
How to Add a Desktop Shortcut Option on Finish Page in NSIS installer?

I'm trying to create an installer using NSIS Modern User Interface for the first time. I would like to know how I can add an option (checkbox) for users to select to have a desktop shortcut created on the Finish Page (the last screen of the installer) in addition to the "Run XXXX" option that's already there. ...

Chain Uninstallation of MSIs

I've got an MSI installer that includes another MSI for an SDK that it installs during it's own installation. Both MSI's have been created with the Visual Studio deployment tools. The installation works fine, but when I uninstall the main component it does not automatically uninstall the SDK. I tried to create a custom uninstall actio...

How do I create a Mac installer for my Java application?

I have created an executable JAR file for my Java application. If I double-click then it works fine. But I want to create installer for Mac OS, because I cannot give a JAR file to my users. Any suggestions? ...

Building a CodeIgniter GUI Installer

I'm building a self-hosted web app using CodeIgniter and I need a nice GUI-ified installer which will present the user with a form for database info, validate and test the info, write that info to the database.php config file, and then set up the DB structure. Any tips for this? Should it be inside of CodeIgniter (as a Controller perhap...

Start exe after msi install but using current user privileges

I am using Visual Studio 2008 to build an MSI install package. Within the install I have numerous custom actions. Within the OnAfterInstall custom action I attempt to start an exe which is deployed by the install. The exe starts ok, but runs within a security context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (i.e. under the elevated privileges granted t...

WIX/DTF - Dialog with a list, edit field and add/remove buttons on it

Anybody knows a good source to get an idea how to create this kind of a dialog? I'm well aware that I'll need to write some CA's for that but relatively new to WiX (used to work with InstallShield). TIA! ...

Custom Mac Installer Overwrite /Library/Application Support File

My installer places a file into /Library/Application Support/AppName. As a final step of the install process in a custom installer plugin (Objective-C code) I check for a more recent version of that file. If it exists, I download it and then attempt to overwrite the one created by the installer. The issue is that I apparently don't have ...

How can I install a CPAN module that is in the latest perl, without installing the new perl?

I'd like to install a Perl module (in this case, FindBin), but since it is included in the perl5.10.1 distribution, cpan wants to install perl5.10 for me. Is there any way of installing just the module via cpan? The only option that I can see is installing directly from source, which seems a bit crude as there is no separate package (e...

Can I pass a parameter to an Adobe Air app installer and use it at first startup?

I need to offer the opportunity to install a personalized Adobe Air application from a website. Every user should be able to download an individual version of the app out of their user profile. Therefore i need to pass an id (e.g. the user id) to the installer which should be available at the first startup of the app, so that i can store...

Linux Setup Creator

I'm looking for a tool that's able to create "setup" packages for Linux, just like the Windows install creators do (NSIS, InstallShield, etc.). I want it to be able to present a graphical interface to the user (or ncurses based), where he can select some options and install the package. Any ideas of such a tool? I'm aware of autopackage...

Is Installshield the only way to go for Delphi Installations?

Or is there anything cheaper and better? I am still using the Installsheild express (Borland Limited Edition) as supplied with Delphi 6 :) but I "feel" that I should update it – am I going to gain much or anything buy buying the 2010 version? The old version does work on Vista. I am using Delphi 2009. Any opinions or a definitive ye...

Deploying .Net dll via installshield with digital signature, IE won't run it at default security level.

Its been a long saga of deploying my .Net uploader but I'm very close. I created my .Net uploader dll in Visual-Studio, generate an installer for it with InstallShield and digitally sign it (in InstallShield). I then put that CAB file on my server and setup the html page like so: uploader.html: <html> <body> <script src="/include...

What possibilities exist to build an installer for a windows application on Linux (install target=windows, build environment=Linux)

After playing around with NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System) for a few days, I really feel the pain it's use brings me. No wonder, the authors claim it's scripting implementation is a "mixture of PHP and Assembly". So, I hope there is something better to write installation procedures to get Windows programs installed, while ...

Installer Project with non-EXE products, and customs steps

I've created an Installer project (via the Installer Wizard project) in Visual Studio 2008. Its easy to install EXE's and DLL's with, but I've got a more complicated deployment process. There's a FireFox extension (.xpi) that I want to deploy. I would like to include it as an output of another project, rather than copy it into the Ins...

How to make an installer in

I cannot create .msi files cause I don't have VS professional, and I want to have much more control over the installer than NSIS or Inno Setup give me. Things I don't know how to do: Compress the file(s) into the installation file Extract the file(s) Remove the file(s) on uninstallation Any help would be much appreciated. I'll stre...

Override/disable dependency analysis in visual studio setup project

I'm using the Remotesoft linker and mini-deployment tool as part of my build process. One of its features is to remove the need to have the .net framework installed on a client machine to run a .net application. Part of how it does this is by bundling the native file components required by the application with a natively compiled versi...

C# and SDL - Does the end user need SDL installed?

I'm thinking about whether or not to try out SDL as an alternative to DirectX, seems I only create 2D games, however I can't find anywhere if SDL is required to be installed on the end users computer to play a game developed in C#, using SDL for the graphics. Does anyone know? ...

ruby 1.9 ri problem

hi all, i'm using windows xp sp2, and installed ruby through ruby 1.9 one click installer. then when i try to using ri, i get the following response, can anyone help me with my problem? great thanks. C:\Documents and Settings\eyang>ruby --version ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-mingw32] C:\Documents and Settings\eyang>...

FileNotFoundException in Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project when trying to load custom config

Hi, I'm trying to call a custom action within my Setup & Deployment project to update some items within the app.config on my app. I've wrapped up the custom config section in the usual way, e.g.: [ConfigurationProperty("serviceProvider", IsRequired = true)] public string ServiceProvider { get { return (string)base["serviceProvider"...

Is OS X Installer package postflight localization supported?

I've created an OS X installer package that includes localized resources (License.html, Readme.html, etc.) In particular, it includes a localized postflight script, since some of the post-install actions differ from language to language; opening a per-language file after the install completes, for example. The package is created as par...