
WPF CheckBox Binding - Altering value in Property Set does not affect UI

Hello! i have a simple checkbox <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding ForceInheritance}"/> In Code i have a class with "INotifyPropertyChanged" and the Property public bool ForceInheritance { get { return forceInheritance; } set { if (forceInheritance != value) { value = SomeTest(); if (forceInheritance != value)...

implement INotifyProperty changed on Static Property in WPF and Silverlight

The question is how to implement INotifyPropertyChanged on a static property because the event you implement is not static, and cannot be called by a static property. Also, you cannot bind to a static property in silverlight. I've seen this question pop up an a few forums with a variety of solutions, none of which were very satisfying. ...

WPF: What is the purpose of having implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on ObservableCollection?

ObservableCollection implements both INotifyCollectionChanged and INotifyPropertyChanged. I understand that additions, deletions (+ clear), and replacement of items are notifiable to consumers through the collection's event CollectionChanged, and that updates in the existing items can be monitored using the items' event PropertyChanged...

PropertyChanged affecting several properties

I have a situation where I have a couple of variables who's values depend on each other like this: A is a function of B and C B is a function of A and C C is a function of A and B Either value can change on the UI. I'm doing the calculation and change notification like this: private string _valA; private string _valB; private string _...

Databinding with INotifyPropertyChanged instead of DependencyProperties

I have been wrestling with getting databinding to work in WPF for a little over a week. I did get valuable help here regarding the DataContext, and I did get databinding to work via DependencyProperties. While I was learning about databinding, I came across numerous discussions about INotifyPropertyChanged and how it is better than DPs...

Change Notification in MVVM Hierarchies

Let's say in some abstract ViewModel base-class I have a plain-old property as follows: public Size Size { get { return _size; } set { _size = value; OnPropertyChanged("Size"); } } I then create a more specific ViewModel, inheriting from the previous one, which contains the following property: public R...

Validating several linked databound TextBox values in WPF

Hello everyone, I am trying to find an elegant way to validate two related TextBox values in WPF. The Text property of each text box is bound to a public decimal property on my class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged for TwoWay binding. I want to validate the two values such that: BiggerValue >= SmallerValue >= 0 I have succeed...

Nullable Types and properties with INotifyPropertyChanged

It seems like overkill to set the value of a nullable type and implement iNotifyPropertyChanged. Is there a better way of doing this? Private _WorkPhone As Long? Public Property [WorkPhone]() As Long? Get Return _WorkPhone End Get Set(ByVal value As Long?) If value.HasValue = F...

WPF: Binding Customized ListBox & List<T>: PropertyChanged is always null

Hello all, i have customized ListBox declared in XAML: <ListBox x:Name="uicMDSQonfServer"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,5,0,5"> <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={TemplatedParent}, Path=Activated...

Using INotifyChanged on DataContracts

Hi, I'm trying to separate actual service data from service functionality and am therefore returning data as a data contract which holds several properties (data members). The client code is generated using svcutil /edb which also generates an INotifyPropertyChanged implementation for the proxy code. As far as my testing revealed, that ...

Creating an INotifyPropertyChanged proxy to dispatch calls to UI thread

I would like to create a dynamic proxy for binding WinForms controls to objects changed by a different (non-GUI) thread. Such a proxy would intercept the PropertyChanged event and dispatch it using the proper SynchronizationContext. That way I could use a helper class to do the job, without having to implement the synchronization manual...

Why can TextBlock show a code-behind property value but border/padding is not able to use it?

In the following Silverlight application why does the property OuterPadding not change the padding in the outer border, although the TextBlock correctly displays the value of OuterPadding? If I change the Border padding to a simple integer it the padding works fine, but not when it is defined by the property in code behind. This same c...

IObservable<T> and INotifyPropertyChanged - is there a connection...

I understand the IObservable & IObserver are implementations of the observer pattern and can be used in similiar circumstances to .Net events. I was wondering if there is any relationship to INotifyPropertyChanged? I currently use INotifyPropertyChanged for data binding in winforms & WPF applications and was wondering if I'll be able t...

WPF: show property change without imlementing INotifyPropertyChanged

Hi! In my WPF application, I have a boolean property which I would like to show to the user (for example with a read-only checkbox). Normally I would implement INotifyPropertyChanged so WPF can act on that and change the checkbox accordingly. The problem I am having right now is that this property value is retrieved from a closed frame...

Subscribing to PropertyChanged of WCF service's DataContract proxy classe

I like the idea of extending on the client side classes that are data contracts of WCF services using partial classes. But I encountered a problem that considerably spoils the party. Imagine on the server side I have a class: [DataContract] public class SolidObject { [DataMember] public Point Position { get; set; } [DataMem...

Intended ObservableCollection +NotifyPropertyChanged

Greetings, I have some List of objects of Type CMessage. CMessage can look as follows: public ROWGUID {get;set;} public ObservableCollection<CAnswer> Answers { get {return _Answer;} set {_Answer=value RaisePropertyChanged("Answer"); } } each property has RaiseNotifyPropertyChanged method which Is implementation of INotifyProperty...

INotifyPropertyChanged and calculated property

Suppose I have simple class Order, that have a TotalPrice calculated property, which can be bound to WPF UI public class Order : INotifyPropertyChanged { public decimal ItemPrice { get { return this.itemPrice; } set { this.itemPrice = value; this.RaisePropertyChanged("ItemPrice"); this.RaiseProper...

Determine who/what called Set Property

I am trying to determine what control called a Set property. Say textbox Pet is bound to a Property. I am using INotifyPropertyChanged but I am wondering if there is a way to get the actual control. The sender in my PropertyChanged Event is the Class containing the properties and not the control that originally kicked of the chain of ...

Why is binding refresh delayed until completion of delegate Command? (MVVM)

I'm applying the MVVM pattern. I've got a button which, when clicked, invokes a delegate Command in my ViewModel. At the very start of that delegate method, I set a property value (WaitOn) that should notify the user back in the UI to wait by displaying an animated control. However, the binding to display that animated control doesn...

How to handle One View with multiple ViewModel and fire different Commands?

Hi All, I have senario in which one view and view has binding with multiple ViewModel. Eg. One View displaying Phone Detail and ViewModel as per bellow: Phone basic features- PhoneViewModel, Phone Price Detail- PhoneSubscriptionViewModel, Phone Accessories- PhoneAccessoryViewModel For general properties- PhoneDetailViewModel I have...