
How to keep controllers out of xib

As a newbie, IB and all the possible connections is bewildering to me. Most tutorials I've found are what I'd call the reincarnation of spaghetti code, in which the entanglement is all the connections created by dragging. Of course, I want to use IB for layout of views (sizing & placing visual elements), that's what IB is great for. B...

how to calculate immediately as soon as typing in uitextfield in iphone?

i have a view and i want functionality something like this.. first UITextfield is price for ex- 10000 second UItextField precentage for ex-70 third UIlabel which will show the result for ex- $ 7,000.00 i want this and also as soon as i type 7 the result label should show $ 700.00 ...

Adjusting interface when keyboard appears for UITextField in a simple UIVIew without scroll view?

is there any way to move some textfield in a simple UIView up so that they could not be hide behind the keyboard.? is it possible without using UIScrollView ...

How can I hook up an IBAction method to a plain view for a touch up event?

I have created a blank new view-based application project in Xcode. It generated a myProjectViewController and an nib for it. In that nib for that view controller, there is just one view. I wanted to test some event handling stuff and created an -(IBAction) method that will just log a "hello world" when I touch the view. But for some rea...

What's the difference between frame and layout in Interface builder's size inspector?

In IB, there is a dropdown in Size Inspector showing "Layout" and "Frame". I know what a frame is, but I don't know what the layout is in this case. What is the difference? ...

UITableView+UINavigationBar+UITabbar in windows based application template using interface Builder?

i want a view with UITabBAr at The bottom with some buttons+Navigation controller on each view and a tableview inside the view using interface builder and windows basaed application template. i want a step by step guide to do this ...

How do you add items to the "User Media" category in Interface Builder's "Library" window?

The "Library" window in Interface Builder provides a "Media" tab that lists various images and sound resources that you can refer to from your nib file. There is a "System Media" item that lists default images provided by OS X, and if your nib is part of an Xcode project, you can also browse through images/sounds included in your Xcode ...

UINavigationController NIB requires File's Owner to have a view?

I'm having a problem setting a View Controller nib's default View Outlet in Interface Builder. Here's my setup: I have a TabBar based application where I load a Navigation Controller as a modal view... MyNavCtrlrSubClass *menu = [[MyNavCtrlrSubClass alloc]initWithNibName:@"MenuController" bundle:nil]; [tabBarController presentModalView...

Book recomendations for learning Cocoa programming?

Hopefully this is not considered "Not programming related"... I'm an experienced C/C++/Java programmer (Also many others, but not relevant) and I'm trying to program for a mac. I've tried learning things piecemeal by looking things up as I need them online. However, I've been finding that frustrating lately. So, I decided that I want a ...

How to instantiate an NSObject in the Interface builder .xib file

Greetings, I have a view based application project where I have created an NSObject class called "SquareClass". Now, from the Xcode's interface builder, I want to be able to instantiate that "SquareClass" into a square object with global scope, in such a way that, when I create actions from any UI controls(i.e textboxes, buttons etc...)...

iPhone - How can I add the NSStepper control to Interface Builder?

I have searched for over 4 hours on the net, but every answer I view seems to assume that the user knows how to add controls to Interface Builder. How does one add extra controls to IB? (Please assume that I know nothing - which is not too far from the mark!) From my research to date, it seems that extra controls have to be programmed,...

iPhone GUI like the build-in iPod application

Need a GUI with many tabs (TabBarController and UITabBar) and one fullscreen view, e.g. a view with player in the native iPod app. It's possible to show last from any tab. Currently use last iPhone SDK 3.0. I tried many approaches, e.g. create Utility and put TabBarController on the flipside, but it throw an exception, because of there ...

How do I put the 'M' in MVC using Interface Builder

I agree with the answers given at but what if I'm using the Interface Builder to design my application Views? Without using the Application Delegate, how can I reference Model objects from within Controller objects? As far as I can tel...

Adding UIScrollView using interface builder

Hi , I am adding a UIScrollView as a subview to the controllers view. After that i am adding 2 views to the scroll view as the content view. When I am printing the subviews of the scroll views using NSLog(@"Scroll View Subviews : %@", [scrollViewObj subviews]); then it is displaying 4 subviews , 2 for the views added to the scroll vie...

buttons in interface buider

has anyone an idea if it is possible to create ellipse or polygon buttons in IB? ...

Removing image background in UIImageView at runtime

I have a ball assigned to a UIImageView in Interface Builder. An IBOutlet from the UIImageView is wired to a corresponding UIViewController. The image has a white background. When I assign it to the UIImageView in IB, the background is transparent. In IB, I have the UIImageView set to a transparent background and aspect fill. When ...

'Illegal Geometry' warnings in Interface Builder... significant?

The 'info' button in Interface Builder shows me that there are dozens of 'Illegal Geometry' warnings, each one with the issue 'This view overlaps one of it's siblings.' Is this anything to be worried about? Will it stop the app being accepted by Apple? The errors are happening because I'm layering PNGs over each other when I make the int...

Creating iPhone UI elements

I've found a bunch of iPhone objects inside interface builder, but I assumed there would be a standard pack of icons, gradients etc to make things more applelike. How should I create these graphics, simply using pngs or are there special drawing tools shapes I can use inside interface builder? ...

How can I set the default state of a UISegmentedControl?

Is there a way to set the starting selected segment in a UISegmentedControl in Interface Builder, or do I have to do it in the code? If it's in the code, is viewDidLoad the best place to set it? ...

Getting a view to respond to a sibling's touch event / message

I'm sure there is a correct way to do this, I'm new to objective-c and cocoa touch so I don't know what it is. I have an application that has a (simplified) view hierarchy of Window --Button --Button --Subview --Sub-Subview What I'm trying to do is get the subview to do something in response to a touch event on one of the b...