
iPhone UIWebView initial focus?

I have a simple app with a full screen UIWebView. This contains HTML generated by the app. I respond to clicks on various elements of the page via document.location = "someCommand" I have to touch the screen once before it will respond to a second touch. It's almost like it is not the focused control. it is the only view in the app. H...

How do you set the initial value for a ManyToMany field in django?

I am using a ModelForm to create a form, and I have gotten the initial values set for every field in the form except for the one that is a ManyToMany field. I understand that I need to give it a list, but I can't get it to work. My code in my view right now is: userProfile = request.user.get_profile() employer = userPr...

HowTo init Django model, before using it?

Hi. I'm new to python and django. Apps | Versions: Python 2.6.2 Django (working with PostgreSQL) Question: I wrote a simple model: class OperationType(models.Model): eid = models.IntegerField() name = models.TextField(blank=True) description = models.TextField(blank=True) def __unicode__(s...

javascript: how to determine initial mouse position?

hi. how can i determine the initial mouse position? right now i use onmousemove, but that sometimes only fires when the mouse is actually moved. same with onmouseover. if i dont move the mouse, i observed the following: it seems like in IE a mousemove event is always fired right at the beginning, in firefox never, and in chrome strang...

C#: Set initial DayOfWeek as Monday not Sunday

Hello, Is there a way to set the first DayOfWeek as Monday = 0 not Sunday? (int)dateList[0].DayOfWeek == 0) // 0 = Sunday ...

Entity Framework - Initial Save is slow

We are implementing a system using EF4 and WPF. We are noticing an issue with the initial saving of data: when the initial SaveChanges is run there is a 4 to 6 second delay when context.SaveChanges() command is run. Every subsequent SaveChanges is very fast with no noticable delay. This is not a major issue - but an annoyance none-the-l...

'initial' argument must come first when creating django form??

I have this working code f = SomeForm(request.POST) When I tried to modify it into f = SomeForm(request.POST, initial={'spam', 4}) it didnt work, the 'initial' wasnt selected ('spam' is a ModelChoiceField), but when I tried f = SomeForm(initial={'spam', 4}) it worked (selected value was correct). Am I missing something here? If ...

How to set MessageDigest seed?

The MessageDigest class implements the SHA-1 algorithm (among many others). The SHA-1 algorithm allows one to use different "seeds" or initial digests. See SHA-1 Psuedocode The algorithm initializes variables, or the seed: Initialize variables: h0 = 0x67452301 h1 = 0xEFCDAB89 h2 = 0x98BADCFE h3 = 0x10325476 h4 = 0xC3D2E1F0 Howev...