
SQLBrowser will not start

SQL Server 2005 x64 on Windows Server 2003 x64, with multiple instances (default + 2 named). Engineers moved server to a different domain. Since then, cannot get SQLBrowser to start. Still able to query the default instance, and can access named instances by port (TCP:hostname,port#). When on server, can use SSMS to connect to the instan...

Local Declaration "x" hides instance variable xcode warning

I've been have trouble understand this problem. If I change the variable name fifthViewController the error goes away but the view controller doesn't load. Lost. Once again it's probably something simple. Thanks in advance. Here is the code: { FifthViewController *fifthViewController = [[FifthViewController alloc] initWithNibNam...

Spring: How to assure that a class is only instantiated by spring and not by keyword new.

Hi, Is it possible to assure that only spring can instantiate a class, and not by the keyword new at compile time? (To avoid instantiating by accident) Thank you! ...

Groovy Mixin on Instance (Dynamic Mixin)

I'm trying to achieve following: class A { def foo() { "foo" } } class B { def bar() { "bar" } } A.mixin B def a = new A() + with one significant difference - I would like to do the mixin on the instance: a.mixin B but this results in groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: A.mixin() is ...

How do I "Fire and forget" a WinForms Form?

What's a good technique to create a WinForms Form instance, display it (non-modally) but not have to keep a reference around to it? Normally, as soon as the variable goes out of scope, the form is closed: var form = new SuperDuperForm(); form.Show(); // Form has probably been closed instantly I don't want to have to keep track of ins...

how can I get instance from the property.

In my application I have a class which has properties of user-defined types like this: class MyType { public A MyProperty { get; set; } } class A { .....some methods and proeprties } for some operations that I need to perform from my main program, I have created a List of A and add in to it MyProperty w...

TextField instance inside a button created in a separate layer in Flash is null in Flex

I've created an button object in flash. The button contains 2 layers. One is the background image and on top of it is a textField. The textfield is dynamic. I use the button inside a movieclip and I export it in a SWC. The I'm trying to use it in flex. I'm trying to do this: var myComponent:MyComponent = new MyComponent(); myComponent....

IOC - Should util classes with static helper methods be wired up with IOC?

Hi, Just trying to still get my head around IOC principles. Q1: Static Methods - Should util classes with static helper methods be wired up with IOC? For example if I have a HttpUtils class with a number of static methods, should I be trying to pass it to other business logic classes via IOC? Follow on questions for this might be: ...

What's the difference between OracleServiceORAL service(on Window XP) and Oracle instance?

Hi guys, I want to know what's the difference between OracleServiceORAL service(on Window XP) and Oracle instance. Great thanks. ...

Making Class methods instead of Instance Methods in VB.NET

I am not sure how clear my question is by the title, but I am trying to make Class methods instead of Instance methods in Visual Basic that way I don't have to waste memory and code creating temporary objects to execute methods that don't need instance variables. I am not sure if you can do that in VB but I know you can in Objective-C b...

c# update instance property from variable parameter

Hello, Say I have this class: class block999 { string parm1; string parm2; string parm3; string parm4; string parm5; block999(){} setValue(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { } } And a form with this code: block999 B999 = new block999(); TextBox parm1 = new TextBox(); TextBox parm2 = new TextBox(); TextBox parm3 = ne...

Accessing the Private Constructor

I am java developer, went for an interview. I have been asked a question about the Private constructor 1) Can I access a Private Constructor of a Class and Instantiate the class. I was thinking and gave the answer directly--- "NO" But its wrong, can any one help Why NO? and How we can achieve this ...

Flash AS3: automate property assignment to new instance from arguments in constructor

I like finding out about tricky new ways to do things. Let's say you've got a class with a property that gets set to the value of an argument in the constructor, like so: package{ public class SomeClass{ private var someProperty:*; public function SomeClass(_someProperty:*):void{ someProperty = _someProperty; } } } That's n...

What is an ideal instance size on ec2 servers for a busy site, as in a portal

I want to know the ideal instance site for a portal, may it be a news portal or sports portal and is there a better hosting solution than ec2 for such a site ? ...

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'classname *' to 'classname'

I have a class defined called extBlock. I then make an instance of that class with this extBlock mainBlock = new extBlock(1, 1024); I get this error: error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'extBlock *' to 'extBlock' Can anyone help me with why I am getting this error. I have seen examples online of declaring it like th...

Activity stack behaves incorrectly during the first run started from Eclipse or on OTA upgrade

There are known bugs - and that are exactly my case (tested both on 2.0.1 and 2.1). The heart of the problem is instead of keeping my current Activities stack the OS creates new Activities on top of my old Task. Need to note I ...

printing the instance in Python

Hello! With this code: class Complex: def __init__(self, realpart, imagpart): self.real = realpart self.imag = imagpart print self.real, self.imag I get this output: >>> Complex(3,2) 3 2 <__main__.Complex instance at 0x01412210> But why does he print the last line? ...

Creating Haskell instance declarations

Hello, complete noob to Haskell here with probably an even noobier question. I'm trying to get ghci output working and am stuck on instance declarations. How could I declare an instance for "(Show (Stack -> Stack))" given: data Cmd = LD Int | ADD | MULT | DUP deriving Show type Prog = [Cmd] type Sta...

Unity: How to remove(unregister) registered instance from Unity mapping.

Hello, I meet one problem that i can't solve now. I have the following: UnityHelper.DefaultContainer.RegisterInstance(typeof(IMyInterface), "test", instance); where UnityHelper.DefaultContainer is my helper for getting unity container with loaded configuration. here I registered instance as an instance of IMyInterface. So anywhere(so...

Problem with multiple application instances

I have an application that uses the file (something like hand-made DB). It opens the file in non-shared mode. That's why only a single instance of application can use it. But the problems begin when I'm updating the application on server (via app_offline.htm trick) Sometimes the updated instance of application started before th...