
How do I create an IIS application and application pool using InnoSetup script

I'm trying to deploy an ASP.NET application using InnoSetup. I need to perform the following tasks: Create an IIS application. Create a new IIS application pool and set it's .NET version to 4. Set the application pool of the new application to the new application pool. I have found a script to create a virtual directory, but I need...

How to follow different paths depending on user choices in InnoSetup?

I want to display several wizard pages using Inno Setup. But at some point, depending on the users task choice, I want to switch to another page, not necessarily the next page. Is it possible to "jump to another page" in Inno Setup pascal scripting. I couldn't find a related function. As a last resort, I'm planning to use ShouldSkipPag...

Installing a driver using Inno Setup

I'm creating setup for my application in Inno Setup, and I will probably need to install driver sometime in the future. However, I need to know some tips about installing drivers in Inno Setup now, so I can easily add the driver into the setup when it's needed. Should I force the user to install program only into C:\Program Files\<ap...

Inno Setup jump to specified wizard page

Is there a way to jump to the specified wizard page? Backward and forward? For example, I would add "Configure again" button in the wpReady, and when the button is clicked, I want to jump to wpInfoBefore. ...

Change WizardSmallBitmapImage in Inno Setup Uninstaller

In installer, you can easily change the small bitmap in wizard's top right corner using this code: [Setup] WizardSmallImageFile=gfx\bitmap.bmp Hovewer, how to change that same bitmap in uninstaller's wizard's top right corner? There doesn't seem to be any parameter for this. I think one of the solution is to let the installer extract...

Installing file to location based on function call

I am building an Inno Setup script and have libraries that need to be installed to locations that are determined at install (i.e. Java_Home/bin). Is there a way to accomplish this by changing the DestDir's value for a file or is there a better way? ...

Backup files and restore them on uninstall with InnoSetup?

Consider the following: I have two files, for example XXX.txt and YYY.txt I want to install them to a folder (let's say files), in which there are already XXX.txt and YYY.txt files I want to "back up" the two original files, renaming them to XXX.txt.backup and YYY.txt.backup On uninstall I want to restore the two files to their origina...

Reset all setup settings to their default values

Is there any way to "reset" all setup settings in Inno Setup into their default values? I want to add Reset options button into my setup, and clicking that button would set all the options to the same value as if the user never changed anything, but was clicking just Next, Next, Install. But please note that those values ale slightly d...

Problem with importing DLL into Inno-Setup.

I am importing an C++ DLL in an innosetup install script. The DLL code is as follows: void __stdcall SetFbParam(char *dbFileName,char *dbTableName,char *dbParamName,char *dbParamValue){ //of no use here and doesn't change anything} In the Innosetup, I import it using procedure FBset(dbFileName,dbTableName,dbParamName,dbParamValue: St...

ISTool command line problems

Hello guys! I am trying create installation file for my projects. I am using command line so I created bat file "create_setup.bat". From this file I am trying to compile Inno Setup script "my_project_setup.iss": "ISTool.exe" -compile "Subfolder1\Subfolder2\my_project_setup.iss". Important: "create_setup.bat" - located at the folder "Wor...

Inno setup, check for process during a .exe is running and kill it

Hi, I need some help with inno setup. If it is possible, I would like to know how to: Check if a process appears during the time an .exe file is running (the .exe is called from inno installation) and if the process appears kill it. Thanks a lot in advance. ...

inno setup (i want to install .net framework with my application)

Hey guys. Any one have an idea of how to install .NET framework before the setup in INNO Script? ...

how to detect 64bit platform by script

is there code to detect 64 platform e.g. if X86 then ... if X64 then ... ...

how to detect dotnet 2 or newer is installed in machine

how to change this code to detect DOTNET v2.0 dotnetRedistURL = ''; // Check for required netfx installation if (not RegKeyExists(HKLM, 'Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v1.1')) then begin dotNetNeeded := true; if (not Is...

Is it possible to accept custom command line parameters with InnoSetup

I am preparing an installer with Innosetup. But I'd like to add additional custom (none of the available parameters) command line parameters and would like to get the value of the parameter, like: setup.exe /do something check if /do is given, then get the value of something. Is it possible? How can I do this? ...

how to display please wait dialog during EXEC() function

how to display please wait dialog while EXEC() runs another application silently. ...

[Inno Setup] copy file to multiple destinations defined by user.

Hello, During installation proces user has ability to install number of some service instances (Service1- ServiceN). All th difference between this services - content of configuration files(actually there is only one executable in /Product_Root/run wich is called with different command-line params).Configuration files situated in Produc...

Open website if there is error .

Hi - ITNOG Is there any way to open a website link when user cancel installation or there is error during install ? regards ...

Check if application is running or not

Hi, I am using innosetup to create installation for my windows application. Before starting installation i need to check whether application is already running or not. I have used the following code, which is not working properly. const WM_CLOSE = 16; Function InitializeSetup : Boolean; var winHwnd: longint; retVal : boolean; ...

Use HTTP in InnoSetup

I want to do some HTTP request during the installation of a software with InnoSetup. Can I use the class TStream to open an URL as if it was a file or must I use the Exec function with curl.exe being attached in the installer, or is there an easier way ? ...