
FireBird install using InstallShield

I can't seem to find a good script or anything to use for installing Firebird (the InterBase-decendent RDBMS) using InstallShield. There is a way to silently install it using the firebird install executable, but I don't know enough about InstallShieldscripts to be able to do it! If anyone knows any information on a) how to execute an ex...

Forcing Installshield to uninstall before an install

I have an InstallShield 12 installscript. I want to uninstall the old version before installing the new version. I will keep the name of the package unchanged. How can I do this? ...

Is it OK to add a Condition to a core InstallShield Custom Action? (like OnInstallFilesActionBefore)

I added a condition to the OnInstallFilesActionBefore Custom Action via the Sequences editor. I made it so it only executes the first time you install the setup, which means my condition is: Not Installed I'm now seeing this warning logged when compiling: ISDEV : warning The condition for Custom Action OnInstallFilesActionBef...

Good resources on InstallScript

Can anyone recommend any resources on the web for learning installscript? ...

Unit testing InstallScript

I've got a handful of functions in my InstallScript that are good candidates for unit tests. My project is a InstallScript MSI project. I found an article about how to unit test Custom Actions with custom ICEs, but the code I want to unit test isn't in a Custom Action, it is in the UI sequence. Is there a way to unit test this kind of I...

How to find relative path to C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\ADSUTIL.VBS?

IIS 6 and older ships with a utility script called ADSUTIL.VBS: Adsutil.vbs is an IIS administration utility that uses Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) with Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) to manipulate the IIS configuration. This script should be run using CScript, which is installed with...

How do you add a DLL to the GAC from an InstallScript Project in InstallShield?

How do you add a DLL to the GAC from an InstallScript Project in InstallShield? I tried added [GLOBALASSEMBLYCACHE] as a destination to the component, with no luck. It tells me that is not valid data for the destination. ...

Set text to bold in InstallScript

I have a dialog in an InstallScript Msi project (2008) and I'm trying to set some text in a label to bold, but can't seem to figure it out. I tried prefixing with {&STYLE_BOLD} (which is a predefined style), but it didn't help. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks! ...

how to open a web page on click of button in InstallShield?

HI, I want to open a web page on click of a button in any dialog that is created in InstallShield. I think it can be created by using custom actions but as I am new in this tool do not find the exact way to achieve this. Please help if anyone have idea for this. Thanks. ...

Why isn't SQL Text Substitution working in InstallShield

I'm trying to run some dynamic SQL in an installscript project. In the UI portion of the script I have the following code: TextSubSetValue("<INSERTSITES>", message, TRUE); message = ""; MessageBox(message, INFORMATION); TextSubGetValue("<INSERTSITES>", message, FALSE, TRUE); MessageBox(message, INFORMATION); The message boxes are just...

How to encrypt a string using InstallScript

I'm building an installer using InstallScript MSI project. During installation I save some information to a local file. This file is created based on the user's preferences and it may contain sensitive information. I would like to encrypt this information but couldn't find any InstallScript function to handle this. I know I can have fe...

Installshield - Update the registry according to a file given at runtime

I'm writing a basic MSI installer using installshield 2010. A different company would supply a .reg file that the installer would read in runtime and would update the registry accordingly. I can't figure out how to accomplish this. I manged to write a script using the Installscript that accomplish this, but when this script is running ...

Batch file can't immediately see environment variables created by InstallShield script

Hello. We use InstallShield 2008 for our product installation. Product consists of several components. When a component is installed, a batch-file with some post-install routines specific to this component is executed. The problem: post-install batch files use some environment variables that are set during the installation of the prod...

Reinstalling assemblies for new user after reboot, why?

Hi - I have Installshield InstallScript MSI aka "Full" setup and Installshield Basic MSI aka "Patch" setup. Full setup copies some files to GAC, some to folder, etc. Patch setup replaces some files in GAC and some in installation folder. How ingenious, isn't it? :) Also, patch setup is designed that none of its actions are visible af...

How to retain service settings through InstallShield upgrade install

I have an InstallScript project in IS2010. It has a handful of services that get installed. Some are C++ exes and use the "InstallShield Object for NT Services". Others are Java apps installed as services with Java Service Wrapper through LaunchAppAndWait command line calls. Tomcat is also being installed as a service through a call ...

InstallScript project giving Error 1706 when upgrading

I have an InstallScript project written from scratch in InstallShield 2010. It contains, amongst other things, three native InstallShield objects and four InstallShield Merge Module Holder Objects which wrap MSM files. When I originally tested the project, it installed fine on a clean environment, but when I tried upgrading to a newer v...

InstallScript MSI Project - Custom Action as dialog result

Hi, I have an InstallShield - InstallScript MSI project and a custom action defined that calls a method from a dll. I can't seem to find a way of running this custom action as a dialog result, for example when the installation is finished and the user hits Finish button. Any suggestions are more than welcomed. Thanks. Edit I was not...

Problem when uninstall my application in vista and win7, but not in XP.

I have a problem when uninstall my application in vista and win7, but not in XP. The error message is " The following error occured on the file 'C:\Windows\system32\mfc40.dll" Access is denied. (0x5) I made installer for my application using installscript project in Installshield 2010 if i choose button ignore in that error message, my...

Deselect an item from Feature View?

Hi there, If you have worked on installscript of InstallShield. You might also came across to this condition when you have a 'Feature View' and all in the list are selected by default. How can we deselect them? Thanks. ...

How to create 32bit or 64bit only installer with Installshield 2010?

I mean doing this in a InstallScript project so the installer would exit in the first place if it's not running with correct processor type. I found it'll be easy if it's a InstallScript MSI project, just modify the "Template summary" field, while this options is not there in InstallScript project. I have some requirements which could ...