
IE/jquery compatibility, dynamically populating a select field

Hi, Not sure where to even start on this one... I have a function that takes a select input field ID and populates it with an array of options. function populateSelect(selectId, options){ options = options.split(';'); selectId.find('option').remove().end(); $.each(options, function(i, option){ option = option.split...

How do I get csv file to download on IE? Works on firefox...

I'm struggling with an odd error. I have a simple web app that grabs stuff from a DB then outputs it as a downloadable csv file. It works on firefox and chrome, but IE fails to recognize it as a csv file (thinking it is a html fle) and when I click save I get the error, "Unable to download {name of file} from {name of site}. Unable to op...

GWT MouseOver performance

I'm writing an application in GWT. It went really well, until I ran it in IE. I made an application that uses a FlexTable, and each cell of the table was to be highlighted. I wrote the MouseOver handler, but in the Internet Explorer it works incredibly slow. Is there anything I can do about it? ...

Strange scrolling behavior in IE with checkboxes in a scrollable div

I have a "multiselect" control that looks like this (sorry for the long id names, they are kinda autogenerated because this whole thing is being generated by a custom tag): <div class="default-skin-outer" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectOuterDiv"> <div class="default-control" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlDiv"> <span class="d...

mailto link in internet explorer navigates to dead end

I am using an anchor with mailto, and I am finding that the behavior is extremely unrefined. <a id="Help" href="mailto:[email protected]">Questions</a> when I do this in IE8, I find that in some locations, the windows asks if it can open outlook, you say yes, and it opens a new email message and sets the To: section. It also leaves...

Finding table data via Internet Explorer COM

I am trying to automate a download of some data from a web application via Powershell/Internet Explorer COM similar to this article. This works fine for normal elements/pull-downs, but how do navigate through tables via the COM object in case I want to click/find out the links inside a table? ...

Ajax issues in IE 6, 7, 8

I am having Ajax issues with IE (6, 7 & 8). I am using the Simple AJAX Code-Kit (SACK) v1.6.1 which works fine in FF, GC, Opera and Safiri. In IE it throws the error: System error: -1072896658. Breaking on JS error on line 157 (self.response = self.xmlhttp.responseText;). /* Simple AJAX Code-Kit (SACK) v1.6.1 */ /* 2005 Gregory Wild-...

@font-face issue in IE8 after using modal window

I am using @font-face on a site I am working on, and all is working perfectly cross-browser until I use a modal window to display an iframe. When a link is clicked within the iframe or a form is submitted, Internet Explorer 8 looses the @font-face styling and reverts to Arial. This problem also occurs if a modal window is opened with a...

FLVPLAYBACK Fullscreen problem with IE/Vista

I'm having a problem making my FlvPlayback go full screen. in FF it works great but in IE (8) it will only work once! the next time, it will flicker and return to normal state. Any ideas? ...

CSS problem: Combination of "text-align: center" and "min-width" not working in IE 7/IE 8 compat mode

Here is my html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <style type="text/css"> input.navbutton { text-align: center; min-width: 100px; } </style> </...

Wix Web Installer: Set homepage in internet explorer and firefox

hello, i created a web setup by using wix, now i want to set internet explorer homepage and want to add my webpage as favourite with my webinstaller. can any one tell me how to do this in wix (3.0-3.5), i google this but can't find any thing. ...

jquery change() on input box in IE6 - can't remove focus

Hi, I have a checkout page that unobtrusively checks to see whether a customer has ordered from us before. After they fill in their e-mail address and focus to the next box, I look up the e-mail and present a 'welcome back' type thing with option to remember their details. I'm getting a problem in IE6 - whenever the focus is lost from ...

Python win32com: Internet Explorer COM object ? (used to work?)

I have this very simple program: from win32com import client ie=client.Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application") This used to work (I think I broke something when I re-used '' to try and add in constants for IE). It still works on another machine where I haven't been so slap-dash with ''. Here's what I get in an int...

How do I get overflow:hidden to work in IE6?

I'm trying to get the contents of a table cell to clip instead of causing the cell to grow in height. IE8 works nicely, but of course IE6 doesn't behave the same way at all. Is there something else I can add to get IE6 to behave the way I want? Here is my sample page html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN...

IE - Prevent focus (click, doubleclick) on a select box if it has a specific class

I'm using javascript to simulate a disabled select element. I can't actually disable it as the .net validators fail, but that's another story. I have the following function: function preventFocus(e) { if ($(this).hasClass("disabled")) { e.preventDefault(); this.blur(); } } That is called here: $("#ProvinceID").toggleClas...

Compatibility View - Microsoft didn't get it right

Can someone comment on why Microsoft decided to have sites in IE8 Compatbility View report the user agent as IE 8 AND why they didn't allow specific urls in the compatibility view sites list? this is a REAL pain for our line of business sites, which don't have their own host. ...

Detecting whether cookies are enabled through IWebBrowser2 Interface

Is it possible to detect whether cookies are enabled in Internet Explorer through the IWebBrowser2 Interface or through some other WebBrowser Control C/C++ interface? I can't see any obvious way to do it, but was wondering whether there is a subtle way. ...

How to enable autocomplete when using Internet Explorer and SSL?

When both of the following conditions are true: 1.The page was delivered over HTTPS 2.The page was delivered with headers or a META tag that prevents caching ...the Autocomplete feature is disabled, regardless of the existence or value of the Autocomplete attribute. This remark applies to IE5, IE6, IE7, and IE8. See http://msdn.micro...

mailto fails in IE where there is a long body text. Is there any way to resolve this?

I am having a problem using Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) to open mailto links with long messages. After the user clicks on the link, IE changes to an about:blank page and never completes the call to outlook to create an email Here's an example: <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=123456789&amp;body=11111111111111111111111111111111111...

IE intermittently doesn't execute a dynamically added script file

We have some JavaScript that writes a script include to a dynamic resource in our web page in order to allow us to communicate some information between pages served from different servers that are subject to cross site scripting restrictions. The idea is that the browser requests the JavaScript file which is served by a dynamic resource...