
IE6 and 7, weird margin 'inheritance'

I know about the double margin bug, but this is different.. the scenario is having an element with a bottom margin, then directly below it an element that contains floating elements (which are cleared at the end), the container element could have say a bottom border that should sit just under the floating elements it contains.. however i...

Form 'jumpy' in IE7

I have 3 forms on a site I am developing - They work fine on firefox et al, but they have this strange 'jumpy' effect in ie7. I'm a bit stumped. The forms are embedded Javascript Wufoo forms. Any ideas out there? ...

Should Web Developers upgrade to Internet Explorer 8?

I am a web applications developer stuck working on a Windows machine. Today I got an update notification asking me to upgrade Internet Explorer to version 8. I previously had IE 8 installed during the beta, but uninstalled it due to inconsistencies between it's 'compatibility mode' and a stand-alone version of IE 7 (very weird, albeit ...

Links sometimes don't work in IE

I have a webpage that uses sprites for its navigation link. In IE7 sometimes the links are not clickable. It works fine in IE8 and Firefox. Anyone encountered this before? Thanks. Edit To clarify, on my computer, everything works fine. (Vista, IE8, Firefox 3, Chrome, Safari). I had a complaint from some...

Use a checkbox to toggle the display of a page element (IE7 problems!)

When users check the "My shipping address and billing address are the same" checkbox, I want to hide the shipping address form. This code works well in everything except IE: $("#order_shipping_same_as_billing").change(function() { $("fieldset.shipping").toggle("blind", { 'direction' : 'vertical' }, 50); }); IE doesn't register the...

Design a login form so IE will remember login data

My company website, which I develop, requires a login using a form. Firefox correctly asks for and remembers login details, but test instances of IE6, IE7 do not remember either the username or password, and IE8 will give a dropdown of usernames previously used, but will not remember the password. What is it about the design of my pas...

IE7 input:focus

I have the following CSS which isn't working in IE7. input:focus{border-width: 2px;border-color: Blue; border-style: solid;} Basically, I just want to set the border attributes when the input is focused. Works in Firefox etc... If anyone could explain why it isn't working in IE 7 and suggest a possible workaround it would be appreci...

How to enforce internet explorer to use encoding given in meta tag?

I'm trying to prepare a demo html page with mixed english and arabic content. Basically it contains a small table with english phrases on the left, and the arabic translation on the right side. Because I don't understand arabic, I took the first three characters of the arabic alphabet from the Unicode reference. First attempt, using th...

Superfish Css/Jquery Menu goes under Flash Content in IE7 It works fine in FF3 and IE8 using SwfObject2 and wmode=transparent, but for the life of me I can not get the menu to dropdown over the flash content in IE7. Any help would be appreciated. I've tried playing around with Z-indexes, and to be honest my understanding of them is somew...

Why does my Com Ocx not catch Key Presses in IE7

We have a COM OCX that catches various keypresses to IE when it's loaded into a web page. This OCX works well in IE6, however does not catch any keypresses in IE7. It does load in IE7, generate other events (which are caught by Javascript). It throws no errors. I've run the Microsoft Application Compatability Toolkit as it's runnin...

IE7-like Quick tab with WPF

Hello all, I'm trying to create a IE7-like Quick tab (the tab that displays a thumbnail image of all opended tab) using WPF. How can I render the content of the tab items into images? Thanks, Shahaf. ...

IE 7, tabs and HTTP sessions

In our Java web application we use HTTP sessiom for log in. Pretty standard stuff I think. Lately we got a report from a customer which says that the log in often disapears causing the user to log in againg (and sometimes looses any work). Acording to the customers this never happens when using OS X - Firefox 3 The problem occours when...

one pixel gap between p tag and input tag

Why is there a one pixel gap created between the top and the bottom of the p tag in the following code in IE6 and IE7 but not in Firefox or IE8? I have been pulling my hair trying to create the search texbox on powerset website and interesting enough they don't have the bug in IE6 or IE7. What am I doing wrong? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ...

How to force Images to be loaded all the time, ASP.NET

I am serving a .aspx that contains Images. I haven't figured out yet how to force ie7(6) to fetch the images all the time (e.g redirects). So far, I've added the following tags on my .aspx page: <META Http-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache"> <META Http-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache"> <META Http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0"> ...

Can the padding/margin on radio buttons in IE6/IE7 be reduced to 0-1px?

In Firefox and IE8 this isn't a problem, but in IE6, and IE7 I can't seem to reduce the padding/margin on radio buttons to anything reasonable (e.g. 0px or 1px). In the included images, you can see that the red background is huge on IE6/IE7 (even with CSS padding and margin both set to 0px) yet in Firefox/IE8 it is fine. The reason of ...

IE7 Handle Combination Keypress

How can I handle keypresses in Javascript in IE7 that are Key Combinations? For example, I'd like the command "Ctrl + I" to fire my notification script. How can I go about this? ...

In my ASP.NET app, registering a script from code-behind before a page has loaded throws an "operation aborted" error in IE

I understand that in IE 5.5, 6, and 7, when you modify a DOM element before it is 'closed', it throws an "operation aborted" error (this article has more information: In my ASP.Net application, I am registering a client script block on the page durin...

How to maintain PNG alpha transparency when using "-ms-filter" property

I have the following HTML: <a><img src="myfile.png" /> Some text</a> And this css: a:hover { -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75)"; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75); opacity: .75; } The problem with this occurs in both IE 8 and IE 7. When the PNG image is subject t...

'this' reference to item clicked erroring in ie

For the code below, I am having some issues in IE. The second parameter passed to the function should be a reference to the item clicked. This works fine in FF and Safari, but when I tested it in IE7 it errors. IE appears to get the element (as seen in the console) but whenever I try to do anything with it I get the error: "Object doesn...

Force IE8 Into IE7 Compatiblity Mode

Is there a way to force ie8 into ie7 compatibility mode using .net or javascript? ...