
What is wrong with this sql innerjoin?

Here is my select statement with the innerjoin of two tables, if not exists(select EmpId from SalaryDetails where EmpId in (select Emp_Id from Employee where Desig_Id=@CategoryId)) begin // some statements here end else begin SELECT e.Emp_Id, e.Identity_No, e.Emp_Name, case WHEN e....

SQL request with "Group by" and "max" and "join" ?

Here is a sample of my DATA: CLIENT_ATTRIBUT : ID_CLIENT | DATE_CLIENT | ATTRIBUT ----------+-------------+--------- 000000001 | 2010:03:01 | 0000010 ----------+-------------+--------- 000000001 | 2010:02:16 | 0000010 ----------+-------------+--------- 000000001 | 2010:03:04 | 0000011 ----------+-------------+--------- 000000002 | 2...

Oracle - Update statement with inner join

I have a query which works fine in MySQL, I'm trying to get it working on oracle but get the following error SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended" The query is: UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.value = table2.DESC SET table1.value = table2.CODE WHERE table1.UPDAT...

What is so bad about using SQL INNER JOIN

Every time a database diagram gets looked out, one area people are critical of is inner joins. They look at them hard and has questions to see if an inner join really needs to be there. Simple Library Example: A many-to-many relationship is normally defined in SQL with three tables: Book, Category, BookCategory. In this situation, Ca...

MYSQL Inner Join two table over two keys

I am doing a query to return all users shopping carts, stored in the sb_carts table. The product information stored in sb_carts is referenced over two keys product_sku and school_id. It needs to reference both to return a unique product with unique stock levels etc. When I execute the following query it returns one row, I am expecting 3...

What is wrong with my SQL syntax for an UPDATE with a JOIN?

I have two tables, related by a common key. So TableA has key AID and value Name and TableB has keys AID, BID and values Name, Value: AID Name 74 Alpha AID BID Name Value 74 4 Beta Brilliance I would like to update the TableB Value here from Brilliance to Barmy, using just the Name fields. I thought I could do it via an UPDATE ...

How can I make an SQL statement that finds unassociated records?

I have two tables as follows: tblCountry (countryID, countryCode) tblProjectCountry(ProjectID, countryID) The tblCountry table is a list of all countries with their codes and the tblProjectCountry table associates certain countries with certain projects. I need an SQL statement that gives me a list of the countries with their country...

Why would I do an inner join on a non-distinct field?

I just came across a query that does an inner join on a non-distinct field. I've never seen this before and I'm a little confused about this usage. Something like: SELECT distinct all, my, stuff FROM myTable INNER JOIN myOtherTable ON myTable.nonDistinctField = myOtherTable.nonDistinctField (WHERE some filters here...) I'm not quit...

Why does this SQL code give error 1066 (Not unique table/alias: 'customer')?

Why does the MySQL query below give error 1066 (Not unique table/alias: 'customer')? SELECT, customer.firstName, FROM customer, account INNER JOIN customer ON = account.customerId ORDER BY ...

mysql join 3 tables and count

Please look at this image here is 3 tables , and out i want is uid from table1 industry from table 3 of same uid count of fid from table 2 of same uid like in the sample example output will be 2 records Thanks ...

INNER JOIN Returns Too Many Results

I have the following SQL: SELECT * FROM [Database].dbo.[TagsPerItem] INNER JOIN [Database].dbo.[Tag] ON [Tag].Id = [TagsPerItem].TagId WHERE [Tag].Name IN ('home', 'car') and it returns: Id TagId ItemId ItemTable Id Name SiteId ------------------------------------------ 1 1 1 Content 1 home 1 2 1 2 Cont...

Linq To Sql Left outer join - filtering null results

I'd like to reproduce the following SQL into C# LinqToSql SELECT TOP(10) Keywords.* FROM Keywords LEFT OUTER JOIN IgnoreWords ON Keywords.WordID = IgnoreWords.ID WHERE (DomainID = 16673) AND (IgnoreWords.Name IS NULL) ORDER BY [Score] DESC The following C# Linq gives the right answer. But I can't help think I'm missing...

How sql server evaluates the multiple different joins?

Hi, i have a general question about how sql server evaluates the joins.The query is SELECT * FROM TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON = LEFT JOIN TABLEC ON = Q1: What tables is the left join based on? I know it will based on the TABLEC but what is the other one? Is it the result of the first inner jo...

INNER or LEFT Joining Multiple Table Records Into A Single Row

Phone Table +----------------+-------------+ | Field | Type | +----------------+-------------+ | f_id | int(15) | | f_client_id | int(11) | | f_phone_type | varchar(50) | | f_phone_number | varchar(13) | +----------------+-------------+ Clients Table +-----------------------------+------------...

Establishing Upper / Lower Bound in T-SQL Procedure

Hi. I am trying to establish upper / lower bound in my stored procedure below and am having some problems at the end (I am getting no results where, without the temp table inner join i get the expected results). I need some help where I am trying to join the columns in my temp table #PageIndexForUsers to the rest of my join statement...

What is the problem with the logic in my UPDATE statement?

Hello, I would appreciate some help with an UPDATE statement. I want to update tblOrderHead with the content from tblCustomer where the intDocumentNo corresponds to the parameter @intDocumentNo. But when I run the my statement, the order table is only updated with the content from the first row of the customer table. What is the probl...

query for inner join of table 4.


querying databases on same server with linq

In normal sql I could do joins on tables in different databases as long as they were on the same server (or linked servers). In linq I can't figure out how to do that. Is this possible? For example, if I have a database called db1 and another called db2. db1 has a table called people and db2 has a table called address I could do some...

Select distinct ... inner join vs. select ... where id in (...)

I'm trying to create a subset of a table (as a materialized view), defined as those records which have a matching record in another materialized view. For example, let's say I have a Users table with user_id and name columns, and a Log table, with entry_id, user_id, activity, and timestamp columns. First I create a materialized view of...

Complicated SQL query

Please bare with me this is difficult to explain xD This is based on an undergraduate degree course where a student takes many units (say 4 core units and 1 optional unit per year). tblAwardCoreUnits and tblAwardOptUnits store which units are optional and core for which award, hence the...