
Mysql Query not working

I have three tables that are structured like this: What I am trying to do is retrieve the joke id, title, and average rating of all jokes in a certain category and order them alphabetically. I have this query: $result = mysql_query(" SELECT AS joke_id, jokedata.joketitle AS joke_title, SUM(...

MySQL Query to create a "bump-system" for a forum I am making

Hello, I'm having trouble forming a MySQL query that performs the following action: Select all threadIDs from the threads table ordering by the timestamp (in descending order) of the most recent post (largest timestamp) with threadID equal to the threadID of each thread. So basically I want to go through the threads and have MySQL check...

Inner Join with Subsonic

I am trying to display all records that match the last name entered into a textbox. This requires an INNER JOIN on the "volID" column because there are 2 tables. <asp:TextBox ID="lName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="true" Visible="true"></asp:GridView> <asp:linkButton ID="...

How could I rewrite a query without using joins

I would like to know how this query would be written if no joins were used. I been trying to figure it out for cases where joins aren't viable or can't be used(aren't available). SELECT * FROM ( table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON = ) INNER JOIN table3 ON ( table1.id2 = table3.id2 ) AND ( table1....

Why does wrapping an Excel array formula in a SUM not produce the sum of the contents in this case?

Clever People, In Excel, it appears that wrapping an array formula in a SUM does not produce the sum of the contents of the array in all cases. (That is, it appears to me; clearly, I could well be confused.) This came up when trying to write the equivalent of an inner join in Excel. For reasons involving Excel for Mac, I'm doing this w...

How Inner Join SQL works internally

My question is not how to use inner join in sql. I know about how it matches between table a and table b. I'd like to ask how is the internal working of inner working. What algorithm it involves? What happens internally when joining multiple tables? ...

'SELECT *' from inner joined tables

How do you select all fields of two joined tables, without having conflicts with the common field? Suppose I have two tables, Products and Services. I would like to make a query like this: SELECT Products.*, Services.* FROM Products INNER JOIN Services ON Products.IdService = Services.IdService The problem with this query is that I...

MySQL + Drupal: Index ignored in INNER JOIN

Our environment: Drupal+MySQL Examining the query log indicates that the following query, originating from Drupal core's node_load function is taking considerable amount of time. EXPLAIN on the node_load query reveals that the index is not used on the USER table. mysql> explain SELECT n.nid, n.vid, n.type, n.status, n.created, n.chang...

How can I select only one record per “person”, per date with an inner join in an MS Access query?

I need to pull data from two tables: Neptune_FN_Analysis and Neptune_prem There will be 3 fields called readings_miu_id (comparable to a persons name or item #), ReadDate, ReadTime (all of which are in Neptune_FN_Analysis). Some readings_miu_ids have multiple ReadTimes for multiple days but I only want to pull the "last time" entered per...

Select on 2 tables that contain same field name ?

Hi, I am developing a CMS that using database based on Joomla ! In Joomla db, we have 2 table : +----------+ |Categories| +----------+ id title ... +-------+ |Content| +-------+ id title catid ... I have a query below : SqlQuery q = new Select("*") //.Top("1") .From(JosContent.Schem...

fetching single child row based on a max value using Django ORM

I have a model, "Market" that has a one-to-many relation to another model, "Contract": class Market(models.Model): name = ... ... class Contract(models.Model): name= ... market = models.ForeignKey(Market, ...) current_price = ... I'd like to fetch Market objects along with the contract with the maximum price of ea...

SQL Query help -- update many records from 1 record in same table

We've got a table of places. The same place may occur multiple times in our table (bad design, not our choice). We had someone go through and find addresses for each of these places. They only updated one of the many instances of each place. Here is a query that does NOT work, but I think shows what I am trying to do. update places ...

Integrity constraint violation in Zend_db

Hi - I have the following code: $selectColumns= array('user_id.user_email', 'user_details.first_name', 'user_details.last_name', '', 'user_details.store_id'); $result = $handle->select()->from('user_id') ->where('uid=?', $uid) ->columns($select...

Help me out with this MySql full outer join (or union)

This is coming from converting MSSQL to MySql. The following is code I'm trying to get to work: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE PageIndex ( IndexId int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ItemId VARCHAR(64) ); INSERT INTO PageIndex (ItemId) SELECT Paths.PathId FROM Paths, ((SELECT Paths.PathId FROM AllUsers, Paths ...

INNER JOIN versus WHERE clause -- any difference?

For simplicity, assume all relevant fields are NOT NULL. You can do: SELECT table1.this, table2.that, table2.somethingelse FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.foreignkey = table2.primarykey AND (some other conditions) Or else: SELECT table1.this, table2.that, table2.somethingelse FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ...

MySQL how to remove records in a table that are in another table

I have table A with close to 15000 entries. I have a second table B with 7900 entries with a common field with table A. I need to extract into a third temporary tableC all entries from table A except the ones that also appear in table B. Simple as it may sound, i havent found a way to do it. The closest i got was this: INSERT INTO tab...

The multi-part identifier could not be bound on SQL Server 2008

I have 2 tables requests (ID, company_id, amount) companies (ID, name) with FK constraint (requests.company_id -> can be NULL I need to get all requests and replace company_id with appropriated company name or left it blank if no company was specified. I have next query: SELECT R.[ID], C.[name] AS [c...

MySQL - get elements from a link table but ONLY those elements

I have a problem selecting from a link table and filtering out superfluous results. Publications belong to packages by means of the package_publications table. For instance, I know the ids of my publications to be 11 and 47. I want to return a package that has ONLY those publications in it. Now if I do a join and do something like whe...

'skipping' a table in SQL inner joins

What I mean is, If I had the following schema: create table tableA( A_id number not null primary key ); create table tableB( B_id number not null primary key, A_id number not null references tableA(A_id), B_data text not null ); create table tableC( C_id number not null primary key, A_id number not ...

How to filter child collections in Linq.

Hi! I need to filter the child elements of an entity in linq using a single linq query. Is this possible? Suppose I have two related tables. Verses and VerseTranslations. The entity created by LINQ to SQL is such that i have a Verse object that contains a child object that is a collection of VerseTranslation. Now if i have the follow...