
VS 2010 Profiling Problem with Signed Assemblies

I have a website that uses AjaxControlToolkit.dll and Log4Net.dll; When I try to run the performance profiling tool in VS 2010 on it it gives me the following warnings "AjaxControlToolkit.dll is signed and instrumenting it will invalidate its signature. If you proceed without a post-instrument event to re-sign the binary it may not load ...

How mature is java.lang.instrument?

Hi Everyone, I'll be working on a project for instrumenting a relatively complex java application, and I'm planning to use java.lang.instrument to hook into the JVM and redefine classes before they're loaded. What is your take on this package? Is it well supported across JVMs? Does it work well with Hotspot? Thanks! ...

Bytecode and Objects

Hey everyone, I am working on a bytecode instrumentation project. Currently when handling objects, the verifier throws an error most of the time. So I would like to get things clear concerning rules with objects (I read the JVMS but couldn't find the answer I was looking for): I am instrumenting the NEW instruction: original bytecode ...

Instrumenting a string

Somewhere in C++ era i have crafted a library, which enabled string representation of the computation history. Having a math expression like: TScalar Compute(TScalar a, TScalar b, TScalar c) { return ( a + b ) * c; } I could render it's string representation: r = Compute(VerbalScalar("a", 1), VerbalScalar("b", 2), VerbalScalar("c", ...

Visual Studio 2010 Professional - Problem Unit-Testing Web Services

Have created a very simple Web Service (asmx) in Visual Studio 2010 Professional, and am trying to use the auto-generated unit test cases. I get something that seems quite familiar on this site: The web site could not be configured correctly; getting ASP.NET process information failed. Requesting http://localhost:81/zfp/VSEnterpriseHe...

Agilent E4426B signal generator locks up during multiple GPIB *SAV operations

I have a test fixture with an Agilent E4426B RF signal generator connected to a PC via a National Instrument Ethernet-to-GPIB bridge. My software is attempting to sanitize the instrument by presetting it and then saving the current state to all of the memory locations writable via the standard SCPI command "*SAV x,y". The loop works to...

convert char[] to String in btrace

Hi folks! I'm profiling application with btrace ( and faced with limitation. I try to get a name of current java.lang.Thread. Normaly you can call getName() but it's forbidden in btrace-scripts (any calls exception BTraceUtils). Is there any idea how to get String from char[]. The original task is check if na...

Instrumentation for numerical linear algebra in Python

I use numpy for numerical linear algebra. I suspect that I can get much better performance if I make small modifications in how I carry out certain computations so that they are more memory efficient, for example. I was wondering if there is any form of instrumentation available in python to detect cache and TLB misses. There is a very ...

Best Practice Instrumenting a Webpage when having parallel tasks

I try to get an understanding of the performance of a web page and use Trace.Write Problem is that I use Parallel.Invoke and starts more threads where I would like to report back using Trace.Write Parallel.Invoke(() => Chart1AndLegend(param), () => Chart2(param), () => Chart3(param), ...

Ant build - Emma code instrumentation - JUnit tests need interfaces, Emma doesn't instrument them

I have an Ant build file where I compile the Java source code of the application and of the tests, instrument the application classes, run JUnit tests and generate JUnit and Emma code coverage reports. The JUnit task is given the path to the instrumented classes. The problem is that the interfaces are not instrumented (Emma FAQ) but I u...

how to send key events to a headless emulator in an instrumentation test?

We are currently working on an instrumentation test suite which runs on our build server, but while the tests pass on a dev machine using a normal Android emulator, the builds fail on the build server since there we only run a headless emulator with the -no-window flag. The failure occurs when trying to invoke the InstrumentationTestCas...

disassemble managed binary to get .cs code

Is this possible? I have a binary that throws an access violation exception when instrumented. I want to step through instrumented code, so I need to generate source code of the instrumented code. Is there a way? Thanks ...

How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command

Hi All I am developing in Android, I am using instrumentation to test Phone application. Instrumentation is Android env to test applications. For that I use am command with name of test case. I run adb, then I enter adb shell, then write in shell the am command. I wish to deliver a parameter together with this am command. I mean...

.Net Binary Deserialization Failure detection/forensics for runtime platform

I'm looking for insight on how to instrument a runtime platform to expose the source type of a Microsoft .Net binary deserialization failure. When using BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(StreamingContextStates.CrossMachine) and one of the types does not exist in the current binaries; instead of throwing an error, .Net inserts the object [Type...

NHibernate, Oracle and sql instrumentation

Hopefully I can express this in a coherent and meaningful way: Two of our DBA's came up to me today after an email I sent explaining why we were using NHibernate and the benefits of an ORM framework. They have been pushing hard for refactoring our stored procs to include instrumentation like this: BEGIN DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_module...

VSInstr inject own code

Hello, I'm looking for a way of instrumenting a binary with my own functions. Basically, insert a call to a function before each method in the binary file. Is it possible to do this with VSInstr.exe or another instrumentation tool for .NET? If 1 is not possible: how can I implement my instrumentation tool? Are there any open source to...

How make Eclipse instrument classes at build time?

Sometimes I have to perform some custom bytecode transformation. I have used mainly asm and javaassit. Inside eclipse usually I run my code with the -javaagent jvm parameter. Outside eclipse I use maven, ant, or the command prompt to invoke the weavers before running the application code. But the point is that: I would like to perform...

Is it possible to use java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation in JUnit tests?

Is it possible to use java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation in JUnit tests? I am using mockrunner to simulate a Servlet and want to measure the size of objects stored in a session ...

How can I measure the number of times and response time of a method called in a Spring Bean

I would like to measure the number of times a method is called on a service provisioned by Spring. In EJB land this information is usually provided by the container. Now since spring is conceived when "Anything you can do, I can do better" was playing on the radio, I expect there to be a nice and elegant component hidden somewhere whi...

How do you force an orientation change in an Android Instrumentation test?

I'm writing some acceptance tests for an application using the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class. I want to cause an orientation change from within the test to ensure that a number of things happen. Among these things are ensuring that Activity state is preserved, but also I'd like to ensure that the appropriate layout for the orien...