
Create Intellisense inside a Word Add-in

I have an add-in in MSWord. One of the ways in which users interact with it requires a user to type into a Word document "commands" and also their own user-defined "data elements". I would like to provide the user with some Intellisense to help them type these commands and data elements. Has anyone done anything like that (I guess it ...

IntelliSense rules for "get best match" during member selection

First of all, I finally made this a wiki, but I believe a "simple," straightforward answer is highly desirable, especially since the result would define a unified IDE behavior for everyone. More on the simple later. In the past, I've blogged about what it means to have a well-behaved member selection drop down. If you haven't read it, d...

Default textbox border-style and width.

IE7 and FFox seem to render textboxes very slightly differently by default. This seems to be fixed by setting their border-style and border-width css properties. The odd thing is, it seems that out of all the options vstudios intellisense gives me, none of them match? The closest I've found is border-width:1px; border-style:inset; ...

Is it possible to adjust the opacity of the Visual Studio 2008 intellisense popups?

In VS2008, you can hit CTRL to make an intellisense popup partially transparent so you can read the code under it. Is it possible to adjust the degree of transparency somewhere? Like a registry key, for instance? I find the default translucency a bit too opaque and still struggle to read the code underneath. ...

Is this the "correct" solution for getting ASP.NET MVC and javascript intellisense to play nice?

Due to how paths relate to VS resolving the path to a JS file and then how the actual path at runtime is resolved via the browser, I've currently got the following placed at the top of my Master Page within my application so that all my views have the appropriate JS intellisense and resolve correctly for execution: <% if (false) { %> ...

Add ASP.NET server script to mostly-static .JS / .CSS files without losing IntelliSense?

Using VS2008 and ASP.NET 3.5 (or VS 2010 / .NET 4.0?), how can I include a bit of dynamic ASP.NET server-side code in mostly-static JavaScript and CSS files? I want to do this to avoid cloning entire JS or CSS files to vary just a small part of them multi-tenant sites. Later, I want to extend the solution to handle localization inside...

Visual Web Developer - jQuery Intellisense not showing

Hi, I'm trying to follow this tutorial -;AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 I have both the vsdoc file and the main jQuery script files in the same folder, and when I include the jquery file, I get no intellisense when I start typing $(, but I do get intellisense when I include the jque...

How do i implement intellisense for my language in visual studio?

I mention that i am designing a language. The plan was always to not implement it but to design it but i am considering implementing it if i think i could do it in a reasonable amount of time. How would i have my language use intellisense in visual studios? BooLangStudio has it

Visual Studio ASP .Net MVC Intellisense

the vs 2008 intellisense doesn't work if i use it inside html attribute. example <form method="post" action="<%= Url.Action %>" while i'm typing Url.Action the code hint doesn't work, instead it gave me options of files that can be used for the "action" value. Is it normal that the intellisense doesn't work inside html attribute? or...

Is possible to use jQuery intellisense with classic asp?

I read about jQuery intellisense and couldnt get it working in my classic asps pages.. Is it possible? If it yes what should i do? I am using VS2008 SP1... Thanks ...

How to get VS10 Intellisense to complete suggested member on enter?

I have been trying out the CTP Beta 1 of Visual Studio 2010 and I hate that VS10 doesn't autocomplete the best match when i press 'enter', or '.'. Visual Studio 2008 did this, and I haven't been able to find any options for this under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor. It kinda breaks my flow each time when I press enter (and get a new lin...

Is it possible to search intellisense in vstudio?

Is it possible to search or filter intellisense in visual studio? Basically i know there is an enum in the project that contains 'column', but the enum doesnt begin with 'c'. There has been lots of times where id rather not scroll through the hundreds (if not thousands) of valid objects it gives me. ...

losing mvc intellisense

Hi My intellisense doesn't work in aspx or ascx pages running mvc 1.0 When I save or build it does not show the intellisense, but if I do a clean then it works it this a bug or am I missing something ? thanks ...

Does intellisense work in XCode?

I am a noob to XCode, so forgive what could be a dumb question. It seems like XCode kind of does intellisense (or code completion). When I type in: [self setT it suggests the setTitle because its the first matching one. Is there a way to make it work a bit more like Visual Studio where you get a dropdown of available methods/proper...

How to get AJAX intellisense on a control after OnInit

So basically if the page structure looks like the following below var someControlInstance; function onInit() { someControlInstance = new ControlLibrary.SampleControl(targetElement); } function someOtherFunctionInvokedAfterInit() { someControlInstance.Property? //<-- No intellisense<br> } in the onInit() function, i can see the...

Add intellisense documentation to StructureMap

By default all I get in intellisense are the functions and its signature. I would prefer if I could also get documentation with the intellisense. I realise that I am supposed to place an xml file that contains this documentation along with my dll. From where can I get this is file? Or is there some other way for me to achieve this? ...

What are some good, reasonably-priced SQL Server client tools offering Intellisense for SQL?

SSMS 2008 doesn't have SQL Intellisense when connected to SQL Server 2005! I know of 3 products which enable writing SQL with Intellisense. ApexSQL Edit, Red Gate's SQL Prompt Pro & SQL Assistant. However I am looking for a less expensive solution. Any ideas? ...

Any .NET IDE running on Windows Mobile?

Is there any .NET IDE running on windows Mobile 6.x? The IDE does not have to support mobile development, nor debugging or something else. What I'm looking for is kind of an "IntelliSense-capable editor running on Windows Mobile" that lets me write code on my mobile phone wihtout having to power up my laptop. ...

Intellisense <%= intended <%@ Assembly= returned.

When I am editing my aspnetmvc views, I begin my code brackets: <% and intellisense pops up items like <%@ Assembly... <%@ Control... <%@ etc... which is fine, but when I continue my line and press the [=] key, it automatically selects <%@ Assembly=%> and completes my tag. It's not a huge deal, but does slow me down a bit, especia...

XML Comments <list> not displaying in IntelliSense

I am trying to get VB.NET XML Comments to work with IntelliSense, and maybe it doesn't work the way I think it does. ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Patient Code. ''' <list type="bullet"> ''' <listheader><description>Validation:</description></listheader> ''' <item><description>Field Required</description></item> ...