
Can MySQL / SQL's short hand of "Using" be used without saying "Inner Join" ?

The following 2 statements are to join using gifts.giftID = sentgifts.giftID: mysql> select * from gifts, sentgifts using (giftID); ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'using (giftID)' at line 1 and the second one: m...

Why is the ( ) mandatory in the SQL statement "select * from gifts INNER JOIN sentgifts using (giftID);" ?

Why is the ( ) mandatory in the SQL statement select * from gifts INNER JOIN sentgifts using (giftID); ? The ( ) usually is for specifying grouping of something. But in this case, are we supposed to be able to use 2 or more field names...? in the example above, it can be all clear that it is 1 field, is it just that the parser i...

For SQL, when did it start to be desirable to always use the words "Inner Join" instead of implicitly joinly?

For SQL, when did it start to be desirable to always use the words "Inner Join" instead of implicitly joining by: select * from t1, t2 where t1.ID = t2.ID; ? Is it just for style or to distinguish between outer join or are there other reasons for it? ...

In SQL, can we always write an inner join statement as a main query and subquery?

In SQL, can we always write an inner join statement as a main query and subquery? For example, select * from gifts g where g.giftID in (select giftID from sentGifts); can do a join and show the gifts sent in the sentGifts table, but it won't be able to show the sentTime because that is inside the subquery? ...

In SQL, can we always write an inner join statement as a main query and subquery if we only want to find the intersection?

In SQL, can we always write an inner join statement as a main query and subquery or vice versa if we only want to find the intersection? For example, select * from gifts g where g.giftID in (select giftID from sentGifts); can do a join and show the gifts sent in the sentGifts table, but it won't be able to show the sentTime because ...

If Inner Join can be thought of as Cross Join but filtering out the records satisfying the condition, then Left Outer Join is the above, plus 1 record for the "no match" on the Left?

If an Inner Join can be thought of as a cross join and then getting the records that satisfy the condition, then a LEFT OUTER JOIN can be thought of as that, plus ONE record on the left table that doesn't satisfy the condition. In other words, it is not a cross join that "goes easy" on the left records (even when the condition is not sa...

MySQL Join Question

Hi i'm struggling to write a particular MySQL Join Query. I have a table containing product data, each product can belong to multiple categories. This m:m relationship is satisfied using a link table. For this particular query I wish to retrieve all products belonging to a given category, but with each product record, I also want to re...

Innerjoin in Linq-to-sql for this in mvc?

I use mvc... How to write an inner join in linq-to-sql for this sql query select M.Mat_id,M.Mat_Name,T.Name as Measurement,M.Mat_Type as Description from Material as M inner join MeasurementTypes as T on M.MeasurementTypeId = T.Id where M.Is_Deleted=0 And my repository class has this, public class ConstructionReposit...

Is this Where condition in Linq-to-sql join correct?

I have the following Iqueryable method to show details of a singl material, public IQueryable<Materials> GetMaterial(int id) { return from m in db.Materials join Mt in db.MeasurementTypes on m.MeasurementTypeId equals Mt.Id where m.Mat_id equals id select new Materials() { ...

multple inner joins 3 or more crashes mysql server 5.1.30 opensolaris

when doing simple query on 4 inner joined tables, the server crashes with the output below appearing in the the mysql .err file. eg. select * from table1 inner join table2 on table1.a = table2.a and table1.b = table2.b inner join table3 on table2.a = table3.a and table2.c = table3.c inner join table4 on table3.a = table4.a and table3.d ...

Difference b/w putting condition in JOIN clause versus WHERE clause

Suppose I have 3 tables. Sales Rep Rep Code First Name Last Name Phone Email Sales Team Orders Order Number Rep Code Customer Number Order Date Order Status Customer Customer Number Name Address Phone Number I want to get a detailed report of Sales for 2010. I would be doing a join. I am interested in knowing which of the fo...

Performing Inner Join for Multiple Columns in the Same Table

I have a scenario which I'm a bit stuck on. Let's say I have a survey about colors, and I have one table for the color data, and another for people's answers. tbColors color_code , color_name 1 , 'blue' 2 , 'green' 3 , 'yellow' 4 , 'red' tbAnswers answer_id , favorite_color , least_favorite_...

SQL inner join problem

The following SQL query isn't working. I think the error is on the first line. SELECT SUBSTRING(tbl_news.comment, 1, 250) as tbl_news.comment,,, tbl_news.subject, tbl_users.username FROM tbl_news INNER JOIN tbl_users ON tbl_news.creator = ORDER BY date DESC ...

How to avoid Cartesian product in an INNER JOIN query?

I have 6 tables, let's call them a,b,c,d,e,f. Now I want to search all the colums (except the ID columns) of all tables for a certain word, let's say 'Joe'. What I did was, I made INNER JOINS over all the tables and then used LIKE to search the columns. INNER JOIN ... ON INNER JOIN ... ON.......etc. WHERE a.firstname ~* 'Joe' OR a.las...

SQL Server 2005 RIGHT OUTER JOIN not working

I'm looking up access logs for specific courses. I need to show all the courses even if they don't exist in the logs table. Hence the outer join.... but after trying (presumably) all of the variations of LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, INNER and placement of the tables within the SQL code, I couldn't get my result. Here's what I am running: ...

Can I join two tables whereby the joined table is sorted by a certain column?

I'm not much of a database guru so I need some help on a query I'm working on. In my photo community project I want to richly visualize tags by not only showing the tag name and counter (# of images inside them), I also want to show a thumb of the most popular image inside the tag (most karma). The table setup is as follow: Image tabl...

INNER JOIN syntax for mySQL using phpmyadmin

SELECT Question.userid, user.uid FROM `question` WHERE NOT `userid`=2 LIMIT 0, 60 INNER JOIN `user` ON `question`.userid=`user`.uid ORDER BY `question`.userid returns Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INNER JOIN User ON question...

SQL: many-to-many relationship, IN condition

I have a table called transactions with a many-to-many relationship to items through the items_transactions table. I want to do something like this: SELECT "transactions".* FROM "transactions" INNER JOIN "items_transactions" ON "items_transactions".transaction_id = "transactions".id INNER JOIN "items" ON "items"....

Efficient way to store order in mySQL for list of items

I want to code cleaner and more efficiently and I wanted to know any other suggestions for the following problem: I have a mySQL database that holds data about a set of photograph names. Oh, say 100 photograph names Table 1: (photos) has the following fields: photo_id, photo_name Ex data: 1 | sunshine.jpg 2 | cloudy.jpg 3 | rainy.jpg...

MySQL Dynamicly determine the tabel to use with inner join

He guys, I'm stuck with a problem and I hope someone can help me out. I have a date. For example 2009-10-1. This date is used to check in which season I am working. This could be summer or winter. If whe are in the summer the table to use for my inner join whould be 'summer09_rooms'. If winter 'winter09_rooms'. So I basicly whant to do ...