
Bulk import from Informix into Oracle

Hi. We need to pull some tables from an Informix SE database, truncate tables on Oracle 10g, and then populate them with the Informix data. Does a bulk import work? Will data types clash? I'd like to use a simple Java executable that we can schedule daily. Can a Java program call the bulk import? Is there an example you can provide? T...

life span of temp table

I have the following procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE foo () SELECT * FROM fooBar INTO TEMP tempTable; -- do something with tempTable here DROP TABLE tempTable; END PROCEDURE; What happens if there is an exception before the DROP TABLE is called? Will tempTable still be around after foo exits? If so, foo could fail the next ...

testing inequality with columns that can be null

So, I asked a question this morning, which I did not phrase correctly, so I got a lot of responses as to why NULL compared to anything will give NULL/FALSE. My actual question was, what is the time honored fashion in which db guys test inequalities for two columns that can both be NULL. My question is the exact opposite of this questio...

execution time of a stored procedure

What is the age old method of testing execution time of stored procedures on informix 11.5. I am thinking of doing something like this from a unix prompt: $ time (echo 'execute procedure foo(1)' | dbaccess ...) Any other ideas? ...

Custom "WHERE" in stored procedure (Informix)?

I'm doing the specification for an application that has to search a table with different conditions in the WHERE clause. For example (not an actual table): type 1 select name from employees where active = true; or type 2 select name from employees where idBoss = 3; I would rather create one stored procedure with a parameter "type...

How to call a stored procedure without waiting for it to finish?

How do I call a stored procedure from a web service method without having to wait for the stored procedure to finish, and just let the method finish all other activities? As an example (not actual situation but much simpler to understand): I have a table houses with 10 million rows, and each year I have to calculate what each house is ...

Connect to AVAYA CMS database (Informix) using ODBC

I'm trying to use .net to connect to an AVAYA CMS Informix database. I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and connecting via a DNS I've created. I can see the tables no problem, but when I try to show the data on an .aspx page, I get the following error: "Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section 'connectionStrings'" and...

how to obtain ranges of serial numbers in sql?

I have a table with a field called sector, each sector is usually something like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,etc. I want to show available sectors in an application, I thought that showing all 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 is dumb so I should show "1 to 7" instead. The problem is that sometimes the sectors skip one number like this 1,2,3, 5,6,7. So I want to show s...

Problem with Informix JDBC, MONEY and decimal separator in string literals

I have problem with JDBC application that uses MONEY data type. When I insert into MONEY column: insert into _money_test (amt) values ('123.45') I got exception: Character to numeric conversion error The same SQL works from native Windows application using ODBC driver. I live in Poland and have Polish locale and in my country comma...

Connecting to Informix 3.30 with SimbaServer middleware

I have a client that I'm trying to do some data migration out of an old route-accounting system for. The system has an Informix 3.30 database with SimbaServer middleware sitting on top of it. From what I gather, ODBC and JDBC support was not added to Informix until version 5.x, so that's out. Also, I have been unable to find the Simba...

Calling multiple stored procedures in .net, how to do it?

I need to call a stored procedure multiple times, I'm using informix. I would like to know if calling a procedure multiple times with the same connection is the same generating the string with the multiple calls to the stored procedure and executing that as a query. this is an example of the code: IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand("store...

ODBC Support for Informix Serial and BigInt Data Types

I have Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 and Informix Client SDK 3.5 installed on my server. I am developing a .NET application to read data from Informix database using ODBC functions. In the database, i have a table with columns of Serial and BigInt data types defined. My data retrieve function looks like this. Dim cmd As New Odbc.Od...

SQLException in JDBC

Hi, I am getting a SQLException when I try to run the query in Informix DB using JDBC. The query is huge in size: select * table_name where tableid in (....) I get an exception because the 'in' part contain more than 5000 values and because of the length. Is there a way to avoid this or should I break it down and run two queries? ...

Mutual exclusion (in static library )

I have a static library to access a Database. It has a function readMaximum(). readMaximum() reads a maximum value from DB. This function is thread safe (using mutex). But problem is : There are two processes A.exe and B.exe; both are compiled with the static library. Is there any way where I can implement mutual exclusion between p...

NHibernate with informix database "IBM IDS"

Hi All, which NHibernate driver can i use with informix database "IBM Informix Dynamic Server" ? Thanks, Amjad. ...

Informix .NET Provider and TransactionScope not rolling back

I have a little proof-of-concept distributed transaction application that is doing a simple insert into two tables -- one a MS SQL Server table, the other an Informix Dynamic Server table. The problem comes when an exception is thrown. If I use the OLE DB driver for Informix, everything works fine -- both inserts roll back; if I use the ...

Informix, NHibernate, TransactionScope interaction difficulties

I have a small program that is trying to wrap an NHibernate insert into an Informix database in a TransactionScope object using the Informix .NET Provider. I am getting the error specified below. The code without the TransactionScope object works -- including when the insert is wrapped in an NHibernate session transaction. Any ideas on w...

How do I access hidden columns from ActiveRecord (in informix)

Many databases have a hidden primary key column. MySQL implements this as _rowid. In MySQL's case it is really a pointer to a previously defined primary key column. However in other databases (in my case, Informix), this column is independent of a deliberately defined primary key. The database which I'm coding for was designed mostly...

Select BigSerial Column Data from Informix Table

The scenario is like that. User will specify a database table name and the system will retrieve and display all the data stored in the specified informix database table. Class.forName("com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connUrl) Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.exec...

Informix: The meaning of dot (.)?

Hey guys, I am wondering if anyone could tell me any special meaning of the dot (.) in Informix regarding expressions and etc. For example in stored procedures I see it used with integers, decimals and chars and one thing that is bugging me quite a lot is this: if value = '.' then //do something end if The above expression validate...