
How can I debug the uninstaller part (with CustomAction) of an installer project in Visual Studio 2008

I have inherited this c# solution that includes an ix installer project (a bunch of .wxs files and some c# files). The uninstaller is generating an error message. I haven't a clue what this installer project is. What are the .wxs files for? I can guess (and have successfully been able to fix some issues with the installer. I have figure...

Adding SQL Server Express Edition SP3 as Project Requirement

Hi guys, I'm deploying my Web project and in the requirements I mention that I need SQL Express Edition SP2 (x86) as you can see by the picture below Problem is when the client has already Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP3 (this on a 64 bit machine) when we try to install I get this error Questions: even thought I t...

Where do I set the license text in Visual Studio 2008 Setup project?

When I run the Output of my Visual Studio 2008 Setup project (*.wixproj), the install wizard displays a license. Where do I change the text displayed? I have searched all *.wxs files, but cannot find the license displayed. Also, a hint on where to find information on this stuff would be really cool... ...

How to find and run my old (global) version of Python?

Hi, I have locally installed a newer version of Python. For that I did the following: $ cd $ mkdir opt $ mkdir downloads $ cd downloads $ wget $ tar xvzf Python-2.6.2.tgz $ cd Python-2.6.2 $ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/ --enable-unicode=ucs4 $ make $ make install In .bash_prof...

how to install microsoft .NET client profile of 30 MB size ?

Hi, i have a host pc(Vista) and virtual pc(XP). ON my virtual pc i dont have .NET framework, only Visual studio 2008. On my host pc i have Vs 2008 SP1 with all of the .NET framework components. In Prerequisite window, "Choose which prerequisite to install" i have only checked .NET Client profile. When i am using a click once ins...

How does one stop a Windows service to do an upgrade install?

I have developed a Windows service along with a setup project using Visual Studio 2008. When I do an upgrade install I get the following warning: The following applications are using files which the installer must update. You can either close the applications and click "Try Again", or click "Continue" so that the installer continues the...

How do I make a windows service installer from visual studio 2008?

How do I make a windows service installer from visual studio 2008? ...

Installshield vs Wix vs NSIS for website and windows services deployment?

Hi, the company I work for is looking at different options for installers. The product consists of a ASP.NET web site, some web services, and windows services. We'd like to be able to install everything in one go, but be able to uninstall or update services individually. We'd also like to be able to configure/edit xml files (like app....

How do I make an installer that includes sql database and data?

The Sql Server 2008 is on a different server than the web server, and I cannot install directly to web server from visual studio box. I can only ftp files to the web server, then copy/execute files once logged on to web server. ...

Is it bad practice to create a custom winforms app as an installer?

I can't find an installer on the market I like that's opensource or free. Sure I would love to use Install shield, but my project needs to finish under budget. I was thinking about creating a custom win forms app to handle the install, is this acceptable practice. Or should I be creating a custom MSI? If MSI is the route, what tools s...

How do I find out which missing DLL is making my .NET application crash on startup?

When dependencies on 3rd party assemblies are added to a typical .NET application it's very easy to forget to add them to the installer. This problem tends to reveal itself only after the application is installed, and in the form of a crash on startup with little helpful information readily available. What are the best tools and techniq...

How to shown an Hyperlink in Inno Setup?

I'm making a validation in my Inno setup installer to check whether or not a Microsoft update is installed on the machine, if not, I'm showing a simple message box telling the user that the update is required, this is the message code: MsgBox('Your system requires an update supplied by Microsoft. Please follow this link to install it: h...

How can I get an msi (VS Setup Project) to install a Windows component?

I have a Visual Studio Setup project that creates a Message Queue (MSMQ). It fails on computers where the Message Queue component is not installed. Is it possible to get the installer to enable/add this Windows Component? ...

Installing files to x64 "Program Files" from x86 msi

I'm creating installer using InstallShield 2010 (basic MSI) that is having two features. First feature consists of: main .NET application compiled as x86, some native x86 third party dlls which are used by main application (x64 versions are unavailable). Second feature contains single component which is an extension for MS Reporting...

Visual Studio 2008 , Is there a way to embed a product version into MSI package.

I have a solution (sln file) file that contain several projects. The sln is referring to two projects : I have a csharp project that its output is an executable assembly , along with configuration file , this project has a product version defined which increase from time to time. I have a project that when i Build it , it create an MS...

Simple Update Tool

I am looking for a very simple update tool that can be sent out to various sites and update their applications and database. I need the tool to be configurable by non developers. I.e. support staff. The tool will need to be able to copy DLL files into the program location. It should be able to find the program location, and read in th...

NSIS InstallDir in Vista / XP

I created installer via NSIS. "c:\program files\myapp" is default folder for my application. But I need another default folder (for example c:\users\\AppData\myapp) in Windows Vista. I found lot of Functions to determine Windows version, but I cannot call them before defining InstallDir variable. Any ideas how to do it? ...

Service Not Able to See Environment Variable

I created an installer (via WiX) that, as part of the installation, installs a Windows service (written in C#), and starts that Windows service. The service is a FileSystemWatcher and watches for the installation of plug-ins to a specific directory. Originally, it used an environment variable (which pointed to the path I wanted to watc...

How do I add an environmental variable, but not remove it if it already existed with WiX?

Right now, I can add an environmental variable on install with the Environment tag in WiX. Here's an example: <Environment Id="LibPath" Action="set" Name="PATH" Part="last" Separator=";" System="yes" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" /> However, sometimes, the envi...

how to create installer using installjammer

Hi I have created a java application. which depends on some external jars also. Now i want to create installer for my application and I have installjammer tool. So how to create installer for windows platform using installjammer. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...