
Force ie7 to take jquery.get response as xml despite wrong headers

I want to consume a web service using jquery's get function. There is no layer in between, since the javascript files are put on the same server as the web service is running on. My code runs nicely in firefox, but in ie7 the problem arise. I'm quite certain that i know the answer: xml header states "text/html", and IE7 belives unfortu...

JQuery "Constrain" plugin - Weird Javascript Error

Background: Our web app uses the jquery.constrain.js plugin to handle data entry in some text boxes, to only allow valid characters to be added. This plugin allows various constraints upon the data, using regular expressions, whitelist/blacklist characters, etc. Until today, we were running the 1.0 release of this plugin, unmodified. ...

Objects detected by Livequery in ie7

Hello, Can anyone figure out why this gives me blank alert boxes in ie7? $("#bottles a").livequery("click", function(event) { thetitle=$(this).attr("title"); alert(thetitle); return false; }); For each new A tag loaded, ie7 alerts a blank message (FF correctly shows the respective titles) However, when thetitle= $(this).htm...

How can I downgrade from IE8 to IE7?

How can I downgrade from IE8 to IE7 on Vista? I want to downgrade because my Flex Builder does not correctly close the browser when debugging Flex Applications. I'm sure this may be fixed in some future release of Flex Builder or IE8, but for now, I'd like to downgrade in order to debug more effeciently. ...

jQuery - Custom Gallery - Works in FF, Chrome, Safari & IE8, but not IE7 - pointers?

I'm really baffled with the following. When the gallery is created in FF/Chrome etc, clicking next moves the image on one and the hover state remains for you to click again. In IE7, the image moves on one, then the hover state fails, and doesn't reappear. Other effects I have on my page continue to function. My jQuery may not be th...

ie7 weird float right problem

hi guys here is the html code that is giving me problem in IE7 <div style="position:absolute;top:276px;left:194px;" class="drag layer_3"> <img class="deleteitem" height="12px" width="12px" title="Remove" src="/static/redclose.png" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;"> <img src="/static/18.png" > </div> this is how it is supposed to ...

If IE8 is installed, how can I test IE6 and IE7 compatibility?

if IE 8 is installed "by accident" (by the Windows Update program), now the machine has IE 8. Does that mean it is safest to run 2 Virtual PCs, one with IE 6, and one with IE 7 to test our web app? ...

jquery UI dialog open is mind-numbingly slow in IE7

Have a large amount of HTML, but where I thought the bottleneck would be is incorrect: it's when I'm opening the dialog, not when I'm building the string of HTML (~35ms), nor when I'm appending it to the dialog container div (~50ms). When calling dialog("open") below In FF, I'm consistently getting 1800+ ms, IE7 is around 17000(!) ms. ...

Weird CSS issue with absolutely positioned elements

In firefox, safari, ie8, the menu system on my site works great. However, in IE7, the link items simply disappear! I've tried many things to see where they may have escaped to, but they have seemed to simply vanish! This site seemed like it might be onto something, except there are no floats in my header section whatsoever! Now, I'm u...

How to launch an EXE from Web page (

This is an internal web application where we would like the Web pages to contain links to several utilities that are Win32 EXE. The EXEs are trusted and produced by us. (don't care if it asks if its ok to Run or Save). I tried direct link (e.g. C:\notepad.exe) which works locally only. (This will be a share on the network). Tried File://...

Other ways to disable Silverlight in IE 7?

I know I can disable the Silverlight add-on using the Manage Add-ons dialog, but what other settings would cause Silverlight to not function and display the Install link, if the correct version of Silverlight is actually installed on the computer? Silverlight applications do not display (they show the Install link) in Internet Explorer ...

Redundant I know, but sIFR in IE 6/7 issue

I promise, I've read through hundreds of Joyent posts and stackoverflow questions and I'll preface this by saying I'm certain I have no misplaced commas and have flash installed and have had others try the page in IE. The issue is that nothing renders in IE 6/7, but IE8, FF, and Safari are all fine. Here's the code: //sIFR-config.js ...

Programmatically open a new tab in ie7

I am developing web applications with c#, Aspnet 3.5, and Ajax 2.0. Question - I run Application_1 in ie7. I would like to programmatically start running Application_2 from Application_1 in a new tab, no matter what the client settings are. Until now I have been opening Application_2 in a new window from Application_1 using Scri...

Paragraph tags in Conflict with Meyer's Reset in IE7?

Working on a rather small, and simple layout, I decided to use Meyer's CSS Reset rules to clear some of the expected discrepancies between browsers. All was working fairly well until I decided to add a few paragraphs into a couple nested divs. Once I placed the paragraph-tags within the second nested div, the background images of both t...

Detecting hover on invisible divs overlaying flash in IE7

I have a page with a 100% width/height flash movie that is overlayed with HTML. Yeah, this site is a best-practice breaker. One of the HTML overlays is a invisible div I use as a "magic detector". There is an element that slides in/out on the page, I use the invisible div to create a "hot area" around this element, so that the element w...

Detecting adobe flash version on IE7 - vista

It appears I'm not able to detect the installed version of flash on Vista/IE7. The following code fails: var x = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); The error I'm getting is: automation server cannot create object Looking at the Adobe Flash Detection Kit (from adobe), it looks like that's failing as well. I only h...

IE Disappearing Bullet Bug in Floated DIV

There is a world of suggestions on forums about this but none have shown any sign of success for me yet. I have a floated div which contains ULs styled to use a bullet image. All compliant browsers show the image fine. When I refresh the page in IE 6 the bullets frequently show up but disappear again when the page is scrolled. In IE 7...

Disabling page zoom in IE7 (jQuery/JS)

I know this is not the best thing to do in view of accessibility, but I have a genuine need to disable the user from zooming onto the page using CTRL+ in IE7. I got it working for the other browsers the following way, but IE7 seems to ignore the "return false": $(window).keydown(function (e) { alert('key is down'); // this fire...

How to retrieve XML DOM in IE ?

I have an HTML form and iframe like this: <form id="frmUpload" target="ifrTarget" action='http://....asmx/SampleMethod'&gt; <input name="title" /><br /> ... <input type="submit"/> </form> <iframe id="ifrTarget" name="ifrTarget"></iframe> Action attribute points to my ASP.NET web service. When the form is submitted, the IFRAME ge...

IE7 Not Playing Nice with My Floating Sidebar

I'm trying to get a dynamically sized sidebar to float in the upper right portion of my web pages (but below the header and nav) and have the main content on the page flow around it (sort of in an "L" shape except with the bottom part of the "L" really thick). The width and height of the sidebar will vary from page to page so I can't us...