
Problem with WPF Data Binding Defined in Code Not Updating UI Elements

I need to define new UI Elements as well as data binding in code because they will be implemented after run-time. Here is a simplified version of what I am trying to do. Data Model: public class AddressBook : INotifyPropertyChanged { private int _houseNumber; public int HouseNumber { get { return _houseNumber; } ...

How do you correctly update a databound datagridview from a background thread

I have a custom object that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. I have a collection of these objects where the collection is based on BindingList I have created a binding source for the collection, and set the datasources of the bindingsource and datagridview. Everything works great, except I need to update properties on the custom obje...

Finding out who is listening for PropertyChangedEventHandler in c#

I have a WPF form and I am working with databinding. I get the events raised from INotifyPropertyChanged, but I want to see how to get a list of what items are listening, which i fire up the connected handler. How can I do this? ...

How do I get PropertyChanged events to bubble up?

I have a hierarchy of objects (objects A, B), each of which implements INotifyPropertyChanged such that... A has a member of type B, B has a member of C, C is of type bool When C changes, its PropertyChanged event gets fired, however this does not fire B's property changed event. And therefore A does not react to B's change. Is there ...

INotifyPropertyChanged problem

At first I want to say that sample below is oversimplification. Suppose you have bound WPF control. <Window Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <Grid> <StackPanel> <TextBox Text="{Binding Name}" Margin="10"/> <Button HorizontalAlignment="Center" Content="Click Me" Margin="5" Padding="2" Click=...

What's the best way to call INotifyPropertyChanged's PropertyChanged event ?

When you implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, you're responsible for calling the PropertyChanged event each and everytime a property is updated in the class. This typically leads to the following code : public class MyClass: INotifyPropertyChanged private bool myfield; public bool MyField { ...

WPF Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged

I have setup a property and implement INotifyPropertyChanged like so... public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public FlowProcess LastSelectedFlowProcess { get { return _lastSelectedFlowProcess; } set { _lastSelectedFlowProcess = value; Notify("LastSelectedFlowProcess"); UpdateFlo...

Prevent property change in databinding and force bound control to show current value

I have Public Overrides Property UID() As String Get Return mUID End Get Set(ByVal value As String) If Me.IsNew Then mUID = value End If OnPropertyChanged("UID") End Set End Property The class implements INotifyPropertyChanged and I...

What is a reasonable amount of inotify watches with Linux?

I am working on a daemon that monitors file events via inotify to trigger various types of events when files are accessed. I have read that watches are a little expensive, because the Kernel is storing the full path name of every file being watched. How many watches would be too many? Edit: Mostly, I'm wondering .. have you ever seen a...

What should I do with INotifyPropertyChanged when a child list changes

I have a set of data objects that I am using for databinding that implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and I'm trying to figure out what to do with properties of complex type. If I have something like class C { private string text; public string Text { get { return text; } set { if(Text != value) { text = value;...

PropertyChanged notification for calculated properties

I'm developing an application in Silverlight2 and trying to follow the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. I am binding the IsEnabled property on some controls to a boolean property on the ViewModel. I'm running into problems when those properties are derived from other properties. Let's say I have a Save button that I only want to be enabled...

Updating multiple selected INofityPropertyChange objects in DataGridView

Hi all I'm working with a DataGridView (Windows Forms) with MultiSelect enabled which is placed in a User Control. I'd like to update all selected rows from outside the User Control by calling a public method that implements the following code: foreach(DataGridViewRow dr in dataGridView.SelectedRows) { MyBusiness business = (MyBusi...

DataContext Refresh and PropertyChanging & PropertyChanged Events

I'm in a situation where I am being informed from an outside source that a particular entity has been altered outside my current datacontext. I'm able to find the entity and call refresh like so MyDataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, myEntity); and the properties which have been altered on the entity are updated corr...

How to exclude nonserializable observers from a [Serializable] INotifyPropertyChanged implementor?

I have almost a hundred of entity classes looking like that: [Serializable] public class SampleEntity : INotifyPropertyChanged { private string name; public string Name { get { return; } set { = value; FirePropertyChanged("Name"); } } [field:NonSerialized] public event Propert...

[C# winforms] how to update listbox items with INotifyPropertyChanged

Hi, I have a listbox which is databound to a collection of objects. I want to modify the way the items are displayed to show the user which one of these objects is the START object in my program. I tried to do this the following way, but the listbox does not automatically update. Invalidating the control also didn't work. The only wa...

Why would INotifyPropertyChanged only fire when at least TWO characters are changed?

I finally got a Silverlight MVVM example to work so that when I change the values of first name and last name text boxes, the full names change automatically. However, and strangely, my model which inherits from INotifyPropertyChanged is only notified if I change at least 2 characters of either the first or last name. if I change "Sm...

autoupdate a list in wpf

Hi, I want to display a bunch of Objects i have created in a ListBox. My objects implement the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface. I tried to use an ObservableCollection, which i have bound to a listbox Control (listbox1.DataContext = MyCollection) But this does not exactly what i want to do, because the Listbox is not refreshed when one o...

What is the relationship between INotifyPropertyChanged and DependencyProperty?

I'm building a simple UserControl example with DependencyProperties so that the properties of the control can be changed in XAML (code below). But of course in my application I don't want this control to have tightly-coupled code-behind, but instead the user control will be a view called "DataTypeWholeNumberView" and it will have its ow...

Is there a way to write the canonical OnPropertyChanged method as an extension method?

basically I want to do something like this: public static void OnPropertyChanged(this INotifyPropertyChanged changedObject, string propertyName) { var handler = changedObject.PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { var e = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName); handler(changedObject, e); } } which ...

Bind HashSet to a ListView Item (C#, WPF)

Hello. I'm trying to bind a HashSet to a ListView item. I've documented my code here: public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public AddressList = new AddressList (); } public class AddressList : HashSet<Addresses> { // } public class Addresses { public string Streetname { get; set; } public string Ci...