector); ~Vector2f(); }; Here's implementation of me...

Infinite recursion error using DependencyProperty (C#)

Here's the C# code directly from the website ( that everyone refers to when someone asks about TimePicker for WPF, although I moved it around a little bit to be more organized. (Please note, if you're trying to run this code to work with it: you must change the XAML code ...

Why Does Test Condition of "for(;;)" Succeed?

Insomuch as I understand "for(;;)" has no initial condition, no test condition and no increment condition, and therefore loops forever, I am curious why the test condition succeeds each loop. Does the empty expression ";" evaluate as true in C? Or is this a special case handled by compilers? A similar, but unrelated question. ...

Are compilers allowed to eliminate infinite loops?

Can optimizing compiler delete infinite loops, which does not changes any data, like while(1) /* noop */; From analyzing a data flow graph compiler can derive, that such loop is "dead code" without any side effects. Is deleting of infinite loops prohibited by C90/C99 standards? Does C90 or C99 standards permit compiler to deletin...

SQL Server Trigger loop

Hi, I would like to know if there is anyway I can add a trigger on two tables that will replicate the data to the other. For example: I have a two users tables, users_V1 and users_V2, When a user is updated with one of the V1 app, it activate a trigger updating it in users_V2 as well. If I want to add the same trigger on the V2 table...

C++ Unwanted infinite while loop

I get an infinite loop when I use the following code in C++ and I don't understand why. I suspect the problem is within the input_words() function. Here is the code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; string input_words(int maxWords) { int nWord = 0; string words[maxWords]; string aWord = ""; while (aWord != "Quit"...

C# - How to create a non-detectable infinite loop?

This is just an "I am Curious" question. In C#-in-depth Jon Skeet says about lambda expressions: "if there is a nonvoid return type every code path has to return a compatible value." (Page 233) The footnote then says: "Code paths throwing exceptions don't need to return a value, of course, and neither do detectable infinite loops." (Pa...

How can I represent a file system's symbolic links in a Perl hash?

On Server Fault, How to list symbolic link chains? (not my question) talks about listing all the symbolic links and following them. To make this doable, let's consider a single directory at first. I want to write a short utility that does this. It looks easy to put pairs from symbolic links into a hash and then process the hash. But ...

QWidget's paintEvent() lagging application

i'm studying and modifying the fridge magnets example, and the last thing I've tried to do was to draw a few labels and lines that are supposed to be on the background. After looking around trying to figure out how to draw the labels and lines, I learned that I could override QWidget's paintEvent() to do it. After I did it though, the a...

Infinite While Loop in Java

Hey there! I'm trying to do some data input validation but I haven't been able to figure it out. I'm getting an infinite while loop in when I try to validate if the first character entered is a letter. . . . Thanks for your help! public class methods { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { String...

Going mad with infinite loop and RewriteCond, need help.

I want to redirect users to my home page if they enter any URL not starting with 'en' or 'fr'. I've spent hours trying to make this work but this proves too tough for my fragile newbie brain. Currently, if I try to go to Firefox tells me that the redirect will never complete. Here's what I want: http:/...

Beginner python - stuck in a loop

I have two begininer programs, both using the 'while' function, one works correctly, and the other gets me stuck in a loop. The first program is this; num=54 bob = True print('The guess a number Game!') while bob == True: guess = int(input('What is your guess? ')) if guess==num: print('wow! You\'re awesome!') ...

How to run infinitely script in background on Linux?

I have a PHP script with infinite loop. I need this script running forever. So, I run php /path/to/script.php > /dev/null & And it works in background in my current user's security context. But when I close terminal window (log off), of course, CentOS Linux kills my program. I see two guesses: run from a different user in backgroun...

Strange recursive infinite loop I cannot track down

Hey there, I've got a prototype having a method I can add callbacks with: /* * Add a callback function that is invoked on every element submitted and must return a data object. * May be used as well for transmitting static data. * * The callback function is supposed to expect a jQuery element as single parameter * and must retur...