
IE7 popup disappears

I am using Java servlets and a custom framework which has options to download generated reports in various formats (CSV, PDF, XML Spreadsheet). This is done through a popup but does not seem to work when using content type of application/ in IE7. The popup appears but closes immediately. I have followed suggestions of settin...

Getting actual height of an auto-heighted element in IE

hi hi guys, I'm pretty confused! with this: ... <div id="main"> <div id="content"> <div class="col1"> ...COLUMN1 CONTENT GOES HERE... </div> <div class="col2"> ...COLUMN2 CONTENT GOES HERE... </div> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- #main --> ... there are columns as you see, an...

Multiple IE instances on one machine.

Hi, I am looking for a tool that can allow me to run IE6, IE7 (and IE8 if possible) on my machine. I found something on the net like this and some other interesting solutions but I need your opinion based on experience-which is the best choice for running multiple IE instances from the point of view of a web-developer. Edit: thank yo...

Problem displaying side tab navigation in IE7

I am attempting to build a "Tabbed" side navigation menu using html/css. I am going with the most convenient approach of using a table that has a single row and two cells (columns). The left cell is for the "tabs" and the right cell is for the content to be displayed. The left cell containing the tabs has a right border set to be the ...

Why is my text being cut off in IE7 ?

Note: I know the answer to this after a bit of searching and experimenting, so I'm posting it here for others sake. The text on my web page looks fine in Firefox & Safari, but in IE7 certain portions are cut off. It looks like it has been placed in a smaller element with overflow: hidden; Anyone know how to remedy this? ...

IE7 is indenting text when it shouldn't be

Moved the link because it no longer points to the site, and solution has been found I have some list elements that have a mysterious left padding/margin. In Firefox, it displays as expected. But in IE7, there is a text indent or something forcing the inner text in about 4 spaces. See the example link above. I have set padding to 0, ma...

Why doesn't my site work in IE6 or IE7?

For some reason my site displays a "Cannot display this message" error in those browsers while working correctly in Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE8. It looks like this: This document was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional! Found the problem: Was using the...

GridView ButtonField postback not working in IE7?

I have an ASP.Net Web Site with GridView control that in turn contains a ButtonField column. It's supposed to do a postback when this ButtonField is clicked, but that doesn't happen if I click on the button from within the Internet Explorer window that Visual Studio opens while debugging. I can get it to successfully postback when I brin...

Single XMLHTTPRequest object to make multiple requests.

Does anyone know if there is a way to use a single XMLHTTPRequest object to send multiple asynchronous requests. I can do it with a single request and get a response back from my onreadystatechange() handler. I'm wondering if there's a way to use the same object to send multiple parallel requests but I'm not seeing any way to match a ...

Why are my drop downs not working in ie7 ?

If you view this page: The drop down menus (horizontal green bar) do not drop down in ie7. They do drop down in ie6, firefox, and chrome. Also if you view the homepage the same drop downs DO work in ie7. I cannot figure out why they are not working on this page in ie7. They are pur...

Can I get away with testing sites using IE8 with IE7 compatibility on?

As a developer, can I safely upgrade to IE8 and use its IE7 compatibility mode to test how sites look in IE7? For IE6, I have a virtual machine and it is quite inconvenient. I don't want to upgrade to IE8 and then have another virtual machine now for IE7. Or is IE7 compatibility mode really different and I can't rely on that? ...

Can we make IE7 treat a FILE TYPE=INPUT element as a single control?

When it comes to navigating through an HTML form by hitting the TAB key, Internet Explorer 7 treats an INPUT element with TYPE=FILE as two controls (see MSDN for details). The first time you hit TAB it focusses on the text field, and the second time it focuesses on the Browse button. This is invisible to JavaScript. The problem is I wan...

Why does IE7 fetch every favicon at startup?

I am trying to understand what IE7 is up to and why it takes forever to start up. I've been using Fiddler 2 to monitor traffic and the content of headers. I'll start Fiddler 2, then fire up IE7. And each time i do this I see that this browser always appears to chase down a favicon for every single site in my bookmarks. Worse it tries fo...

Jquery append <select> not working in IE7, but works in firefox

I am getting data from a database through AJAX and appending tags to a select statement. The following code works in firefox, but only partially in IE. The problem in IE is that is creates the option elements in the dropdown, but the "text" attribute value is empty (the dropdown appears with 30 blank rows! However, the "value" attribute...

How to force IE7 toolbars to always show

I have the developer toolbar for IE7, which is great when I want to inspect the page layout in a fashion similar to the functionality of firebug for firefox. However I am working with a web site that opens a new window with the toolbars disabled, and I cannot access my dev toolbar button! Is there a way to force IE7 to always show the ...

Textarea CSS IE7 and "enter key" creating inline space.

Hi, Under ie7 i have a strange problem on textareas. When i type something in and push enter a space seems to be added instead if making a new line. It seems to be CSS related since when i remove Javascript the bug is still there. And when i remove CSS it works as expected. When i remove all mentions of textarea in my styling the bu...

Prototype's Ajax.Updater not actually updating on IE7.

I am trying to submit a form using Ajax.Updater and have the result of that update a div element in my page. Everything works great in IE6, FF3, Chrome and Opera. However, In IE7 it sporadically works, but more often than not, it just doesn't seem to do anything. Here's the javascript: function testcaseHistoryUpdate(testcase, form) { ...

List items rendered under other elements. IE7 CSS HTML

I have a menu bar which uses the below code, when the title list items are clicked they call the showHide function to change the class of the inside list to one with display block instead of none. On ie6 and ff it works fine, chrome opera etc etc. But on ie7 the inside list is render under the other elements in the main list. Everything...

Override (IE7) browser keyboard handling from Silverlight.

When I test my Silverlight 2 app in Firefox, when Silverlight has focus, I have no problem receiving every key press via the Page.KeyDown event. When I test it in Internet Explorer 7, I can only get keyboard events that the browser doesn't already handle. HOWEVER, I can override those same keyboard events in javascript. For instance, C...

IE7 & 8 not fireing jQuery click events for elements appended inside a table

I have an IE bug that I'm not sure how to fix. Using jQuery I'm dynamically moving a menu to appear on an element on mouseover. My code (simplified) looks something like this: $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function() { //do something on the menu clicks $j('div.ico').click(function() { alert($j(this).parent().ht...