
Dropdown menu "blinking" in IE6

Hi, I am trying to create a dropdown menu based on Stu Nicholls' : Mine needs to go over Select dropdowns and be IE6/7 compliant, so that's why I'm using all this iFrame nonsense. Changing z-index will not fix it because IE set an infinite zindex value to select dropdowns. So my problem is...

Using the IE8 'Developer Tools' to debug earlier IE versions

Hi guys and gals I am less than satisfied in my HTML/CSS/JS debugging of pages with IE6 and 7 specific bugs. I am aware that IE8 has a Firebug clone, called 'Developer Tools' installed. Is it possible to have IE8 installed (maybe on a VM, i don't mind), set it to compatibility mode (is there one for IE6?), then perform JS debugging a...

Why does my jQuery not work in IE6?

I am designing a webpage and I am using jQuery. The webpage makes use of AJAX. IE6 and lower versions do not show the page correctly. Even the AJAX code doesn't seem to work. Code: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // hide all sub heading lists $("#content1").load("sub/image1.html"); $("li[@id^='cont']").click(function(...

IE6 Elements changing size on hover

View the following page in IE6: Hover over the rows in the table Notice how the rows change width and sometimes borders disappear I've tried putting zoom:1 on various elements and setting widths and heights but so far it hasn't been successful. Any ideas? Edit: I'm using javascript to apply a cla...

Debug JavaScript within IE6

Hi, I'm looking for a tool that will enable me to debug JavaScript within IE6. What I mean is that I would like the debugger to run within the browser, a la Firebug. So far I've tried: DebugBar Companion JS Firebug Lite However, I can't figure out how to set breakpoints, step through the code, add watches, etc. using any of them....

Images flickering in IE

Hi, I am facing an issue with IE6 : every time I mouse over an image the image will reload and flicker. This is due to the fact that IE has an option "check new version of stored pages all the time" which is basically "reload everything all the time". I found some fixes on google : Adding <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revea...

Is it good practice to "force" users to update their browser?

I helped develop a website for a local non-profit. I have asked for feedback from people who have been using the site. I have encountered a problem with IE6, fixing that problem introduces other problems in IE6 to the point of introducing another CSS file just for IE6 fixes. I stumbled across a way that would essentially "force" users...

Browser compatibility between IE6 and IE7

I'm developing a project in which I need to change the language according to the flag I click using AJAX. It's working fine in IE7 but it shows an error when I run it in IE6. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script language="javascript"> google.load("lang...

Problem with IE6 css

I have a problem with IE6 and jquery slider. Please click on the following link than click on the button "dodaj u košaricu" on the right bottom side. After that click on the "košarica" tab and try to move slider up and down. Some of the elements stay like they have position fixed. link text In IE6 all of the elements except table and t...

How to select a character range in a textarea using Javascript?

Simple question - is there any way to select a sub-set of the text displayed in a <textarea> control using Javascript? e.g. have a function like selectText(startCharNo, endCharNo, textareaName); It also needs to be IE6 compatible. ...

Link problem on IE6 and IE7

Hi, I'm having a hard time with ie6 lately on a particular problem, here's the bit of html I'm on : <a href="" style="display:block;width:200px;height:200px;"> <span style="display:block;width:100px;height:100px;"> <img src="img.jpg" alt="My image" /> </span> </a> Everything is fine with firefox etc, b...

Asp.Net website looking fine in IE6 but not in IE7/IE8

I have a small website developed using VS2005 and mySQl, it's just 2 webforms and login page. During the development and testing phase, me and my customer were using IE6, and it was looking fine, we didn't test with other browsers because it's a small application, and just a add-in for large desktop application. The customer informed m...

IE6 double margin bug

When we float a fixed width div element to the left, the margin-left's value is doubled. Is there any solution available? I'd prefer solutions not requiring JavaScript please. ...

Disable GZIP compression for IE6 clients.

We need to conditionally disable GZIP compression if user's browser is IE6 (it hangs browser for 5min) in few pages of larger site. Server is IIS7 and has compression for static content turned on - want that compression left working if user agent is not Mozilla/4.0. ASPX code sample anyone? Alternatively, code to conditionally redirect ...

Assign file names to eval code in Microsoft Script Editor or Microsoft Script Debugger

I'm debugging dojo-based javascript running in IE6 with Microsoft Script Editor. Everything works fine, but in order to find the dojo files I need, I have to open sometime 100+ 'eval code' files in Microsoft Script Editor/Debugger and manually inspect them for their 'dojo.provide' clause. Is there a way to get Microsoft Script Editor t...

IE6 forms: focus disabled on input fields? (Multiple IEs after IE8)

I recently installed IE8, and found quirks using the old copies of IE I have for testing sites with. After reinstalling the "Multiple IEs" I use, I find that now I cannot focus on input fields, either with the keyboard or mouse. I've found that other people have experienced this behavior, but not a solution for it. Has anyone here got a...

How viable is ie7-js by Dean Edwards?

I just found out about ie7-js ; IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6. It looks like it's really good, but is it really working...

height property in IE 6 acting weird

Hi,...simple problem ( I hope) I have a div: with css: .break{position:relative;height:1px;background-color:#555555;margin:5px 10px 10px 10px;} This div shows up as a line about 10-20px thick in IE 6??? fine in any other browser any tips would be appreciated,..thanks.. Andrew ...

Why is CSS height:100% not working in IE6?

I have an IE6 absolute position div that I want to be full screen (100% width and height). It's being used as a "loading, please wait" message while the data loads on the page. It appears that ie6 does not recognize the css of "height:100%". Any work arounds? ...

How to use semi-transparent png images in IE6

How can I use semi-transparent png images in IE6? ...