
intellisense for eclipse

Does anyone know how to get an intellisense like functionality (better than default) in eclipse for python development? I am using Eclipse 3.5 with aptana and pydev and the interpreter is python 2.5.2 ...

How can I reset the intellisense settings in VS 2008?

I've got a fresh install of VS 2008 Standard and I've installed DevExpress DXPerience 2008 with CodeRush! and for some reason, my intellisense decided to half-work. I have: class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } } I can type: Person p = new Person(); p. ... and intellisense will show none of the members for Perso...

Exposing properties to Intellisense in Silverlight

Hey SO, so I've got a custom control in Silverlight. Doesn't really matter what it is but its a big composite thing with a treeview, a slider, and some other junk. Now in the control we have an instance variable which is called defaultTemplate. It is of type DataTemplate. Basically its the template that the TreeViewItem's use as their h...

Can intellisense match words from the middle?

I'm learning a new API which has a LOT of properties. I'd rather not scroll through a giant list if I have a general idea of what I'm looking for. As an example, let's say I am putting in a telerik:GridBoundColumn tag, and I want that one property that lets me define a css class. I've forgotten that it's called ItemStyle-CssClass so I...

Why is Intellisense not working for one unit test project?

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution which builds a C# class library (Project X) and C# Windows Application (Project Y). In the unit test project for the C# class library (XTEST) , Intellisense works as expected and auto-completes the names of classes etc. In the unit test project for the windows application (YTEST), Intellisense has ...

Updating JScript intellisense hangs VS 2010

I have a web application and whenever I load it in VS 2010 RTM, the left hand corner of VS says "updating JScript intellisense" which never completes. When I click anywhere in the editor (becuase the solution has finished loading), I see a balloon on the right hand corner saying Visual studio is performing an internal operation...) and ...

How to remove intellisense suggestions in Visual Studio?

I recently had a bug in Firefox due to me choosing the wrong script type with intellisense. <script type="text/jscript"> vs <script type="text/javascript"> Is it possible to remove options from intellisense? EDIT: I still want statement completion, just not all the options. ...

Why is VS2010 in ASP.NET MVC2 giving me the wrong JQuery intellisense?

In ASP.NET MVC'S JQuery intelligence I am getting methods such as "constructor", "toString", etc. What do I have to do so that I get JQuery methods such as "css" and "click"? If I just rightclick on a plain .htm file and open up Visual Studio, it works out-of-the-box: ...

Why has my solution stopped recognising Using Directives?

I have a solution, which I was working on yesterday without issue. Today I have opened the same solution and VS 2008 has underlined certain using directives in red. Mousing over the underlined directives brings up the tooltip: "Am I missing an assembly reference?" I am not, as I tried to add the references in and it does nothing to solve...

Latex editor with good intellisense?

I have tried texmaker, and it has built-in "intellisense" autocompletion, but it fails to find most of the packages because it seems it only recognizes the most basic latex commands. Do you know any intellisense editor with a good base of commands, or better yet an editor that dynamically extracts syntax from yourinstalled packages? th...

visual studio 2010 intellisense won't auto-pop after period

I can't get VS2010 to auto-pop after i type a period. I'm programming in C#, and i've tried playing with the settings under Tools > TextEditor > C# > Intellisense, with no luck. I've also tried 100 different ways to google it with no luck. ...

How to add Intellisense support to visual studio for new language.

I want to add Intellisense for .xyz file types which is my own language. How should i proceed? ...

Is there any Intellisense support availabel for SparkView Engine for VB.Net

Is there any Intellisense support available for SparkView Engine for VB.Net . The Intellisense is currently available with SparkView Engine. But it is for C#. ...

Repeatedly losing XAML intellisense in Visual Studio 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 to edit XAML for Silverlight (4). On a daily, or even hourly basis I lose my XAML intellisense randomnly. Often I'll get a whole page of valid XAML smothered in blue underlines from Visual Studio 2010's parser getting confused: Here is one of the errors: Error 6 The type initializer for 'Microsoft...

Best Practices on using C# Intellisense Comments

We have a Visual Studio 2010 solution that contains several C# projects in accordance with Jeffery Palermo's Onion Architecture pattern ( We want to add the Visual Studio Intellisense Comments using the triple slashes, but we want to see if anyone knows of best practices on ...

XML intellisense in C# as in VB.Net?

Is it possible to enable XML intellisense in a C# class as it is in the VB editor? Similar to this article's prescriptions: Would like to not have to use xsd.exe to generate a class from the XML. ...

Can I use intellisense for CSS in 2010?

I've just installed Visual Studio 2010, but I cant seem to manage to get intellisense working to suggest classes. ...

Can intellisense be enabled in VS2008 within preprocessor directive blocks like #ifndef ... #endif

While working within C++ libraries, I've noticed that I am not granted any intellisense while inside directive blocks like "#ifndef CLIENT_DLL ... #endif". This is obviously due to the fact that "CLIENT_DLL" has been defined. I realize that I can work around this by simply commenting out the directives. Are there any intellisense opti...

Visual Studio: Sorting and Filtering Intellisense List

Hello, Is it possible to set option that for example: I have object Object1 After typeing a dot after it there are displayed all properties methods, event and so on Object1. These are in alphabetical order. Is it possible to order it by tyoe for example only events or only Properties ? I also have resharper Thanks for help ...

How to generate external intellisense documentation

What tool do I need to generate XML intellisense help file as shown below? ...