Having this button on my page:
<input type="button" id="Button1" value="OK" class="buttonClass" width="150px"/>
and using jQuery 1.3.2, if I run this command:
I get '150px' in all browsers but in IE (any version) I get '0'.
if I add a custon attribute in the button's tag, something like this...
I am looking for options which will allow me change connection proxy information of IE thru command line.
Hello. I have this ajax_update script that updates file.php every 60 seconds.. Now file.php outputs this after updated a table:
<div id="message" style="display: none;" onclick="closeNotice()">this works
What I am trying to do is that after file.php have updated a field in the database(points), there will come up a message like...
The following code snippet works in FF but not on IE8. Prev is returning correct element but not as an object that supports val(). Hence, I can not run .val() on it.
<input type="hidden" name="data[De][1]" value="1" id="De1" />
<td class="dr_name">document1</td>
<td class="remove_dr" colspan="2" align="left">
<a href="javascri...
I'm having problem with IE 6 (what a surprise : D)
On the following site (http://balatonnet.com/cats/lstSubCat/13) in the content I cannot click on the first few links but after a few items the links are working fine.
I couldn't figure out the problem, has anybody seen something like this before?
The HTML code is:
<div id="co...
I have this for my popup message (like stackoverflow has, you know the "You have earned a badge" "You have new responses" at the top):
#message {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 105;
Is there any cross-browser way to italicize select options? With the following CSS and HTML, FireFox shows the second option in italics, but not the third. None of the options are italicized in IE 7 or Safari.
font-style: italic;
<option class="bravo">Bravo...
We've got several web-based applications that are launched from our ERP system (SAP R/3 in this case, but since we're using ShellExec, I don't consider this a SAP issue). The problem is that we can either set the IE to "open every URL passed from the ERP system in a new window" or to "reuse any one of the existing IE windows" (same probl...
My site is loading up perfectly in Firefox, Chrome and other browsers like Safari (albeit a bit slow). Link: http://www.dafactopedia.com
It was even working with IE till yesterday but after I compressed my JavaScript code with closure compiler it doesn’t seem to load fully. If I disable JavaScript in IE it opens up but not perfectly. I ...
So here's another IE cross-compatibility issue. My website, www.zerozaku.com, is compatible with Chrome and Firefox, but IE has an issue with my Mini-Chat overflowing out of the box. Could anyone help?
P.S. I've only tested it on IE8, Firefox, Chrome
I have put some xml-fragments in a div and retrieve it with getElementsByTagName. It works fine in Firefox but Internet Explorer ain't so nice... What should I do to fix this?
var thumbnails = content.getElementsByTagName("thumbnails");
for (var i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
On mouse-down (and up) I need to check which mouse button has changed its state. This is pretty easy with the W3C model and even the old netscape way (event.which) but IE gives me a headache. I know that event.button in IE is a bitmask but the problem is that I can't find out which button was pressed from this bitmask. If IE give...
I have a function that uses jQuery.load() to call in 3 snippets of forms from different pages and then on the success text status it tries to load a colour picker:
$(document).ready(function() {
function ajax_form(putloadingboxhere, putsnippethere, snippeturl) {
$(putsnippethere).load(snippeturl, function (responseTex...
I'm trying to create a layout something like this (you'll need to use your imagination):
A is a piece of text, B is a piece of text whose left edge I would like to line up evenly with itself.
To further complicate matters, B is by default hidden, and should not be taken into account in setting up the page flow, but inst...
This form works in Safari. In IE, it mostly works, but I get an error "Object doesn't support this property or method." on line 240.
In Firefox, no alert box appears, but the following error appears in the error console:
Error: myform is not defined
Line: 240 (line 240 is below, starting with the word if)
<script type="text/javascr...
I have a simple ajax call that works correctly on EVERY other platform except IE.
It work on my mac, Ubuntu, Windows Chrome, Windows Firefox, but NOT IE
var params = "action=tsll_field_request&tsll_action=login&email=foo";
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: ajaxurl,
data: params,
dataType: "json",
error:function(xhr, statu...
So basically I have the following code:
Dim myIE As InternetExplorer: Set myIE = New InternetExplorer
myIE.Visible = True
myIE.Navigate URL:="http://www.google.com"
While myIE.Busy
DoEvents 'wait until IE is done loading page.
How would I be able to get the source code of the page? And it'll be nice if someone can link me to...
How to get consistence rendering of paragraph text in all browsers?
See IE 7 rendering like this
and FF like this . which is ok to client
How to get same result in both browsers, i mean FF rendering in IE? my client needs "non-executive" in same line in all browsers, Is <br /> only solution of this.
Update : see all code for <p>...
Hi everybody.
I've stumpled upon a strange behavior in IE(6/7/8) that drives me nuts. Given the following markup:
<input type="text" value="foo" class="bar" cache="yes" send="no" />
Please note that the cache attribute is set to yes. However IE somehow manages to change the attributes value to cache="cache" when rendering the DOM.
I have a JQuery-Datepicker that (however) crashes my site when you are using IE6. So I want the site to prevent the loading of that particular javascript on IE6.
I know about this trick:
<!--[if IE 6]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="datepicker.js"></script>
But I need it the other way around: To load the Scri...