
Why does the dialog I created in Leopard look terrible in Tiger?

I have created a simple NSWindow with an NSTextField and an NSButton in Interface Builder on Leopard. I set the window background color in my program. Everything looks fine when I run the program in Leopard. But when I run it in Tiger, the background color of the window is not set. It has a default Tiger look with horizontal stripes. ...

Interface Builder's "Simulate Interface" and "Build and Go in Xcode" menu commands

How does one turn the "Simulate Interface" and the "Build and Go in Xcode" menu items into something usable for iPhone development? Right now the Simulate command brings up the Simulator with a black screen and the Build & Go gives a "No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=i386, VALID_ARCHS=armv6)." error. T...

How to do a bottom border like in finder?

Hi, I am trying to add a border att tha bottom of my textrured window with a sidebar. I would like to look exactly like in finder: for now it looks like that: And I can't find anything in Interface Builder how I can add this border. ...

How do I use an NSFormatter subclass with an NSPopUpButton

I want to use an NSFormatter subclass to format the contents of an NSPopUpButton I'm using to display a list of choices. Basically I have an NSArray of MyObjects which is bound to the NSPopUpButton via the Content Values binding and I want to display something in the pop up menu other than what is returned by -description. I don't reall...

Iphone Development: How bad is

Dear All, being a relative freshman in Cocoa development (I'm currently working on an iPhone app), I was wondering if an "Illegal Geometry" as reported by Interface Builder is actually harmful, or in any way hampering the functionality or performance of my application. I really try to avoid overlapping siblings as much as possible, but s...

How can I make my Nib load correctly my customized UIScrollView subclass?

I had an nice UIScrollView inside my nib, which worked nicely. Then I had some very special needs and subclassed UIScrollView. In my Nib, I changed the class in the identity inspector to my subclass. But for some reason, my -initWithFrame: method gets never called when the nib loader builds up all those objects from the nib. Actually I ...

IBOutlet not getting set in Cocoa MVC project

I might not be using IBOutlet correctly, or some other subtlety with how NIB files work is causing me trouble - any help would be much appreciated (feel free to propose an alternate way to accomplish what I want). I have a View object and a Controller object. Both are in the NIB. The Controller's init is also called when the NIB is load...

Loading NIB file using NSWindowController doesn't set window or top level objects

I have a NIB file that I load using NSWindowController initWindowNibName. The NIB file contains one NSWindow. It's File's Owner is of class NSWindowController. I've connected the window outlet from File's Owner to the Window. When I load the NIB, [windowController window] is nil and so is the top level objects array. However, I can stil...

How to get UITextView to respect newlines in Interface Builder?

I have a simple app with a UITextView embedded into a UIScrollView. Interface Builder won't let me add multiple newlines for spacing; when I hit return it sees that as "end of input" rather than appending the newline to the UITextView. How can I get it to accept newlines for spacing? ...

iPhone: How to load a View using a nib file created with Interface Builder

Hi I'm trying to do something a bit elaborate but that should be possible, so here is a challenge for all you experts out there (this forum is pack of the lot of you :) ). Im creating a Questionnaire "component" I want to load on a NavigationContoller my QuestionManagerViewController. This is an "empty" view controller that can load di...

Best way to make a UITextField "appear"

I'd like a UITextField to appear when a button is pressed. Unfortunately, I can't hide it in Interface Builder and then set the hidden property to NO later because "ibtool fails with exit code 5" if you try to hide a UITextField. I'll try to do this in code but wondering if I may be missing something or making a grave UI error by attem...

My plugin crashes Interface Builder

I built a custom control and an IB plugin for it. If I run the plugin using IB as a custom executable from the plugin project everything works like a champ. But if I copy the framework and plugin to the "normal places", create a test app for it, and run the simulator - IB crashes after it returns from the simulator. I've scoured the w...

XCode won't build IB plugin into resources folder

I've created a custom control and a framework/IB plugin for it using the IB3 plugin template. According to the docs the plugin should be built right into the resources directory of the framework. When I build my project the plugin is in the configuration folder (Debug) along with the framework instead. This is the same behavior right ...

how to create more than 40-50 textfields and labels in a single view?

how do i create more than 40-50 textfields and labels in a single view nad when the textfield selected the keyboard should not hide the textfield.? ...

Get text of button from IBAction - iPhone

When an IBAction is called: -(IBAction) onClick1: (id) sender; What is passed in the sender? Since it's hooked up through the IB, I'm not really sure. My question is how to get the text of the button to be the passed object (NSString most likely) so that I could call it inside the action implementation. -(IBAction) onClick1: (id) s...

UIScrollView Disappears From Interface Builder?

i have interface builder 3.1 but i don't see any UIScrollView and UIAlertView is something missing there?how can i get them in interface builder. i want a view with 50 labels and i want to add them via Interface Builder not using the code please help... ...

Sample code for Inteface Builder to create UI like

I've seen several programs which use a UI which looks just like Preview's. I want to do the same thing, so, I figure that there is probably some sample code somewhere that shows how to do that. I don't really need the "customize toolbar" option, although that would be cool. I more just want to know how to get Interface Builder to generat...

using image or tint color on uinavigationbar in iphone?

how do i show a background image on a navigation bar or give tint color to the navigation bar in a native iphone application?? ...

When to add Model (of MVC) to Interface Builder?

In the Stanford iPhone course CS193P assignment 2 (free online course), the step through says to add the model into the NIB via Cocoa Touch Plugin -> Controllers -> Object. Is this for initialization purpose only? Why can't I just instantiate and initialize my model in the awakeFromNib method within the controller class itself? ...

How to lay out an iPhone page

I want to implement a description page in an iPhone app. It's the final page in a drill-down navigation structure and needs to include a title, description, icon, large image, date and some buttons the user can click on to activate another application. The information comes from an external source and the title, description and image all...