
Reading Sim HPLMN data on phone bootup?

Hi All, Is there a way to read the sim HPLMN on phone boot up after the modem service is up. According to my knowledge we would need to write a service which has to be invoked in the init.rc file and this services communicates with modem service and gets the sim related data's. Is the right way to do it or is there any other way which ...

Calling dealloc in init?

I am writing a framework and I have an object with a custom init method: @implementation OSDatabase @synthesize database; // MEM - (void)dealloc { sqlite3_close(database); [super dealloc]; } // INIT - (id)initWithDatabasePath:(NSString *)path error:(NSError **)error { if (self = [super init]) { if (!sqlite3_open_v2([path UT...

Ubuntu init.d script not being called on startup

I've got a script in ubuntu 9.04 in init.d that I've set to run on start on with update-rc.d using update-rc.d init_test defaults 99. All of the symlinks are there and the permissions appear to be correct -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 642 2010-10-28 16:44 init_test mike@xxxxxxxxxx:~$ find /etc -name S99* | grep init_test find: /etc/rc5.d...

JavaScript: Call init function vs. returning that function call

Didn't think carefully about this post before submitting. Apologies. ...