
Including .NET Framework 2.0 with InstallShield in my Application Setup

I have application develop in .net 2.0. I have downloaded InstallShield 2010 I want that Installshield make setup for my application which detect dotnet framework if not available then install this framework from my setup file instead of going to internet and install it. How can i achieve this task using InstallShield? ...

Installshield 2010, Selecting to NOT install a feature, and it still attempts to install it.

Hello, While using installshield 2010, I give the user the ability to install or not install two of three features during the installation process. If the user chooses the "complete" install, everything installs fine. If the user chooses to NOT install a feature, the installer still thinks that they are trying to install it, and does n...

Installshield, uninstalling program not removing all folders

Hello, I am using Installshield 2010. I made a basic MSI setup, and I am having a problem with uninstalling. Uninstalling does not remove all folders. After a complete install, I then uninstall only to find that there is still a path leftover. for example, C:\ProgramFiles\CompanyName\Account\User_1234.xml still remains, while everyth...