
How do i focus a input type="text" when my id changes in page url ?

How do i focus a input type="text" automatic when my id changes in page url ? For example: http://mysite.php?id=2 I want to focus the mouse on my type="text" when my PHP IF statement is met without using buttons. <form> <input type="text"> </form> It should go something like: php IF (condition) { focus the mouse to input type="text" ...

jquery to Show/Hide problem

I have two checkbox and I want when i click on one of them, it to be active. Also I want when I press the second checkbox to hide one input area. How can happen this? <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9"> <title>jquery to Show/Hide a Div</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http:...

Capturing keyboard input on a List View control, C++

How do I capture key presses when a list view control has focus? My window creation code looks like // Window creation HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_APPWINDOW, g_szClassName, "Test", WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 209, 351, 0, 0, hInstance, 0);...

Problem with linker/joystick input

I'm trying to wrap my head around getting user input from a joystick/mouse, which doesn't seem all that complicated, but I've run across this simple showstopper: calling joyGetNumDevs() gives me an unresolved external symbol error. I've included the necessary Windows.h and MMSystem.h, so I don't have any idea what may be causing this pro...

Windows.Form not fire keyDown event.

private void screensaverWindow_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.BringToFront(); this.Focus(); this.KeyPreview = true; this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(onkeyDown); } onKeyDown() is never called. Any idea why? EDIT This works in release ...

Custom Formtastic Control with Multiple Parameters

I'm attempting to build a custom control for Formtastic that takes a latitude and a longitude, however, I'm not sure how to go about passing the method names through. Ideally I'd have the following in the semantic_form_for block: f.input :latitude, :longitude, :as => :location I've also tried passing with an array: f.input [:latitude...

How to set Wufoo input with a Query String value?

I have a Wufoo form that I wanted to populate one of the fields with a value directly from the query string the normal jQuery call for this does not get anything back jQuery("#Field13") so, all set using this, is just not accomplish jQuery("#Field13").val( my_qs_value ); I'm using the Embed Javascript code from Wufoo (not the ...

Xslt collection as parameter.

Hello, Could you help me to answer how to put collection of data as parameter in the xslt file, is it possible ? Thanks. ...

Jquery disable input with attr()

Hi, I have a wired behaviour when I try to disable or readonly a input field using the attr(). removeAttr('disabled') is working ok. attr('name', 'somthing') is working attr('id', 'something else') is working attr('disabled','disabled') not working -> it writes only disabled="" in the DOM and it does not disable the input field at...

$.post in json format using a variable to store the json string?

I need to post 60 inputs. I have built up the json string and stored it in a variable. But unfortunately the following code doesnt work: $.post("process_form.php", my_var); my_var contains a json string in the format: { starta:'1', currenta:'5', finisha:'2', startb:'1', currentb:'5', finishb:'2', startc:'1', currentc:'5', finishc:'2...

vertical alignment for FORM INPUT FIELDS in safari and chrome

i have a select box with height: 60px. when i user clicks an option, i would want that option text to appear on the lower bottom of the select box...however safari and chrome automatically vertically aligns the text in the middle. I have tried increasing line-height, padding-top, margin-top...but these do NOT work for safari/chrome. ...

Change input background to transparent in Safari.

Is it possible to eliminate the white background (via CSS) in the input and textareas when you click in the field using Safari or any other browser? Here is my link: link text Cheers. Erik ...

passing an input field value through a querystring using jquery

I trying to store the value of the input field tbEmail into str so when the user clicks the submit button the value of tbEmail will be added to the querystring. If i change this so that it reads var str = "this"; then this works. Is this the incorrect way to get an iput field value in jquery? Any ideas? <script type="text/javascript"> ...

SharePoint 2007: AfterProperties of person input field shows always -1 as lookupid

Hi, I'm struggling with the SharePoint 2007 AfterProperties. I've a people input field, where several people can be added. On the ItemUpdating event I now need to determine which users were added, removed or stayed the same. Unfortunately this becomes quit difficult, as the id of the untouched users turns to -1 in the AfterProperties,...

How to write compiled database and turn to comparison table when requested

I believe every once you'll see website for product provide the product comparison table when click. Maximum comparison is 3 to 5. My work request me to key in client information, their products, product specification, pricing and other information. Currently I am doing in Excel and it don't seen to fix very well. It would be pleas...

How do you remove the text reposition effect and black border when a user clicks on a <input type="button">button in IE and Opera?

Hi, In the latest Internet Explorer when I click on a button I see the text reposition to the right and down by a pixel or two. In addition, when I click on the same button in the latest Opera 10.53 I see the same text repositioning as well as a black border appear. Here is my button code: #buttons { position: relative; paddi...

cin object in cpp

Hi everyone, I started to learn cpp and encountered cin as a way to receive input from the keyboard. If I understood, cin is an object and >> is an operator defined for it. In the way it is defined, how does it "knows" to separate words from each other? and another thing, what is the meaning of: while(cin) is cin a bool type? what does ...

Reading and Uploading files in java

How do I iterate through a directory to read *.csv files and upload them in my system in Java? Ignore the upload part of post. ...

How do I get rid of background on a input.submit?

Hello! I am currently trying to replace the input.submit button with an image. I have managed to do this successfully except there seems to be a background around the image which I want completely gone, and for it to just be the image. Here is my css: {width:70px; height:40px; background:transparent url(images/shadow_search.png) no-r...

Unable to find bug in this C program.

I'm unable to find bug in this C program. #include <stdio.h> int main() { struct book { char name ; float price ; int pages ; } ; struct book b[3] ; int i ; int k; for ( i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i++ ) { printf ( "\nEnter name, price and pages: " ) ; k = scanf ( "%c %f...